working procedure

[ˈwə:kɪŋ prəˈsidʒɚ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ prəˈsi:dʒə]


  • The composition principle and working procedure of the application software of EBES-40A electron beam Lithography system are introduced .

    本文简要地介绍了一种圆形电子束曝光机应用软件的结构、工作原理及 工作 过程

  • Well know concierge working procedure and standard in5 star hotel .

    熟练掌握五星级酒店礼宾部 工作 流程和标准。

  • To the new product development in tightly pastes the world tidal current in the production process each link extremely is all strict each together working procedure all has the corresponding test .

    对新产品的研制开发上,紧贴世界潮流,生产过程中的每一个环节都十分严格,每一道 工序都有相应的测试。

  • Through to the components analysis this axis required accuracy is high the working procedure suitable centralism the request is smooth therefore selects the tool and the size wants .

    通过对零件的分析,此轴要求精度高, 工序适当集中,要求光滑,所以选用工具和尺寸要准。

  • A deep-hole drilling process working procedure is also saved so the working efficiency is enhanced the manufacturing cost is reduced and the tool wear is reduced .

    而且还去掉深孔钻削加工 工序,提高工作效率,降低制造成本,减少了刀具的磨损。

  • An overview of working procedure for loading / unloading pump is given in this document .

    此文给出了对装卸泵 工作 方式的总体说明。

  • In food realm of production counting and subpackage to the block granular material product is an essential working procedure .

    在食品生产领域,对块粒状物料产品进行计数和分包是一项必不可少的 工序

  • Ensure compliance to implement according to working procedure of company .

    确保按照公司 工作 流程 操作

  • After the completion of product pavement the product will enter into the pre-pressing and heat pressing working procedure .

    产品铺装完成后,及时进入预压及热压 工序

  • Simulation result shows machining time is fewest about accomplished all the working procedure using the method .

    仿真结果表明该算法求解完成所有 工序的时间最短。

  • Thus the working procedure of adding the mould can be omitted and the difficulty and trouble of adding mould plates can be reduced .

    这样就省略了加模具的 工序,从而减少了加装模板的困难和麻烦。

  • The company strictly carries on each link according to Quality Handbook each working procedure undergoes strict check and examination .

    公司在各个环节都严格按照《质量手册》进行,每 工序均经过严格把关和检验。

  • This first working procedure that deciding what books to read then cannot be muddled .

    在选什么书读这第一 工序上,就不能犯胡涂。

  • Create and update the ground operation agreement and working procedure ;

    制定和更新地面操作协议和 工作 程序

  • Abstract : this thesis introduces the working procedure of router proposes a taxonomy kind of attacking process analyzes the means technology and procedure of network attacking and gives out some corresponding countermeasures .

    文摘:基于对过滤路由器 工作 流程的简述,提出了以攻击过程为标准的分类方法,对网络安全攻击的手段、方法和过程进行了分析,并给出相应的对策。

  • Die structure characteristics and working procedure were introduced and edging process was analyzed .

    介绍了复合模的结构特点及 工作 过程,分析了齐边的工艺过程。

  • Champer is the necessary working procedure of every accessory .

    倒角是每个零件必须进行的最后 工序

  • After predigesting working procedure analytic diagram designer creates the vector graph and marks off priority area .

    它先由 工序分析表简化后,再生成有向网络图,进而确定出优先权区域。

  • Analyzed the stamping distortion characteristics of fan blades the stamping project and die structure using single working procedure to realize the complex components stamping were introduced .

    分析了风扇叶冲压变形特性,介绍了用单 工序模具实现较复杂零件的冲压方案与模具结构。

  • According to drawing and specification to do the inspection for each working procedure to ensure the process quality .

    依据图纸和检验规范要求,负责产品生产过程中的 工序检验,保证过程质量。

  • This paper puts forward an optimum method by computing the priority coefficient of each working procedure to limit resources and implement the optimization of the shortest time limit for a project .

    提出通过计算各 工序优先系数的方法进行资源限定,实现最短工期优化,使该类型的优化从定性优化变成了定量优化,为该类型的优化提供了一个新的求解思路。

  • The article introduces the action principle basic structure key working procedure technological control and manufacture acceptance .

    介绍关节型道岔的动作原理、基本结构、关键 工序工艺控制及制造验收。

  • The working procedure of grinding-classification is a key link in production of mineral concentration .

    磨矿分级 工序是选矿生产的关键环节。

  • Visualization Method Research of Parachute Working Procedure Based on Vega

    基于Vega的降落伞 工作 过程仿真可视化方法研究

  • The crafts and technique standards of every working procedure is exactly executed by foreign advanced engineers ;

    每个 工序都有外籍高级工程师控制生产工艺、技术标准的准确执行;

  • Research and realizing of the method of working procedure path coverage

    业务 流程路径覆盖方法的研究与实现

  • As last working procedure of abrade treatment use holystone needs to have taller property .

    作为研磨加工的最后一 工序,使用的磨石需要具有较高的性能。