


  • Worktop : Chosen by customer Cabinet : Outline boarders of fume hood adopt American Wilsonart fireproofing veneer and laminate Dew River melamine chipboard .


  • The worktop is made of solid beech .

    操作 是由结实的山毛榉木做成的。

  • I wiped the worktop down before preparing supper .

    准备 饭前,我把 工作 擦干净。

  • Set up the assess standard of the worktop 's management and carry out the basic work of the enterprise 's management

    建立 车间管理评价标准 夯实企业管理基础工作

  • Factories along the roadside cut them into perfect worktop slabs destined for distant designer kitchens .

    路边的加工厂将大理石切割成精美的 台面最终这些台面将用于远方的名牌厨房。

  • Knives will scratch the worktop .

    小刀会在 工作 留下 划痕

  • Worktop may be used for interior decoration in keeping with brand compliance .

    操作 可以使内部装修符合品牌要求。