time charter

[taɪm ˈtʃɑrtɚ][taim ˈtʃɑ:tə]


  • I thought various doctrines just reveal one or some features of the time charter parties not all the features .

    笔者认为,虽然不同的学说都在某一方面均揭示出 定期 租船 合同的一些特点,但都没有 定期 租船 合同的特性,实有挂一漏万之嫌。

  • Study on Seasonal Model of Time Charter and Voyage Charter in International Dry Bulk Transportation ; Pricing and Application of FFA in Dry Bulk Shipping Market

    国际干散货运输 租期租运费 租金季节模式研究干散货航运市场的FFA定价及运用

  • It may be divided into three types : voyage charter party time charter party and bare boat charter party .

    租船合同是租船运输中签订的合同,可以分为航次租船合同、 定期 租船 合同和光船租赁合同三种类型。

  • Baltic Conference War Risk Clause of Time Charter 1939

    波罗的海国际航运公会 定期 租船战争条款

  • The fifth chapter introduces the conclusion of time charter party bareboat charter party and contract of towage .

    第五章讨论了 租船合同的成立。包括概述、 定期 租船合同、光船租赁合同和拖航 合同四节内容。

  • On the Dispute Faced by the Contracted Parties Under the Time Charter Party

    略论 下订约方所面临的燃油争议 及其 避免

  • Cycle Division of Dry Bulk Shipping Market and Opportunity of Time Charter

    国际干散货航运市场周期划分与 时机 选择

  • Study on the Co-integration Relationship Between the Baltic Freight Index and Prices on Sample Times of Time Charter

    波罗的海运价指数与样本航线 的协整关系研究

  • It is an effective method to achieve the purpose of transport by entered into time charter parties with shipowners .

    订立有效的 定期 租船 合同是达到 租船运输目的的必要手段。

  • Every time charter party must have an off-hire clause under which the charterer can discharge his obligation of continuous paying hire during the chartering period .

    停租条款( off-HireClause)是几乎每一个期租 合同都订明的条款,该条款规定在一些特定的情况下承租人可以中止履行其支付租金的义务。

  • Legal Analysis on the Last Voyage under Time Charter Party

    定期 租船 合同下最后航次的法律分析

  • Problems about last voyage usually happen under time charter party .

    最后航次问题是 定期 租船中一个常见的问题。

  • On the statutory circumstances for rescinding time charter party An Exploration on the Legal Basis for Rescinding Maritime Insurance Contract in China

    定期 租船 合同法定解除事由评析&兼论《海商法 相关条款的修订我国海上保险人解除合同的法定事由探讨

  • But in civil law countries such as Japan and Germany they also emphasize the labor contract character in the time charter parties .

    同时,强调 定期 租船合同劳务合同特点的也是日本和德国等大陆法系的国家 居多

  • The Confirmation of the Freight for the Time Charter The Possessory Lien Under the Time Charter

    定期 租船合同中租金的确定

  • Bill of Lading Under A Time Charter


  • At the same time a charter protecting the rights of the articles of association of the various stakeholders was able to become the true basis of university autonomy .

    同时,一个保障了各利益相关者权利的 章程,才能真正成为大学自治的依据。

  • Study of Some Issues on ' Employment and Indemnity Clause ' in Time Charter

    定期 租船 合同中使用与赔偿条款若干问题研究

  • While there is a variety of standard forms of time charter the following clauses are usually found to constitute the core of the contract .

    尽管有各种各样的 合约标准格式,以下这些条款通常都是这些合同的核心组成部分。

  • The clause of the speed and fuel consumption in the time charter party is an important and easy to cause disputes .

    船速与燃油消耗量条款是 定期 租船 合同中的一个重要而且容易引起纠纷的条款。

  • There is great significance on certain of the nature of time charter paries in shipping practice . Because the unclearly nature of the time charter parties would lead parties to breach of contract and undertake the liability .

    明确 定期 租船 合同的无名合同性质,在航运实践中具有十分重要的意义,因为对合同性质的不同认定,将会导致何方当事人需要承担违约后果的问题。

  • In China because of the arrangement style of Maritime Code many scholars thought that the time charter parties both have the transport contract character and lease contract .

    我国由于受《海商法》编排体例设置的影响,很多学者认为 定期 租船 合同兼具运输合同和租赁合同的特点。

  • The Study on Shipowners ' Responsibilities of Time Charter Party

    定期 租船 合同下出租人的责任承担研究

  • The termination of time charter concerns the interests of both parties to the charter party as well as the sound development of shipping practice .

    定期 租约终止问题关系到租船合同当事人的切身利益,也关乎航运实践的健康发展。

  • If you look at the 10-year average time charter rates $ 25 a day is a pretty good rate .

    如果你研究 一下10年来的平均 租费,你会发现每日2.5万美元是一个相当不错的费率。

  • As the particularity of ship utilization time charter parties are regularly used in transportation .

    由于船舶利用的特殊性, 定期 租船 运输是经常被采用的 租船运输方式。

  • This paper from the perspective of the practice of time charter makes a research and discusses on the possessory lien to CMC . Finally some opinions are put forward .

    定期 租船 合同 业务实践的角度出发,对我国海商法 定期 租船 合同中的留置权进行探讨分析,最后提出了一些看法。

  • In this thesis the author also cited typical cases and did analyses in order to emphasize the importance of determining the nature of time charter parties .

    笔者亦在文中列举了一个典型案例予以分析,旨在强调 定期 租船 合同性质认定的重要性。

  • At present there are quite a part of ships operated by the way of Time Charter in the shipping market .

    在当今的租船市场中,有相当一部分船舶是以 定期 租船的形式进行运作的。

  • On the Captain and the Financial Settlement of Time Charter

    浅谈船长与 租船的财务结算