


  • This is a time-honoured custom .

    这种风俗 由来已久

  • Based on the presence benign interaction between the Time-honoured Brand corporate and city brand Time-honoured brand building can rely on the existing system of city brand and resources in order to achieve the goal .

    基于企业品牌与城市品牌 发展过程中存在的良性互动关系,老 字号企业的品牌建设可以依托城市品牌的现有体系和资源,从而实现品牌的。

  • In the coming months for example American auditors will hold a series of round-tables to discuss whether their time-honoured system for auditing banks say needs to be updated for the new Twitter age .

    例如未来几个月,美国审计行业将召开一系列圆桌会议,讨论其针对银行审计的确立已 的体系是否需要调整,以适应新的“twitter”时代。

  • They moved from New York to Seattle and he founded the company in time-honoured fashion for American technology start-ups in his garage .

    他们从纽约搬到了西雅图, 秉承美国科技新兴企业的 优良 传统,在自己家的车库里建立了 亚马逊公司。

  • Sound familiar ? These are all time-honoured North Korean provocations designed to win attention boost the military and serve as blackmail for aid .

    听起来有些熟悉?这些全都是朝鲜 由来已久的旨在吸引注意力、提升军力和索要援助而进行的挑衅活动。

  • He assembled new stats to show for instance that time-honoured baseball strategies like bunting or base-stealing were dumb .

    例如,他收集了新的数据来证明,像短打或盗垒这种 由来已久的棒球策略都是不明智的。

  • Tomorrow Wall Street enters into the time-honoured and often silly ritual of non-farm payrolls .

    明天,华尔街将迎来非农就业人数的发布。这已经成了一个 历史 悠久 又通常 十分无聊的仪式。

  • At the heart of these programmes is Directly Observed Treatment Short-course ( DOTS ) - WHO 's time-honoured approach to treatment combined with patient supervision and support .

    这些规划的核心内容是直接督导下的短程化疗( DOTS)–世卫组织结合患者监督和支持的 长期 以来 行之有效的治疗方法。

  • When the latest market squall hit the eurozone last month the governments of Spain and Italy responded with a time-honoured defence ; as panic mounted they banned the short-selling of shares in banks in a bid to shore up confidence .

    当最新一轮市场风暴于上月袭击欧元区之时,西班牙和意大利政府采取了一项 老套的防御措施:随着恐慌的加剧,它们发出了不准卖空银行股的禁令,希望 借此恢复信心。

  • It is merely an expanded form of time-honoured operations known in the old-fashioned textbooks as open market operations .

    这只不过是对老式教科书中 那种 由来已久的操作“公开市场操作”进行了扩展。

  • The traditional icons and cheerful colours of the stamps commemorate the time-honoured spirit of this joyous festive season .

    邮票色彩鲜明 悦目上的传统圣诞 物品 传递 浓浓的佳节气氛,与大家 这个普世欢腾的日子。

  • So it came as a surprise to discover that the tutorial system is the product of the Victorian reforms of Oxford : I had assumed it was something time-honoured and venerable .

    所以,我很诧异地发现,导师制度是维多利亚时代牛津改革的产物, 此前,我一直以为这是一个 庄严古老的制度。

  • And who does she love in time-honoured fur ?

    而且她在 由来已久的毛皮爱谁呢?

  • In line with the time-honoured observation that diversification lowers risk computers crunched reams of historical data in quest of negative correlations between prices of tradeable assets ; correlations that could help insulate investment portfolios from the broad swings in an economy .

    与多样化能够降低风险这一 由来已久的观察结果一致,计算机对大量历史数据进行分析,以寻找可交易资产价格之间的负相关性;以及可能帮助投资组合免受一个经济体内大范围波动影响的相关性。

  • If this is the case impediments must be cleared including hoary traditions or time-honoured demarcations that structure society .

    若是这样,所有包括古老传统和 界限的障碍物应被清除。

  • The first is a time-honoured method borrowed from Dr Perlmutter Dr Schmidt and Dr Riess and used to study exploding stars called supernovae .

    第一种方法 久经 考验,是从珀尔马特博士,施密特博士和里斯博士那儿借鉴来的,该方法用于研究超新星,即正在爆炸中的恒星。

  • The nomad tent objects of daily use antique rugs and textiles traditional silver jewellery and corals show the time-honoured history and brilliant culture of Afghanistan .

    牧民帐篷、家居用品、古董地毯和纺织品、传统的银制品、珊瑚和 宝石等,讲述阿富汗 悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。

  • But a softer tone is just the start of the learning curve as company bosses also adjust time-honoured practices to accommodate the new power dynamic emerging on their factory floors .

    但态度的缓和仅仅是吸取教训的开始,一些企业老板 如今 着手调整 历史 悠久 业务习惯,以适应工厂内显现出来的新权力格局。

  • The foreign study on it has been time-honoured while the domestic study is still underway .

    国外对其研究 由来已久,但国内的相关研究还处于方兴未艾的阶段。

  • During the latter part of the nineteenth century his was the time-honoured role of the Saviour of the Eternal Religion of the Hindus .

    十九世纪后半叶期间,他被 认为是印度人永恒宗教的 由来已久的救世主角色。

  • Dwelling in time-honoured fashion on propaganda rather than facts Tass then issued a second article alleging the US had experienced 2 nuclear accidents and breakdowns in 1979 alone .

    本着 由来已久的、只关心为党国宣传,而不关注事实的作风,塔斯社紧接着又发表了第二篇文章,称单单1979年这一年,美国就经历过2300次核事故和故障。

  • Let 's try that time-honoured restaurant on the corner of the street .

    到拐角那家 字号餐馆试一试 怎样

  • These were all their own people time-honoured inmates of their household almost members of the family or persons who must it seemed inevitably live in the count 's house .

    他们都是一些在家里住 了的亲人,几乎全是家庭成员,或者是一些似乎必须在 罗斯托夫伯爵家里居住的人。

  • They showed their approval in the time-honoured way .

    他们以 古今 通行的方式表示同意。

  • To Study on Promoting Value for the Time-Honoured Brand Based on Managing of the Modern Enterprise

    基于现代企业经营的 字号品牌价值提升研究

  • The worst of the US recession appears to have been arrested for now a fairly typical but temporary outgrowth of the time-honoured inventory cycle .

    美国衰退的最糟糕局面眼下似乎已得到遏止 久经 考验的存货周期 导致了相当典型但短暂的增长。

  • And what about the time-honoured tradition of reading your kid a bedtime story ?

    那么我们 多少 一直 珍重的睡前故事传统呢?

  • They celebrated their win in time-honoured fashion by spraying champagne everywhere .

    他们用四处喷香槟的 这种 传统方式庆祝胜利。

  • The beer is brewed in the time-honoured way at the Castle Eden Brewery .

    伊登堡酿酒厂以 传统酿制方式酿造啤酒。