


  • Often the role of baby wrangler will be eliminated .

    在许多 情况 ,宝宝 情绪 调节 的角色会被取消。

  • Maybe the snake Wrangler was wrong about the type we caught .

    或许是我们所抓的蛇的种类 弄错了。

  • You 're a better Wrangler than all of them .

    你是最好的 牧马

  • He was born in Bratislava Slovak Republic and has traveled all over the world working as a stunt man and a horse master ( or horse wrangler ) .

    他出生在发斯洛伐克共和国的 布拉迪斯拉,并且跑遍世界工作作为特技男子及一名马术

  • He is dressed in the modern cowboy uniform of hat shirt and deep blue Wrangler jeans and is reciting a poem .

    麦克。 唐恩 ,一身摩登的牛仔装扮: 头顶 沿帽,套着衬衫,下身深蓝色的 威格仔裤,口中吟着诗句。

  • Lost in the middle of the jeep lineup the liberty is neither as brawny as the Wrangler nor as Luxe as the Grand Cherokee .

    自由客(Liberty)在吉普产品线中处于一个比较尴尬的角色,肌肉感比不上 牧马 Wrangler),奢华赶不上大切诺基(GrandCherokee)。

  • EXAMPLE : The movie company hired an experienced wrangler who coordinated people who appeared briefly in the background of the film .

    这家电影公司 雇用了一位有经验的 活动 管理人,负责协调群众演员。

  • EXAMPLE : My brother is a skilled wrangler who can keep a dozen horses calm during a storm .

    我的兄弟是个技术高超的 牛仔,在风暴到来时能让几十匹马保持平静。

  • She is not a clown although some days it feels that way but a baby wrangler .

    尽管这有时候让人感觉像小丑,但她并不是,而是一位宝宝 情绪 调节

  • Three times Old Gardener struck the ancient treasure a gift to their beloved ancestor from a fellow Senior Wrangler .

    老花匠把这口传家宝敲了三下,那是 当年一位老 状元送给他们家一个 德高望重的祖先的礼物。