time signals

n.报时信号( time signal的名词复数 )[电] 报时讯号

  • In addition the precision for determining the time delay difference of CCTV time signals between the direct reception and the indirect reception ( the signals re-relayed by a local TV station ) is 0 . 1 μ s.

    同时测量了地方电视台转播亚太-1A的CCTV 信号与直接接收亚太 -1A的CCTV 信号的时延差值,其测量精度为0.1μs。

  • The system as a whole has a quantized concept of time : Time begins at1 and increments every time signals propagate from one layer to the next .

    系统作为总体上拥有一个量子化的时间概念:时间从1开始,并且 信号从某层传递到下一层 便会增加1。

  • An efficient time signals prediction method combined with two-dimensional finite difference time domain ( 2D-FDTD ) method has been proposed for the performance parameters computation of uniform microwave transmission lines .

    本文将一种 时间 序列预测方法与二维时域有限差分(FDTD)法相结合,并应用于均匀微波平面传输线的特性参数计算。

  • People begin to realize the importance of transmitting time signals and other information in the vertical blanking interval of television signal .

    在电视信号的场逆程 期间传送电视图文 信号及逆程钟信号,得到越来越多的重视。

  • Being the most unique building within the Compound the Signal Tower was constructed to provide time signals to ships in the harbour .

    报时塔可谓整座水警总部最具特色之建筑,为海港船只 报时

  • The stability of switched systems under average dwell time switching signals is obtained .

    获得了系统在平均 驻留 时间切换下的稳定性。

  • An efficient implementation of the discrete form of the wavelet transform on digital signal processors ( DSPs ) is especially interesting for the analysis of real time signals .

    实时 信号分析中,离散小波变换在DSP上的有效应用受到了特别的关注。

  • A new model of nonlinear denoise is proposed and applied in the detection of chaotic time series signals .

    建立了非线性降噪模型,并且应用此模型进行混沌 时间序列 信号检测。

  • Low pressure multi-wire proportional chamber ( LPMWPC ) provides excellent position and time signals for the radioactive beam induced reactions .

    低压多丝正比室为放射性束核反应的靶前粒子提供位置和 时间 信号

  • On the method of calculation of the joint corrections of radio time signals

    关于综合 改正数的订定方法

  • Since its establishment the time-keeping system of NTSC has greatly satisfied the broadcast of time signals of long and short-wave standard time service system .

    多年来, NTSC的守时系统以完美的表现满足了国家大科学装置&长、短波 授时系统的发播控制任务的要求。

  • To get the spectrum of continuous - time signals high speed A / D card of PCI - 9812 is used for sampling discrete - Fourier - transform is used for the spectrum analysis .

    为得到连续 时间 信号的频谱特征,采用高速A/D卡PCI-9812对其进行采样,再运用离散傅立叶变换进行频谱分析。

  • Extrapolation algorithm of FDTD late time signals and its programming

    FDTD后 时间信号的外推与实现

  • The signals of the impact stress wave in time domain were transformed into momentary sequential time signals using Hilbert transform .

    冲击样本的应力波信号经Hilbert变换变为连续的瞬态 时序 信号后, 提取时间和峰值等 特征信息训练BP神经网络。

  • In the control system of sampling signal to be dealt with is the pulse sequence after sampling from the continuous time signals .

    采样控制系统中,所处理的信号是连续 时间 信号经采样后所得到的脉冲序列。

  • Universal time service in the years 1966-1975 is reviewed including astronomi - cal time observations the Joint System of universal time the rapid service and the controling of the transmission of UT_1 time signals .

    本文回顾了1966-1975年的我国世界时工作,包括天文测时,综合系统,快速服务和UT1 发播控制情况。

  • Our experiments indicate for the first time that signals from the opposite sex that are important for mate choice also affect accuracy in women 's memory .

    我们的实验第一 显示,异性释放的 信号不仅在配偶选择方面产生重要影响,还有影响女性记忆力的准确性。

  • Line judge singal please . international time signals

    司线员,请打信号。国际无线电 对时 信号

  • High precision quartz oscillators were used for the transmission of BPV standard frequency and time signals at Shanghai Observatory .

    在上海天文台BPV标频和 时间 信号的发播工作中,使用了高精度石英晶体振荡器。

  • The measurement of time signals in flight time readout ( TOF ) electronics of the third modification project of Beijing Spectrometer ( BESIII ) is very difficult according to the very high-resolution request so we need to strictly test the design of the circuit for time measurement .

    北京谱仪(BESIII)的飞行时间读出电子学(TOF)对于 时间 信号的测量具有非常高的要求,需要对TOF时间测量电路进行严格的测试。

  • However if you know that the program cannot possibly use the stream that the handler uses at a time when signals can arrive you are safe .

    不过,如果您知道当 信号可能到达时,程序不可能使用处理器那个 时刻所使用的流,那么就是安全的。

  • Tbe Estimation of Power Spectrum for Short Time Signals with Less Numbers of Sample

    小采样数的 短时 信号功率谱估值

  • The network measurement and control system for virtual instrument is applied in the measurement and control system of abrasive belt grinding parameters the real time signals on grinding parameters can be displayed analyzed and disposed through PXI controller .

    将虚拟仪器的网络化测控系统用于砂带磨削参数测量和控制,它将 实时 采集的磨削参数,经PXI系统控制器显示、分析、处理。

  • In the pattern classification stage Hidden Markov Model which is very suitable for modeling the time signals is used in the experiments .

    模式分类阶段,本文采用非常适合 时序 信号建模的隐马尔可夫模型进行分类实验。

  • Fixed time signals analysis of linear system with constant parameters

    线性定常系统的 时间 信号分析

  • We proposed a scheme that processes the discrete time signals by two-pass filter and digital integrator .

    提出了 信号经双通滤波后再使用数字积分器进行 积分的方案。

  • Based on Heisenberg 's Uncertainty Principle wavelet transform solves the difficulty of analyzing the local time signals and develops the method of analyzing signals . It has become one of main methods of analyzing signals .

    小波变换基于海森堡测不准原理解决了局部 时间 信号分析的难题,发展了信号分析的方法,成为了当代信号分析的主要工具之一。

  • A Z-80 CPU single-board microcomputer is integrated therein to generate time signals with CTC interruption .

    本装置采用Z80CPU单板微型计算机组成系统,利用CTC中断,产生 信号

  • Convolution of Continuous - time Signals Using MATLAB

    用MATLAB计算连续 时间 信号的卷积

  • At the time radio signals could travel only a few kilometres and only one receiver and transmitter could operate in any one area .

    当时,电波 信号的传输距离只有几公里,在任意一个地点,也只能运行一台可接收机和一台发报机。