working man

[ˈwə:kɪŋ mæn][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ mæn]


  • Is the labour party the great champion of the working man ?

    工党是 工人的英勇捍卫者吗?

  • You 're a working man now .

    你现在是 上班 了。

  • Precious reproductive years working a man 's job .

    浪费 男人的工作上。

  • Yet he was a working man and doing man too .

    他是一个 勤劳 ,也是一个 善于实践的人。

  • Aren 't you glad to be a working man ?

    你不为成为一个 工作 开心吗?

  • If we are industrious we shall never starve ; for at the working man 's house hunger look in but dares not enter & Benjamin Franklin American statesman author and inventor .

    勤劳之人永远不会挨饿,因为在 劳动者房子门前,饥饿可以朝里看但是不敢进去&本杰明。富兰克林,美国政治家、作家和发明家。

  • As a busy working man I have to seek and find time to do it .

    对于一个 工作 忙碌 来说,必须积极挖掘并合理运用时间。

  • The working man is the tough guy you 're father is the tough guy .

    到时我们就知道谁才是真正的 硬汉了, 打工 是硬汉,你老爸才是硬汉!

  • That 's the smell of a working man .

    打工 都这股味道。

  • I am fortunate enough to work with him every day and have a very good relationship with him . I love working with the man .

    能每天与他共事真是天大的幸运,我和他关系很好。我很喜欢和 一起 工作

  • No way will I go on working for that man .

    我不再给那个 工作了。

  • Ever wonder why that great girl settles for that terrible guy or why that honest hard working man starts to cheat and lie at work ?

    有没有想过为什么这么好的姑娘跟了那个可怕的家伙生活在一起或为什么那个诚实 勤奋 在工作中开始欺骗和说谎?

  • How do I not get excited listening to you try to extort a working man ?

    听到你勒索一个 工人怎么能让我不兴奋?

  • The sleep of a working man is sweet if he has little food or much ; but to him who is full sleep will not come .

    劳碌的 ,不拘吃多吃少,睡得香甜。 富足 的丰满,却不容他睡觉。

  • A hard working Irish man has set aside most of his responsibilities to ensure he is able to live comfortably .

    一个努力 工作的爱尔兰 把他大部分责任放在一边以保证他住得舒适。

  • Fish was a major source of protein for the working man .

    鱼肉曾是 劳动者的主要蛋白质来源。

  • Who cares about me the working man ?

    谁在乎我这样的 工人

  • He wouldn 't know that Aunt Helen had been very firm about Nora 's conduct and felt a working man would not be a suitable escort for such a lady of quality .

    他不知道海伦姨妈看重劳拉的品行,感到一个 工人不适合陪伴如此雅致的女士。

  • Tips for Women Working in a Man 's World

    女人在 男人世界 工作的4大秘诀

  • Two to four weeks in the summer and public holidays & that 's all the working man gets .

    2至4个星期的夏季和公众假期,这是所有 工作 得到。

  • You don 't trust a working man with your bag ?

    你信不过 服务员帮你拿包?

  • Team refers to a group made up of a few people under the circumstances that the the common goal the same leader lead trusting each other through the effective communication working as one man .

    团队是由一些具有共同目标、统一领导、彼此信任、通过沟通达到高度 协同的成员所组成的群体。

  • Treat a working man like this ?

    这样对待一个 工人

  • The reason they do is not that they are greedy and grasping and eager to exploit the working man .

    造成这种现象的原因不是由于富人贪得无厌,巧取豪夺,剥削 工人

  • Announcer : the hardest working man in show business .

    广播员:演艺界最 努力

  • The Study on Simulation of Working Space in Man Machine System

    人机系统中 作业域仿真研究

  • First I have formed a habit of working under great pressure I am a hard working man .

    首先,我养成了在巨大压力下工作的习惯, 工作 非常努力;

  • I knew her father for the simplest hardest working man that ever drew the breath of life .

    我早知她的父亲是一个世上最简朴最努力 工作

  • Sooner or later everybody 's working for the man .

    迟早所有 都为他 工作了。

  • I am a hard working man and I believe I can do a great job in driving a plane .

    我是可 吃苦 ,我相信我可以在飞行方面做的非常出色。