touch ground

[tʌtʃ ɡraʊnd][tʌtʃ ɡraund]


  • A landing in which all three wheels of the aircraft touch the ground at the same time .

    指飞机的三个轮子同时 着陆

  • I can reach my toes and touch the ground with my hands .

    我能够到我的脚趾,而且还能用手 碰到 地面

  • When you first start riding you may feel like you have more control when you can sit on the bike and touch the ground with both feet .

    当你第一次开始驾驶的时候,你坐在上面双脚能够 接触 地面并且能自如控制车辆。

  • Can you turn around and touch the ground ?

    你可会扭转 身体 接触 地面

  • When you touch the ground and ask : Who lies here ?

    当你 触摸 地面 迟疑 问:谁在这里滞留?

  • The bock ward collapse of back row pillar may touch ground for the first time the collapse vibration is relatively strong .

    楼房后排下坐可能是首次 触地,其触地振动较大。

  • Affected leg does not touch ground during early phase of three-point gait .

    在三点步法的初期,伤腿不 接触 地面

  • An animal that walks so that only the toes touch the ground as e.g. dogs and cats and horses .

    行走时只用 脚趾 的动物,如狗、猫和马。

  • Can you feel the heel touch the ground first followed by the midsection of the foot finally feeling the ball of the foot as it pushes off to take the next step ?

    你能感到是后 脚跟在先着地然后是脚中部最后是感到前脚掌并且它后退 地面进入到下一步吗?

  • As soft field landing the basic thing is never make the nose wheel touch the ground first .

    对于软地 降落,基本的要求就是永远不要让前轮先

  • By adopting the technical scheme when the pen falls down a pen head can not touch the ground firstly because the pen head is relatively light therefore the pen head is protected .

    采用以上技术方案后,当笔往下掉时, 笔头由于较轻,不会先 ,这样就保护了笔头。

  • Keep your arms active don 't let your elbows touch the ground .

    继续保持手臂的延展,不要将 手肘放在 地面

  • The main characteristic of walk is that the runner 's front foot must touch the ground before he lifts his rear foot .

    竞走的主要特征是运动员的后脚离开 之前,前脚必须 触地

  • And it 's always just about to touch the ground .

    而这只是为了 触及 实质

  • The results of this study show that : 1 . With a high degree of elevated soles touch the ground at the foot of time with the higher heel height increased .

    本研究结果表明:1.随着 鞋跟高度的升高,双侧足底支撑时间随着鞋跟高度的升高而增加,且肥胖组平均支撑时间大于标准组。

  • When you take your first step you will realize you no longer touch the ground like you used to .

    当你踏出你的第一步的时候,你将认知到你再也无法像往常一样 碰触 地面

  • Vertical stiffness of back row seat has much effect on the vertical vibration as it gets larger ; ⑤ The bock ward collapse of back row pillar may touch ground for the first time the collapse vibration is relatively strong .

    后排座椅的垂直刚度增加很大时,对垂直方向振动影响比较大;⑤楼房后排下坐可能是首次 触地,其触地振动较大。

  • A form of solo dancing that involves rapid acrobatic moves in which different parts of the body touch the ground ; normally performed to the rhythm of rap music .

    一种单独的舞蹈它包括身体不同部分进行的快速的 特技

  • Teddy bear Teddy bear touch the ground .

    泰迪熊,泰迪熊, 碰碰 地板

  • The biomechanical analysis of technique of touch ground buffer in the period of running

    途中 跑着 缓冲技术的生物力学分析

  • Reach out and touch the ground or the floor what does it feel like ?

    伸出 触摸 那里 地面或地板,感觉如何?

  • But unfortunately many have a rough landing and suffer an unexpected shock so that they are totally disorientated as soon as their feet touch the ground .

    不幸的是,很多美人在着陆时都经历了始料未及的颠簸,秀脚刚一 触地,眼睛就迷失了方向。

  • MICHAEL Owen 's feet did not touch the ground after he bought a romantic stay in a treehouse as a Christmas present for his wife .


  • They have full figures and wear tight shirts that leave their chests uncovered scarves on their shoulders and long skirts that touch the ground . She was daringly decollete .

    她们体态丰腴,上衣窄,袒露胸部,披帛搭于肩上,长裙 ,她大胆地穿着袒胸露肩的衣服。

  • When hoisted the National Flag must reach the peak of the staff ; when lowered it may not touch the ground .

    升起时,必须将国旗升至杆顶;降下时,不得使国旗 落地

  • Rule Two : Do not touch the ground with your foot .

    规则二:不要 接触与您的脚的 地面

  • Your jeans are dirty at the bottom because they touch the ground .

    你的工装裤下边脏了,因为下边 了。

  • I can touch the ground with my hands .

    我能用我的手 触摸 地面

  • Then I fixed the piece of log back into its place and put two rocks under it and one against it to hold it there for it was bent up at that place and didn 't quite touch ground .

    接下来把那段木头放回原处,在木头下面垫上了两块石头,另外搬一块顶住那节木头,不让它坠下来&因为木头正是在这儿有点儿弯,并不 地面