time program control

[taɪm ˈproˌɡræm kənˈtrol][taim ˈprəuɡræm kənˈtrəul]

[计] 时间程序控制

  • At the same time used the VHDL language control to be possible to act according to step-by-steps the electrical machinery difference the change program parameter might implement the different model to step-by-step the electrical machinery control was advantageous in step-by-steps the electrical machinery widespread application .

    同时,采用VHDL语言控制可以根据步进电机的不同,改变 程序参数就可以实现不同型号步进电机 控制,有利于步进电机的广泛应用。

  • The application of multi-interrupt brings much convenience to design program and makes the processing time of program meet the requirement of the fast excitation control system of generator 's responding to signal .

    多个中断的嵌套调用,为程序的设计带来了极大方便,使各种服务 程序的执行 时间满足快速发电机励磁 控制系统对信号响应 时间的要求。

  • At the same time this paper provides pitch control program based on internal model control after analyzing the disadvantages of PID pitch controller .

    同时,该文在分析PID变桨距控制器缺点的基础上,给出了基于内模 控制的变桨距控制 方案

  • In this paper on the basis of anatomy of DES algorithm by introducing time countermark the Java program is used to give a security implementation of user password encryption to ensure the transmitting messages in the Remote Control System .

    本文在剖析DES算法工作原理的基础上,采用绑定 时间戳的方法,设计出对用户口令加密的JAVA 编程的安全实现,确保远程 控制系统中信息安全可靠地传递。

  • For the variable time delay in engineering practice simulating the time delay jump by the program experiment results show that while the time delay from 1 second jump to 3 seconds the bilateral control system is stable in good working order .

    针对工程实践中遇到的时延跳变情况,由 程序模拟 时延跳变过程,实验结果表明在时延由1秒跳变为3秒时,双边 控制系统保持稳定,操作性能良好。

  • At the same time taking the actual configuration work as an example to introduce the control configuration applied in the distributed program control in the plant .

    同时,以实际的组态工作为例,介绍了HPM组态在该装置中的分 控制的应用。

  • At the same time PLC program was primarily designed for system material flow measurement and control the communication between master and slave control system .

    下位PLC控制 程序的设计实现了系统物料流量的计量与 控制、系统主从站的联动控制与通讯等功能。

  • Developing the signal generator simulating the skating time control and the software program is the emphases in a question for discussion this research solves the debugging need in the control mainboard of skating time register .

    研制模拟速滑 计时控制器的信号发生器及其软件 程序,是课题研究阶段的重点,研究解决了对速滑记圈器主 控制板的调试需要。

  • At the same time the thesis study the control parameters and modes of Floppy Disk Controller ( FDC ) and Floppy Disk Driver ( FDD ) as well as the method of designing FDC program then design the program to control the FDC .

    论文 同时深入研究了软磁盘控制器(FDC)和软磁盘驱动器(FDD)的各种控制参数和控制方式以及FDC 程序设计方法,并以此开发了软驱的 控制代码。

  • The precision issue of time control in developing control program based on Windows is discussed in this paper . The approaches of acquiring precise time control in Windows are presented and high precise timing interruption and delay control in VB are acquired .

    探讨了Windows环境下机电控制 软件存在的 时间控制的精度问题,提出了一种在Windows中获得精确时间 控制的方法,并在VB平台上实现了精确的定时中断和延时控制。

  • Time cost of the project management through MS Project management tool optimized for the program . project risk control as a hedge against the risk of first choice before execute projects .

    对项目 时间成本管理通过MSproject管理工具做了优化,突出设计院项目在立项之前的 项目风险 控制作为规避风险的首要选择。

  • At the same time designs the software programs including main program manual adjustment program x step motor positive rotor subroutine traveling detect delay subroutine pitch control subroutine and detect delay subroutine etc.

    同时也对主 程序和手动调节程序、x步进电机正转子程序和行程检测延时子程序、节距 控制子程序和检测延时子程序进行了软件程序设计。

  • SDRAM storing real - time pictures preassembled and preset data temporary data and program code FLASH ROM solidified with code preassembled and preset data and dual port RAM realizing communi - cation with superior control equipment are adopted in this project .

    该方案使用SDRAM存储 实时图像数据、预装和预置数据、中间数据和 程序代码,采用flashROM固化程序及预装、预置数据,并采用双端口RAM实现与上级 控制装置的通信。

  • The real time temperature control system based on microcomputer often breaks down because of hardware trouble or program running trouble therefore the system is out of control and causes overheating .

    微机温度 实时控制系统,常会因某些因素的影响而使微机出现故障&微机硬件故障和 程序运行故障,从而导至系统 失控,引起超温。

  • With these data information in the real time database the petrochemical company users can use the application program of the client server to monitor the factory production such as the dynamic flow quality control exception handles and so on .

    实时数据库中存放的数据信息,石化公司中的用户可利用客户端的应用 程序对工厂级生产实施监测管理,诸如动态流程、质量 监视、故障预防维护等。

  • Server-side programs mainly receives data from the monitor and will result in real time displayed on the server interface a server-side interface program can also to the corresponding function control monitoring .

    服务器端程序主要接收来自监控端的数据,并将结果 实时的显示在服务器界面上,服务器端界面 程序还可以对监控端进行相应的功能 控制

  • At the same time the use of Visual Basic simulation program to prepare for regional intersection of fuzzy control system to achieve rates in different vehicles under the simulation and with the same environment the timing of traffic control for comparison .

    运用VISUALBASIC开发系统编写仿真 程序,对区域交叉口模糊 控制系统在不同的交通量情况下进行仿真,并与在相同的交通环境下的 定时控制、模糊控制进行比较。

  • At the same time the system software design including upper computer monitor software design PLC control program design and the incineration temperature control algorithm are completed .

    同时还完成了相应DCS的系统软件设计,包括上位机监控组态软件设计,PLC控制 程序设计以及焚烧炉 温控 系统算法实现等。