time zone


  • Time zone identifies the region where your server is located and adjusts the time and date automatically .


  • Set the system default time zone .

    设置系统默认 时区

  • This service has got only one method which returns identifier of a randomly chosen time zone .

    RandomTzService服务只有一个方法,返回随机选中 时区的标识符。

  • China and India are cases in point where there is one time zone from East to West .

    中国和印度就是如此,两国从东到西都只有一个 时区

  • Will be in the current time zone of the system .

    将基于系统的当前 时区

  • Central standard time is typically defined in the registry ; palmer station Antarctica is a custom time zone .

    中部标准时间通常在注册表中定义,而南极帕默站则是一个自定义 时区

  • Select the time zone you are in from the options below .

    从下列选项中选择您所在的 时区

  • I have been a resident of the GMT + 8 time zone for nearly 40 years .

    我在东8 时区居住了将近四十年。

  • You can even choose your time zone to adjust the game start times .

    你甚至可以选择您的 时区,调整比赛开始时间。

  • I immediately force myself into the new time zone even if it kills me .

    我一般强迫我自己马上按照新的 时区作息,即使这样很难受。

  • The next steps are setting up your time zone and clock .

    下一步是建立您的 时区和时间。

  • In the time zone list click the time zone you want .

    在“ 时区”列表中,单击所需时区。

  • Date and time data with time zone awareness .

    显示 时区的日期和时间数据。

  • The date and time taking into account the current time zone 's offset from universal time .

    注意到当前 时区与格林尼治标准时间的偏移的时间和数据。

  • For example the History service supports localization by passing in a locale and a time zone .

    例如,History服务支持通过传入地区和 时区进行本地化。

  • Once you arrive you have to reset your watch for a time zone like no other .

    一旦你到达时,你不像其他地方因为一个 时区而重置你的表。

  • The different culture and time zone values demonstrate the impact of changing the current culture .

    不同的区域性和 时区的值说明了更改当前区域性的影响。

  • The time zone can be set to UTC in expert mode of d-i now as well .


  • This file contains the list of users who do not have time zone information in their mailbox .

    此文件包含在邮箱中不具有 时区信息的用户的列表。

  • None of them are even in the same time zone .

    甚至没有一个是在同一个 时区

  • Jet Lag is not a psychological consequence of having to readjust to a different time zone .

    时差综合症不是对不 同时 进行调整的心理后果。

  • Try adapting to the time zone of your destination by altering your sleeping habits before you leave .

    试着在你动身之前通过改变你的睡眠习惯,以便适应你要去的目的地的 时区

  • You can change the default settings for language region keyboard and time zone .

    您可以更改语言、区域、键盘和 时区的默认设置。

  • This begs the question though : How does an application determine a user 's locale and time zone ?

    但是这就有了一个问题:应用程序如何确定用户的语言环境和 时区

  • Set the date time and time zone for your computer .

    请为您的计算机设置日期、时间和 时区信息。

  • Now you will be able to select your time zone and correct your time .

    现在,您可以选择您的 时区和校准时间。

  • Select the language and time zone for the system ( Localization field ) .

    为系统选择语言和 时区(Localization字段)。

  • The serialized time zone data is also added to this file .

    序列化的 时区数据也会被添加到此文件中。