time of performance

[taɪm ʌv pɚˈfɔrməns][taim ɔv pəˈfɔ:məns]

[法] 履行期限

  • It solves the problem between the guarantee of real time and improvement of display performance under large capacity data in the real time test software .

    这种方法解决了大容量数据下实时测试软件 实时性与提高显示 性能的矛盾。

  • The average unaligned time was divided by the average aligned time to determine how much of a performance hit improper alignment imposed .

    用平均未对齐时间除以平均对齐 时间所得的值来确定所应用的不合理对齐对 性能的影响程度。

  • The Quality Control person responsible for making the material review and disposition decision has documented the review and disposition decision at the time of performance .

    负责进行材料回顾与处理决定的质量控制人员在 执行 须有书面的记录。

  • Prescription extinctive is one of the rules which restrict the time of performance of right .

    其中消灭时效制度就是对权利 行使 时间的限制。哪些权利的行使应受到限制呢?

  • Submits the elapsed time of the invocation to the application performance management ( APM ) system .

    将调用的运行 时间提交给应用程序 性能管理(APM)系统。

  • BARCELONA & Muslim stars in giant teams at the Spanish League ( La Liga ) are the talk of the city but this time not because of their breathtaking performance but rather their religion .

    巴塞罗那报道&西甲联赛各大球队中的穆斯林球星成为了这个城市谈论的话题,但 这回不是因为他们的惊人 表现,而是因为他们的宗教。

  • After a long time of predicting performance testing the performance of the self-adapting predicting arithmetic is analyzed and compared with the widely used arithmetic nowadays .

    预测 系统经过长 时间 性能测试,与现有的主流的几个单一的预测算法进行了对比,给出了定性和定量的分析。

  • The buyer may fix an additional period of time of reasonable length for performance by the seller of his obligations .

    买方可以规定一段合理时限的额外 时间,让卖方 履行其义务。

  • Time is an important indicator of workflow performance .

    时间是衡量工作流 性能的重要指标。

  • The equipped bulb tubular turbine set has been applied to two level waterpower station of Zhenziling for the first time on the basis of performance analysis of homemade midget waterpower station .

    榛子岭二级水电站,是利用我国研制的机组建成的第一座 整装灯泡贯流式小型水电站。

  • Make sure the team goals and the expected time frame of the team 's performance are clear .

    确保团队的目标和团队所期望的 工作 进度清楚明白。

  • Any other manual policy or regulation or any modification of the foregoing being in force at the time of the performance of the contract .

    任何其他手册、政策或规定或合同 履行 期间生效的上述手册、政策及规定的任何修订。

  • It 's about the time of the year of performance reviews again .

    该是汇报这一年 表现 时候了。

  • But the market in xi'an exists some problems such as disorder management short of developing consciousness slow development simple forms and short time of performance lacking management agencies and so on .

    同时,西安市武术市场还存在着 表演市场管理混乱,缺乏开发意识,开发滞后, 表演方式单一和 表演 时间短,缺乏武术 表演组织机构等问题。

  • At the same time sheath of polyolefin processing performance and prone to defects and discussed how to resolve .

    同时 聚烯烃护套的 性能和加工容易出现缺陷及如何解决进行了论述。

  • Through the research of performance on distributed storage system this paper puts forward data distribution scheme and data acquisition scheme of server performance model . The model effectively reduces the mean service time of client data request and improves performance on distributed storage system .

    该文通过对分布式存储系统性能的研究,提出了服务器性能模型的数据分布模式和数据采集模式,有效地减少了客户数据请求的平均服务 时间,从而改进了分布式存储系统的 性能

  • Time limit place and method of performance .

    履行 期限、地点和方式。

  • Four years later at the Olympics in Sydney he was the 200-meter butterfly gold medallist . Malchow 's time of 1: 55.35 was the third-fastest performance ever .

    四年后的悉尼奥运会上,他以 1:55.35成为两百米蝶泳冠军。这一 成绩是历史上第三好。

  • Failure to ensure that complete data derived from all tests are documented at the time of performance .

    失败,以确保完成所有测试所得的数据都记录在 表演 时间

  • ( ii ) before the time of performance the other party expressly stated or indicated by its conduct that it will not perform its main obligations ;

    履行 期限届满之前,当事人一方明确表示或者以自己的行为表明不履行主要债务;

  • Conclusion : It can prolong the time of oxygen supply and improve mental performance to inhaling liquid oxygen at high altitude .

    结论:吸入液氧能延长供氧 时间,是提高高原人体运动 能力和抗疲劳的理想措施。

  • Through reformatted the hydraulic pressure system of centrifuge type HR500-N it increases push force and time of piston to advance the performance of the machine .

    通过对原HR500-N离心机液压系统的改进,使活塞推料力和推料 次数增加,促使整机 性能提高。

  • The accurate time delay estimation of a signal can be gained even if there is a great time delay because of the stationary performance of circular correlation .

    由于循环相关的平稳 特性,即使在较大 延迟量存在的情况下,仍然能够达到准确的时延估计效果。

  • A system which provides full time monitoring of airplane systems and engine performance displayed on a CRT .

    一个以阳极射线管为显示器(或液晶显示器)来全 监控飞机系统与发动机 性能的系统。

  • In high range resolution conditions the migration of moving target causes the migration of echo envelop within multicycle integration time and brings the decline of detection performance .

    在高分辨条件下,多周期积累 时间内目标的运动会造成回波包络的跨单元走动,而距离走动带来了检测 性能的下降。

  • A breach of contract committed prior to the time of required performance .

    在必要的 执行以前对合同的违反。

  • A contract shall contain the following terms : the technical conditions quality standard specifications and quantity of the object of the contract ; the time limit place and method of performance ;

    合同一般应当具备以下条款:合同标的的技术条件、质量、 标准、规格、数量;

  • With the time of reperfusion longed the cardiac performance was recovered gradually however not to sham-occlusion level at 2 h after reperfusion .

    随着再灌注 时间的延长,心 功能逐渐恢复,但在2h时仍未恢复到假结扎组水平,且缺血 时间越长,心功能恢复越缓慢。

  • Quest on testing method of anti - mould lasting time of high - performance anti - mould latex paint

    性能防霉乳胶涂料防霉 时效 测试方法初探