


  • His plight shows what can happen when a tiny company faces the fuu legal power of a wrathful multinational company .

    他的困境说明,当一家小公司面临一家动 真格的跨国公司的全部津威力时会发生什么。

  • The comrades sometimes will find a shelter where the people will welcome and gladly give food and a place to sleep to Maoists . The ten wrathful deities who reside in one of the outer concentric circles of the mandala serve as its protectors .

    同志们有时会在欢迎并乐意给毛主义者提供食宿的人家找地方住。曼荼罗的外部,同心圆之一中住的十 愤怒神担任它的保护者职责。

  • At last one old footman came out with a wrathful air and announced to the Rostovs that the prince was not receiving but the princess begged them to walk up .

    后来有一个 怒形于色的老仆役走来禀告罗斯托夫家里人,说公爵不能接见,公爵小姐请他们到她面前去。

  • My mother was wrathful with my lying .

    我的母亲因我撒谎 愤怒

  • The lion was neither wrathful cruel nor tyrannical ( 2 ) but just and gentle as a king could be .

    狮子既不 暴躁残忍,也不专横,而就像国王那样,公正平和。

  • The excessive conquest will result in the wrath of nature and the wrathful nature may mete out severe penalties for human beings .

    人类对自然过度的征服最终会招致自然的愤怒, 愤怒的自然会给予人类严厉的惩罚。

  • Pour out thine indignation upon them and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them .

    求你将你的 恼恨,倒在他们 上,叫你的 上他们。

  • He shows a wrathful aspect only to remind us that harmful states such as anger pride and jealousy within our minds should not be tolerated .

    他显示了 愤怒的方面只提醒我们,有害的州,如愤怒,骄傲和嫉妒在我们的头脑应该是不能容忍的。

  • Events that colleges of our country have been kept being indicted constantly by students in the court have created a great sensation and reaction in our country and provoked wrathful thought .

    我国高校不断的被学生 诉至法庭的事件引起了很大的轰动和反响, 同时也很 值得深思。

  • A wrathful man stirreth up strife ; but he who is slow to anger appeaseth strife .


  • The designs not only satisfied the needs of present work but supply a wrathful reference for radiation hardened layout design in future .

    设计出的 EEPROM 版图,不但满足了目前的工作需要,同时为以后 辐射版图设计提供了 有用的参考。

  • The headteacher WAS wrathful with the children 's unruly behavior .

    校长被 那些不守规矩的 小学生 发怒

  • Mike clenched his hands with a wrathful spark in his eyes .

    麦克握紧双手,眼里 愤怒的火花。

  • Buddha called these harmful minds the real enemy of living beings and the wrathful aspect of Dorje Shugden symbolizes the power of spiritual wisdom to destroy them .

    佛陀心目中的所谓的这些有害生物的真正的敌人,而 愤怒的方面多杰雄登的精神象徵智慧的力量来消灭它们。

  • I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes ; and they will know that I am the LORD when I lay My vengeance on them .

    我向他们大施报应, 发怒斥责他们。我报复他们的时候,他们就知道我是耶和华。

  • He preached the imminent wrathful judgment of God and called on his hearers to repent and be baptized .

    他宣讲上帝的 最后审判即将来临,为悔改者施洗礼。