time over

[taɪm ˈovɚ][taim ˈəuvə]


  • Holiday means lots of family time and if you have a significant other you could be meeting his family for the first time over the dinner .

    节假日意味着很多家庭聚会时间。如果你有重要的另一半,那么你可能会在节假日 第一 上门或者第一 与他的家人共餐。

  • Don 't waste any more time over it .

    不要 这上面 旷费 时间了。

  • Plots can be produced showing how values behave over time and over a range of values of other attributes .

    可以生成一个表,它显示了值随着 时间及其他属性的值变化 变化的情况。

  • Time inevitably glosses over the particularities of each situation .

    时间不可避免地 掩盖了每种境况的特殊之处。

  • I went into medicine to care for patients not to waste time bickering over budgets

    我行医是为了治病救人,而不是浪费 时间为预算问题争论 不休

  • The class is so large that I have barely enough time to go over all the papers .

    这个班人数太多,我几乎没有 时间把全部卷子 看完

  • Average transaction time over time .

    一段 时间 的平均事务 时间

  • They moved on to a larger farm and in time made it over to Francis .

    他们搬到了一个更大的农场,过了一 时间 把它 转给了弗朗西斯。

  • Now he has picked Germany to win again this time over Argentina in their quarter final match on Saturday .

    在本周六的四分之一决赛中,他再一次预测德国的出线, 这一 德国的 对手是阿根廷队。

  • Durban who says he spent about half his time over two years on Skype matters focused on bringing in new management .

    德班表示,这两年 他差不多把一半的 时间都花在了跟Skype有关的事务上,重点放在为Skype引入新的管理层。

  • Group time is over .

    小组活动 结束

  • I have spent a significant amount of my time over the last several years on a series of projects across multiple industries in locations all over the world .

    过去几年中,我在世界各地的多个行业中的一系列项目上花费了很多 时间

  • Every administration has its time . And when your time is over you leave

    每届政府都有其执政 期限,任期届满时 得下台。

  • It took me a very long time to get over the shock of her death .

    得知她去世的消息我惊愕不已,很长 时间才缓 过劲来。

  • So it has been a pretty rough time over the last couple of years for Egyptians .

    因此, 过去这几年,埃及人 得相当艰难。

  • If Sheryl Sandberg as COO of Facebook can keep the trains running on time over there did Eric Schmidt really need to be CEO to do the same at Google ?

    如果说Facebook的COO谢尔乐•桑德伯格能在COO的位子上带领Facebook 正确的 时机、正确的轨道 发展,那么施密特是否真的非要挂着CEO的头衔,才能在谷歌做到同样的事情?

  • German unemployment fell below the 4 million mark for the first time in over four years in November .

    德国失业者数量在今年11月时降到了不足400万人的水平,而此种情况在 最近4年时间里还是首次 出现

  • Also Berkshire received warrants to buy $ 3 billion of Ge common stock for $ 22.25 a share at any time over the next five years .

    与此同时,伯克希尔公司 交易后5年之内的任何 时候都可以以每股 22.25美元的价格购入30亿美元的普通股认证股权。

  • Don ` t waste time stressing over the things in either category .

    无论是这两者中的哪种,都不要浪费 时间去紧张它。

  • Daylight saving time was over at midnight last night .

    夏令 时间已在昨天午夜 结束了。

  • Always choose time over money .


  • And the ratio of loans to deposits rose for the first time in over a year though at just over 70 % it is still near all-time lows .

    贷存 一年多来 首次上升,但略高于70%的水平仍接近历史低点。

  • The eventual consistency model states that given a sufficiently long period of time over which no changes are sent all updates can be expected to propagate eventually through the system and the replicas will be consistent .

    最终一致性模型声明如果很长一段 时间 都没发出任何改变,那么所有更新可能会最终通过系统传递,让副本具有很好的一致性。

  • It 's about time you gave over that kind of conduct .

    你该 停止做那种 了。

  • When SaaS applications go over time and over budget it 's because poor communication of architectural design principles for the project .

    SaaS应用程序超出 时间超过预算往往是由于项目架构设计原则缺少交流。

  • At one point she fired Carl Bass the company 's technical wizard at the time over strategic disagreements .

    有一 由于 战略意见上存在分歧,她一度解雇了公司的技术天才CarlBass。

  • The two sides have spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems

    双方大部分 时间都在 围绕程序问题争论不休。