working machine

[ˈwə:kɪŋ məˈʃin][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ məˈʃi:n]


  • The utility model is especially suitable for an electric appliance working machine with a plurality of thresholds .

    本实用新型特别适用于多挡位的电器 工作 上。

  • Due to the different structure and parameters the properties of model rotor are different . The structure of rotor must be chosen according to the property requirements of the working machine which matches with the wind-mill . In this way the optimum matching performance can be obtained .

    由于不同结构和参数的风轮模型具有不同的性能,因此,必须根据与风力 配套 作业 机具的性能要求选择风轮结构,以求取得最佳的匹配特性。

  • Parametric Technology of Pro / E and Its Application in Wood Working Machine Design

    Pro/E参数化技术及其在木材 加工 机械设计中的应用ro/E

  • Therefore it is necessary that develop a new type of multifunctional working machine with high efficiency multiple functions can be adapted to the local forest fruit planting model to satisfy the power demand of forest fruit industry development .

    因此,急需研制出一种效率高、功能多、能够适应新疆本地林果业种植模式的新型多功能 作业 来满足林果业发展的动力需求。

  • Ceramic working machine ( excl. machines for working ceramic paste or unfired articles of ceramic materials ) butt stock for shotguns and rifles finished or only roughly shaped w_429

    陶瓷 加工 (不包括加工陶瓷坯泥或陶瓷材料制品生坯的机器)滑膛枪和来复枪的枪托底座成品或仅是毛坯w_461

  • Failure Analysis of the Brake Hub of an Oil Field Working Machine

    油田 作业刹车 轮毂的失效分析

  • In this passage including as follows : 1 . By 3D machine assistance software it help us complete design working of machine in a short time . 2 .

    本文主要涉及到以下内容:1.借助三维机械辅助设计软件,使我们在很短的时间内完成了 机具的设计 工作

  • Despite China has acquired some successes in design and manufacture of the high-altitude working machine but there is a certain gap between the domestic production of high-altitude working machine and the foreign high-altitude working machine production .

    尽管我国在高空 作业 设计制造上取得了一些成绩,但是国内生产制造的高空作业机械同国外同类型高空作业机械产品相比仍有一定差距。

  • Gear finishing is the procedure in which NC working punching machine is used to decoct the gear rag etc which needs that the gears must be placed at appoint position of the punching worktable and positioning accuracy is high .

    齿轮精整是利用数控精整 冲床去除齿轮上毛刺以提高齿轮精度的一道工序,该 工序需要将齿轮放置在冲床工作台的指定位置,且具有较高的定位精度。

  • Match of Engine-Transmission - Working Machine

    发动机传动装置 工作 机械的匹配

  • The high-altitude working machine as a large-scale construction machinery equipment is widely used in ships construction municipal construction fire port cargo and other industries . It is the emerging technical industry there are broad prospects for development .

    高空 作业 作为一种大型的工程机械设备,目前广泛应用在船舶、建筑、市政建设、消防、港口货运等行业,是新兴的技术产业,有着广阔的发展前景。

  • Ok most of you will be working with machine that look like this one on the desk . we 'll start by going over the different parts and what they do .

    好的,你们中的很多人将会用像桌子上这个这样的 机器 工作。我们先从检查各个部位及其功能开始。

  • Analysis of asking the converter for driving induction motor adjusting speed of working machine tool

    调速 工作 母机的拖动感应电动机对变流器的要求分析

  • Through the analysis of arrangement style of cutting teeth of shearer roller so that the further explanation of arrangement design of cutting roller as working machine of shearer can be made .

    分析了采煤机滚筒的截齿排列方式,进一步阐明了采煤 工作 机构的滚筒截齿排列布置的设计要点,通过改变截齿的排列提高了采煤机的使用寿命。

  • He picked his favorite distribution and after a bit more research had a fully working development machine up and running a chair swivel away from his usual trusty machine .

    他采用了他最喜欢的发行版,在一点点更多的研究之后,一套完整的 工作开发 机器就开动了,它就在他平时信赖的机器一滑轮椅子外的地方运行着。

  • A Visual Study on the Grinding Parameters for Grinding Engineering Ceramic ; ceramic working machine ( excl. machines for working ceramic paste or unfired articles of ceramic materials )

    磨削加工工程陶瓷磨削用量的可视化研究陶瓷 加工 (不包括加工陶瓷坯泥或陶瓷材料制品生坯的机器)

  • At this point I have a simple working state machine .

    现在,我具有一个可简单 运行的状态

  • Working Machine Design of Shell - breaker

    壳机 工作 机构的设计

  • The modern society is just like a rapidly working machine and people lose in the whirlpool in purchase of material from which they can 't escape .

    当今的社会就象一部高速 运转 机器,人们迷失在对物质追求的旋涡中不能自拔。

  • Manufacture of air cylinder cover plasma working machine tool

    气缸套等离子 加工 机床的研制

  • Sugarcane harvester is the main working machine on mechanization yield of sugarcane and the working performance of its ' cutter has a biggish effect on cutting quality of sugarcane .

    甘蔗收割机是甘蔗机械化生产的主要 作业 机械,其切割器的工作性能对甘蔗切割质量有较大的影响。

  • The Research of the Electro-hydraulic Automatic Level System of the High-altitude Working Machine

    高空 作业 电液自动调平系统的研究

  • By using the hydraulic torque converter to drive the mud pump both the prime motor and the working machine can be protected and the pump pressure can be controlled in the whole course of drilling if the rated rotary speed of the diesel engines is kept .

    通过液力变矩器驱动钻井泵可同时保护原动机和 工作 ;在保持柴油机额定转速的条件下,可实现泵压的全过程控制。

  • Auto Stop Working Machine of Machine with Man Riding

    架空乘人装置的自动 停车 装置的研制

  • I 'm closing in on a working state machine .

    我得到了一个能 正常 运行的状态

  • Probing into Wood-based Board Working Machine Fault Diagnosis of Hydraulic System by Fuzzy Expert System

    应用模糊专家系统 处理人造板 设备液压故障的探讨

  • As a young member of the family of robot the service robot is a semi-autonomous or autonomous working machine and it can perform various service works that benefit humanity and improve the quality of production and life of mankind .

    服务机器人作为机器人家族中的年轻成员,是一种半自主或全自主 工作 机器,能够完成各项有益于人类的服务工作,提高人类的生产和生活质量。

  • Here are some of the job titles of people working CNC machine tools .

    这里提供一些有关数控 机床 工作

  • An Application of the Communication between PC and PLC in Special Working Machine Tool

    PC与PLC串行通信在专用 加工 机床上的应用

  • Back then he added the nonprofit laptop project did not have a working machine .

    他接着说,在那时,非盈利性质的笔记本项目没有 工作