time charter party

[taɪm ˈtʃɑrtɚ ˈpɑrti][taim ˈtʃɑ:tə ˈpɑ:ti]

[经] 期租(船)契约

  • It may be divided into three types : voyage charter party time charter party and bare boat charter party .

    租船合同是租船运输中签订的合同,可以分为航次租船合同、 定期 租船 合同和光船租赁合同三种类型。

  • The Study on Shipowners ' Responsibilities of Time Charter Party

    定期 租船 合同下出租人的责任承担研究

  • The clause of the speed and fuel consumption in the time charter party is an important and easy to cause disputes .

    船速与燃油消耗量条款是 定期 租船 合同中的一个重要而且容易引起纠纷的条款。

  • The fifth chapter introduces the conclusion of time charter party bareboat charter party and contract of towage .

    第五章讨论了 租船合同的成立。包括概述、 定期 租船合同、光船租赁合同和拖航 合同四节内容。

  • On the statutory circumstances for rescinding time charter party An Exploration on the Legal Basis for Rescinding Maritime Insurance Contract in China

    定期 租船 合同法定解除事由评析&兼论《海商法 相关条款的修订我国海上保险人解除合同的法定事由探讨

  • Every time charter party must have an off-hire clause under which the charterer can discharge his obligation of continuous paying hire during the chartering period .

    停租条款( off-HireClause)是几乎每一个期租 合同都订明的条款,该条款规定在一些特定的情况下承租人可以中止履行其支付租金的义务。

  • Problems about last voyage usually happen under time charter party .

    最后航次问题是 定期 租船中一个常见的问题。

  • The termination of time charter concerns the interests of both parties to the charter party as well as the sound development of shipping practice .

    定期 租约终止问题关系到 租船合同当事人的切身利益,也关乎航运实践的健康发展。

  • By far the largest number of time chartering are fixed on the basis of the NYPE Charter Party .

    到目前为止大量的 定期 租船都是以土产格式作为 合同样本的基础。

  • On the Dispute Faced by the Contracted Parties Under the Time Charter Party

    略论 下订约 所面临的燃油争议 及其 避免

  • Legal Analysis on the Last Voyage under Time Charter Party

    定期 租船 合同下最后航次的法律分析