tinned plate

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  • Before cold-rolled sheet entering tinned unit forward sheet and subsequent plate are needed to connect in order to ensure the continuity of tin production process . It is welded by narrow gap resistance welding . The welds often break in the unit causing the accident .

    为保证镀锡工艺生产的连续性,冷轧薄板进入 镀锡机组前,需要进行前行薄板与后续 薄板的连接,通常采用窄间隙电阻焊进行焊接,该焊缝时常会在机组中发生断裂,造成事故。

  • Musty biscuits tinned stew and cheese that was just about running off the plate were never forgotten . the food wasn 't too good at all he smiled .

    带霉味的饼干、 罐装的炖肉和那“几乎在 盘子里流汤”的变质干酷令人永生难忘。“吃得实在不怎么样,”他笑着表示。