


  • In the two-hour meeting we reviewed everything from fixtures to furniture paint swatches to tiling types and colors .

    在两个小时的会面中,我们审议了从装具到家具、油漆色板到 瓷砖类型及颜色的每一项。

  • Some celebrities need to distinguish campus lectures from profitable ones said Chen Tiling director of the student affairs office at Wenzhou University .

    温州大学学生处处长 陈体銮 音译)说:名人们需要把校园讲座与商业性讲座区别开来。

  • Decorative possibilities were soon realized in the colorful glazed tiling of roofs and the carving and painting of brackets which became increasingly elaborate .

    屋顶的 琉璃雕塑和彩绘的装饰效果很快的就被 注意到了,而且变得日益复杂。

  • When they hit on a formula that worked they closed the tiling company to open Atlas as a building materials supplier .

    找到有效配方后,他们便关掉了 瓷砖公司,创办了 专供建材的阿特拉斯公司。

  • Let 's implement it in our tiling engine .

    让我们在我们的 盖瓦发动机中实现它。

  • When I set that image to be used as a button without setting any tiling the image is tiled ( repeated ) until it fills up the required space .

    形象地说,当我确定被用作按钮设定 、形象是瓦片填满(重复),直到所需的空间。

  • Dodie : Yes we were lucky to get a first-class tiler to do all the tiling and he did a fantastic job .

    多迪:是啊,我们幸运的请到了一位第一流的铺砖工人铺砌所有 瓷砖,他的手工好极了。

  • Looking for a self motivated employee who is willing to learn the tiling trade .

    招收自觉肯干的人员,愿意学习 瓷砖贸易。有兴趣就 电话 联系

  • Design Studio - The next generation catalog based virtual design software for point of sale in the furniture and tiling industry .

    设计工作室&下一代目录虚拟设计软件的拓展点在 个人以及工业上。

  • Arabidopsis Thaliana Gene Structure Segmentation Based on Tiling Array

    基于 TilingArray的拟南芥基因结构分段

  • Sets the Texture tiling on the U Axis .

    设置在U轴上的纹理 平铺

  • Paving and tiling reclaimed plastics drain pipe panel for road

    铺路和 敷设 排水 公路用再生塑料排管板

  • Services : Renovation Tiling Works Plaster Ceiling Wiring Works Painting Works Grille & Gate Wallpaper Custom Made Furniture Aluminium Kitchen .

    装修, 瓷砖,石膏天花板,线路工程,绘画,格栅和门,壁纸,定制家具,铝厨房。

  • Because of the high cost of wall tiling ducting for services lift structures and so on .

    这是由于墙面 瓷砖、设备的管沟、电梯结构等的造价非常高的缘故。

  • A Simulated Annealing Genetic Algorithm in Contours Tiling

    模拟退火遗传算法的轮廓线 拼接 研究

  • The kitchen has smart black tiling worksurfaces and cupboards .

    厨房有漂亮的黑色 瓷砖地面、操作台面和碗橱。

  • That was effectively a tiling system in which the little computers take little pieces at a time and work from one to the next .

    那是一个 非常有效的系统,这样计算机可以一次只需面对一 小块 土地,并且逐一地进行处理。

  • My dream city is the one with red tiling green trees blue sea and clear sky .

    就是 红瓦绿树碧海蓝天,我就 觉得挺好的。

  • A new skeleton-based method for tiling the unmatched contours is developed that will produce a more natural physical model .

    本文提出的基于 骨架的末端封闭方法,可以得到更符合物体自身形状的三角网格模型。

  • One Pipe System paving and tiling

    单管 系统 排水 铺路和 敷设 排水

  • As mentioned Editor tabs have a default drag-and-drop behavior meant for rearranging and tiling which is implemented by having listeners for drag-detect mouse-move and mouse-up event types .

    正如上面介绍的一样,编辑器标签有一种默认的拖放行为,它将进行重新排列和 平铺操作,这可以使用拖放检测、鼠标移动和鼠标释放类型的事件的监听器实现。

  • Design of Software-based Seamless Tiling Technology in a Large Scalable Multi-Projector Display System

    大屏幕投影系统中基于软件的无缝 拼接技术

  • The Theoretical Study of Tiling Precision of Large-size Holographic Exposure Grating

    大口径光栅全息曝光 拼接精度的理论研究

  • And when the action is unselected the filter is removed from Display restoring the default drag-and-drop behavior of Editor and View tabs ( meant for rearranging and tiling ) .

    当没有选择这个操作时,就会从Display中删除这个过滤器,恢复编辑器和视图标签的默认拖放行为(这意味着又可以进行重新排列和 平铺操作了)。

  • Tiling his chair back he was in deep thought .

    椅子 往后 靠,他陷入了沉思。

  • Coding of Tiling Algorithm Hologram of Fractional Fourier and Dynamic Display

    分数傅里叶 算法全息图的编码与动态显示

  • AN ASS climbed up to the roof of a building and frisking about there broke in the tiling .

    一个白痴-爬到了一座建筑的顶上,在哪里欢呼跳跃,将 瓷砖打碎了。

  • On observing the behavior of tiling of editors we notice that whenever editors are tiled a new tab folder gets created .

    通过对编辑器 平铺行为的观察,我们注意到不管在何时平铺显示编辑器,都会创建一个新的Tab文件夹。

  • Texture resolution matters & tiling helps .

    纹理分辨率的问题&有助于 处理 贴图