time of transmission

[taɪm ʌv trænsˈmɪʃən][taim ɔv trænzˈmiʃən]


  • Message size and length can affect the performance of the application that processes the message and the network time of data transmission .

    消息大小和长度会影响处理消息的应用程序的性能以及网络数据 传输 时间

  • Analysis of Time Series of Transmission of SARS

    SARS疫情 传播 时间序列分析

  • Discussions for setting reclosing time of transmission lines

    对整定 线路重合闸 时间的讨论

  • Results show that the time of data transmission after acceleration is greatly reduced and the transmission rate is increased outstandingly .

    在广域网环境下,本文通过对加速插件测试,得出了加速前后的数据对比,结果显示加速后数据 传输 时间大幅度降低,传输速率显著提高。

  • Beginning with the PROFIBUS field bus access protocol this paper studies the time of data transmission of survey controlling system and obtains two conclusions of increasing the timeliness of the field bus through the way of analyzing the survey controlling cycle of the single master station .

    从PROFIBUS现场总线的存取协议出发,着重研究测量控制系统的数据 传输 时间并从单主站的测量控制周期的分析中得出了提高现场总线实时性的两个结论。

  • Modified NILT Method for Time Response Analysis of Transmission Lines

    传输线 时域响应分析中的改进型NILT方法

  • A radio navigational aid for determining the distance from a selected DME ground station by measuring the time of transmission to and from it .

    飞机上的一种无线电导航设备,通过测量 电波往返飞机和预选地面(DME)台之间所需要的 时间来确定两者间的距离。

  • The idea of time duration allocation of transmission network fixed cost based on systemmarginal price is brought forward .

    提出了基于系统边际电价 输电网络固定费用的分 分摊思路。

  • Town tourism an important part of China tourism industry is in the key time of transmission .

    县域旅游,是中国旅游业的中坚力量,目前正处于重要的 转型 时期

  • During transmitting and storing information of digital image in order to decrease the time of transmission and the space of storage image compression procedure must to be done .

    在图像的传输和存储过程中,为减少 传输 时间与存储空间,必须进行图像压缩。

  • The NSD 550 integrated event recorder can record the starting and stopping time of all transmission and receiving commands accurately ( the resolution of the events which can be discriminated is 1ms ) .

    NSD550内置事件记录器能准确记录 发送和接收命令的起始 时间与结束 时间(定位到1ms)。

  • The relationship between the ratio of young 's modulus of a compound bar and the strains of two materials and the time of transmission

    复合杆的弹性模量之比与应变和 传递 时间的关系

  • This paper studies the problem of time synchronization and various synchronization methods and the time delay of network transmission is tested . Finally one simple software time synchronization method with high precision is proposed and realized .

    研究了DIS中的时钟同步问题和各种同步方法,对网络 传输 延迟进行了测试,提出并实现了一种简单高精度的软件时钟同步方法。

  • The time of the data transmission to the control center is very long under the condition of current communication equipment .

    在目前调度系统通信设备技术条件下,将大量的录 数据 传送到调度中心所 占用 信道 时间会很长。

  • Promulgating water information by multi-communication technique can resolve problem of reliability and real time of data transmission which is brought by single communication technique .

    采用多种通信方式发布水情数据,能够解决水情数据发布方式单一所带来的数据 传输可靠性差, 实时性差等问题。

  • Use as few words as possible to save the time of transmission and finally pay less money .

    用简明的语言节省 传送 时间,节省开支。

  • It analyse condition and time of carry transmission in the operation add ( subtraction ) .

    重点分析了加(减)运算中的进位 传输的条件和 时间

  • Webster points out that the higher the degree of resolution required so that time of transmission is increased .

    韦伯斯特指出,要求解决的级别增高了,所以 传送 时间也增加了。

  • In order to reduce the cost of power and the time of transmission in the public transport vehicle wireless data transmission this paper proposes a schedule strategy based on Wireless Fidelity ( WIFI ) .

    为降低车辆的整体能耗并减少数据 传输 时间,提出一种基于无线宽带(WIFI)的公交车载数据传输调度策略。

  • Through further analysis we can find that due to the view of energy cost of terminal and time consumption of transmission the more the data protection methods complex the more benefits can be brought by ASFC .

    通过进一步的分析,从终端能量耗费和 传输 时延的减少效果上看,事务处理过程中进行的数据保护越复杂,ASFC可以带来的好处就越明显。

  • A new clustered segmentation method has been developed for PET . It is effective to reduce the PET transmission imaging time . By this approach the acquisition time of the transmission scan can be reduced from more than 15 min to 3 min only .

    应用正电子发射断层(PET)快速成像簇处理法可有效地解决目前PET成像中截面断层传递成像时间 过长的问题,并将 传递影像形成 时间从15至30min减少到仅3min。

  • As far as all the libraries of Xinjiang are concerned it can augment the degree of shared information shorten the time of information transmission and repercussion decrease the fees of information transaction and reduce the cost of the information service .

    从全疆图书馆来讲,能够提高信息共享程度, 缩短信息 传递与反馈的速度,减少信息处理费用,降低信息服务成本。

  • Time Delay of Signal Transmission in CAN Bus System

    CAN总线系统信号 传输 延时 分析

  • A strategy locking constraint resources using write lock and read lock is presented to consider the time delay of data transmission and improve the efficiency of concurrent operation . The realization of main algorithms for constraint network solving is given .

    提出了写锁和读锁2种加锁状态的约束资源的锁定策略,来考虑网络 传输 延时 和提高并行操作的效率,并给出了主要算法的实现说明。

  • The simulation experiment indicates that this method will be one effective method which can meet the future satellite constellation development need and the handoff is the primary factor that influences the time delay of data transmission in satellite constellation communication networks .

    仿真试验表明,该方案是一种满足未来卫星星座发展需求的有效方案,星地间的切换是影响该方案中卫星星座通信网络数据 传输 延时的主要因素。

  • The typical peer to peer telecontrol protocol DNP 3.0 is analyzed on the real time performance of data transmission the transparency of layered function and the scientificity of frame format definition .

    分析了典型对等式远动规约DNP3.0规约中数据 传输 实时性、分层功能的透明性以及帧格式定义的科学性;

  • The time domain response of transmission system is obtained through example ; the influence of input speed system stiffness and gear error to dynamic load-sharing behavior is analyzed the software is developed to analyze dynamic load sharing behavior of planetary transmission system .

    通过求解实例,得到 传动系统 时域响应;分析了输入转速、系统刚度和齿轮误差对动力学均载系数的影响;开发了行星传动系统动力学均载特性分析软件。

  • Optic Time Domain Reflectometry ( OTDR ) is the instrument as a token the time domain of transmission characteristic of fiber .

    时域反射仪(OpticTimeDomainReflectometryOTDR)是表征光纤 传输特性的测量仪器。

  • These algorithms include Degree-1 reduction algorithm Series reduction algorithm new file spanning tree algorithm file transmission path algorithm and response time of file transmission path algorithm .

    在此基础上,推导出Degree-1精简算法、Series精简算法、新的文件生成树生成算法、文件 传输路径生成算法以及响应 时间评估算法。

  • The reclosing time of transmission line has distinct influence on power system stability .

    输电线路的重合闸 时刻对于重合闸完成后系统的稳定性有明显的影响。