


  • Assume that the wormhole connects two remote locations .

    假定 连接二个遥远地方。

  • The Application of Wormhole Algorithm in the Parallel DSP System


  • No we accidentally discovered a wormhole .

    不,我们意外地发现一个 时空

  • The influence of wormhole attack on the node 's number of neighbors is analyzed and a logic topology based method is proposed for attack detection .

    分析了 攻击对于网络节点邻居数目的影响,提出了一种基于网络逻辑拓扑的攻击检测方法。

  • The Wormhole Solution of Nonlinear Scalar Field in Einstein Gravitational Theory

    爱因斯坦引力理论中非线性标量场的 虫洞

  • The thing holding the wormhole open is their markers .

    控制 打开的是他们的传送器。

  • We 're losing wormhole stability .

    我们现在无法稳定 控制 蛀洞

  • As some of us know or theoretically guessed a wormhole is not a portal but actually a drill or disturbance in the river of space and time .

    正如我们一些人知道,或者理论猜测那样, 虫洞并不是一个门户,而实际上是一个钻孔或者时空长河中的一个扰动。

  • You could stand here for months pressing symbols and still not open a wormhole .

    也许他们在这里对这些坐标符号研究了几个月,但还是没能打开一条 隧道

  • The simplest way to visualize a Kerr wormhole is to think of Alice 's Looking Glass .

    最简单的方法来可视化是一个 虫洞克尔认为爱丽丝的镜子。

  • This powerful and unconventional peacekeeper discovered the wormhole information in crichton 's mind .

    这个强大的非正统的和平卫士发现了克莱顿意识中的 虫洞资料。

  • The Angry Birds then chase the claw into a wormhole gaining new superpowers in the process and they eventually find themselves floating in a strange galaxy and surrounded by space pigs .

    随后,愤怒的小鸟们追赶巨爪来到一个 太空 隧道 虫洞中,并在该过程中获得了全新超能力,最终它们发现自己漂浮在一个陌生的星系中,周围全是太空猪。

  • If I could only corral a wormhole and go back in time .

    要是我能创造一个 虫洞回到过去。

  • Opposed to just running your Mastermind in you can use Wormhole .

    不要仅仅直接利用 虫洞”来使摄魂师进入敌人基地。

  • This wormhole may connect two parallel universes or even distant parts of the same universe .

    这个“ 虫洞”可能连接两个平行宇宙,或同一宇宙更遥远的地方。

  • This whole thing could be an elaborate plot to get us to shut down that wormhole .

    那整个事件可能就是让我们关掉 虫洞的阴谋。

  • I suspect the device creates a stable wormhole between superconducting rings

    我猜想这设备在超导转移环之间创造了个稳定的 虫洞

  • Can 't establish a wormhole . something 's happened to their stargate .

    无法建立 虫洞,他们的星门出了问题。

  • Realization Research on SSO based on Javascript Wormhole Technology

    基于Javascript 虫洞技术的SSO实现方式研究

  • What makes you think it 's going to follow a naquadah generator through a wormhole ?

    那你凭什么认为它会随着一个发生器进入 虫洞里呢?

  • Detecting Wormhole Attacks in Multi-path Ad Hoc Networks China countryside hollow out phenomena analysis and governance route

    检测多径路由adhoc网络中的 虫洞攻击我国农村空洞化现象解析与治理路径

  • It is impossible for a traveller to go through this type of wormhole because they can only go through a horizon in one direction .


  • What we did to link us to this wormhole .

    我们要与 时空 有所联系需要怎么做?

  • A wormhole that seems to be locked to a single time and place in the past .

    时空 似乎锁定在过去特定的时间及地点。

  • But they point out that wormholes might be unstable or that intense radiation and sub-atomic forces surrounding the entrance to the wormhole would kill anyone who dared to enter .

    但他们指出,虫洞可能是不稳定的,或者强烈辐射和亚原子力周围的 虫洞的入口会杀死任何人谁也不敢进去。

  • Enough to open a wormhole back to earth .

    多得足够打开一个 通往地球的 虫洞

  • Let 's go she says and they step through the wormhole together and apart .

    “出发,”她说道,随后他们一同步入 虫洞,并离开。

  • Though most of the first settlements collapsed when the wormhole suddenly closed a few survived .

    虽然大部分的最初定居点已经在 虫洞突然关闭时瓦解,但还有少数幸存。