time policy

[taɪm ˈpɑlɪsi][taim ˈpɔləsi]


  • If the premium has already been paid at the time the policy is terminated in accordance with the preceding paragraph the insurer shall refund the unearned premium after the termination ;

    保险契约依前项 规定终止 ,保险费已交付者,保险人应返还终止后未到期之保险费;

  • But government through financial and time tax policy adjustment what pursues is the citizen the universal right guarantees is impossible to consider each person 's aspects .

    而政府通过财政和税收 政策调节 ,追求的是公民的“普遍权利保证”,不可能照顾到每个人的方方面面。

  • In this case our country may be in for a long period of time the monetary policy dilemma facing the international financial market turmoil weakened exports overseas investment increase in the loss .

    在这种情况下,我国可能会在相当长的一段 时期 面临货币 政策两难、国际金融市场动荡、出口减弱、海外投资损失增加的局面。

  • It 's time for policy makers to rethink their approaches to all these problems .

    如今, 政策制定者是 应该好好反思一下他们针对所有这些问题的做法了。

  • National annual investment in education and increasing research funding at the same time policy support in science also been strengthened .

    我国每年对教育和科研经费的投入逐渐增加以及在科技方面的 政策支持强度 不断加强。

  • At the same time monetary policy is switching to flexible which has meant two interest rate cuts in the past month or so and more credit freed up by reducing banks ' reserve requirements .

    同时,货币 政策正转向灵活,比如过去近一个月的两次减息,以及通过降低银行存款准备金率释放更多的贷款。

  • As if to underline such problems when the governments that make up the IPCC met in May to release the summary of the report they also adopted for the first time a policy on conflicts of interest among expert authors .

    气候委员会的政府成员在五月份会见时,发布了该报告的摘要,似乎就是为了强调这样的问题,他们也是第一 接受了在专家作者之间产生利益冲突的 政策

  • She has little time for economic policy advice from across the ocean such as the notion that Germany like China needs to drastically boost its domestic demand to help re-balance a lopsided world economy .

    她没有多少 时间听取来自大洋彼岸的经济 政策建议,比如,和中国一样,德国需要大幅刺激内需,以帮助失衡的世界经济恢复平衡。

  • Nanjing National Government Time Railroad Policy Research ( 1927-1937 );

    南京国民政府 时期的铁路 政策研究(1927-1937)

  • It is time for policy debates to reflect these realities .

    目前正是 政策辩论反映这些现实的 时机

  • At the same time policy makers have continued to draft laws to make banking structures more secure adding fresh regulations on capital and liquidity for good measure .

    另一方面, 政策制定者一直在草拟法律增强银行业结构的安全性,在既有措施外又增加了新的资本金及流动性监管规定。

  • Time management is the most complex part in HLA federate . The time control policy in current systems was often simplified .

    时间控制是HLA 元中最复杂的部分,当前国外的 相关研究对这部分能力的支持都比较弱。

  • Some tail risks have decreased but it is not time for policy makers to relax .

    有些尾部风险已经减弱,但 政策制定者还不到松口气的 时候

  • At the same time policy banks need change their own operating mechanism too : first they should rely on the market mechanism to try to get and develop more in the future but must not deviate from the policy principle and pursue commercialization one-sidedly ;


  • The thesis points out the key factors that influence real-time capacity by analyzing Linux schedule time and policy . There are a lot of improvement schemes to Linux real-time performance at present .

    在实时操作系统方面,Linux对实时任务有一定考虑,但远没有达到硬实时的要求,本文通过分析它的调度 时机和调度 策略两个方面指出其影响实时性能的关键因素。

  • This scheduling model can be used to simulated production process and can be used to analyze and synthesize real time scheduling policy .

    基于这一模型,既可以仿真整个生产过程,又可以分析和综合 实时调度 策略

  • 2009 the state-owned venture capital industry can be described as mixed the GEM to open an exit for venture investment has opened up a convenient way to transfer state-owned shares held at the same time the policy can also allow the state-owned venture crop failure .

    2009年国有风险投资行业可谓喜忧参半,创业板的开启为风险投资的退出又开辟了一条便利途径, 与此同时国有股转持 政策又可能让国有风投颗粒无收。

  • Policy is one of the most significant factors that influences development of agriculture . The paper tried to analyze the role and characteristics of policy in Xinjiang conservation agriculture development . At the same time some policy suggestions were put forward .

    政策是影响农业发展的最重要因素,研究试图对新疆保护性农业发展中的政策作用与特点进行初步分析,并提出一些 政策建议。

  • Fed officials downgraded their expectations for growth in 2015 in forecasts published at the same time as the policy statement suggesting that they had once again overestimated the strength of the recovery .

    在与 政策声明 同时发布的预期报告中,美联储官员下调了对2015年的经济增长预期,这意味着他们此前又一次高估了复苏的强度。

  • At the same time policy questions such as academic evaluation public issuing journal administration and the institutionalization of research work should be resolved in an active way .

    与此同时,对高教期刊发展中面临的学术评价、公开发行、期刊管理、研究工作制度化等 政策性问题也应积极加以解决。

  • It may be time to consider policy innovations for television and film subsidies .

    现在也许应该 好好想想,有何补助电视与电影的新 政策

  • The focus of the community provision is the plight of the collective action in the discuss one thing at one time policy after the establishment of the household responsibility system especially after the reform of the rural taxes and fees .

    社区供给分析的重点是家庭承包制 实施以后,尤其是农村税费改革 以来社区供给的一事一议筹资筹劳的 制度安排所面临的集体行动的困境。

  • The Fed has for the first time tied policy to developments in the economy and promised not to shift policy until it succeeds .

    美联储 首次政策与经济的发展动态捆绑在一起,并承诺在取得成功前不会改变政策。

  • It is time policy makers in the UK and the European Union re-examined whether IFRS rules are delivering the right results for shareholders for companies and for economic growth .

    英国和欧盟(eu) 决策现在应重新考察一下:ifrs准则是否为股东、公司以及经济增长带来正面影响。

  • The next time the policy status is requested by a user or the policy task this metadata is taken on an evaluation basis and enables a more precise determination of the policy status .

    下次 策略状态将被一个用户或策略任务调用时,这个元数据将作为一个评估依据提供一个更为精确的策略状态确定。

  • Chiyoda Mutual Life Insurance Co. In the former case the Company shall retain a premium calculated on short term rate basis for the time the Policy has been in force while in the latter case such premium shall be calculated on pro rata daily basis .

    对本 保险 已生效 期间的保险费,前者本公司按短期费率计收,后者按日比例计收。

  • At application deployment time policy configuration permission objects add themselves to the provider .

    在部署应用程序 策略配置权限对象会将自身添加到提供程序中。

  • Then we propose the optimal time allocation policy for the two protocols under the peak power constraint .

    然后,基于峰值功率限制,分别提出了三时隙与两时隙协议的最优 时隙分配 策略