total voltage

[计] 总电压

  • By enhances the rail transit power supply security reduces the rail transit for the electrical network electric current total overtone distortion factor and various subharmonics voltage including rate to the city power supply system influence .

    以提高轨道交通供电安全性,减少轨道交通供电网的电流 谐波畸变率和各次谐波 电压含有率对城市供电系统的影响。

  • Torque Analysis of a Synchronous Motor during Asynchronous Start with Total Voltage

    同步电动机异步 启动过程的转矩分析

  • For current detection and the total voltage detection technology in the high voltage detecting unit the system uses a Hall device and to improve detection accuracy .

    针对高压检测单元中的电流检测以及 电压检测技术,系统采用霍尔器件,提高检测精度。

  • The analysis and computation results of total transfer capability and static voltage stability of IEEE test system shows that the proposed method maintains a high degree of accuracy and keeps low the computational burden when compared to the Monte Carlo method .

    通过IEEE算例系统关于 最大输电能力和静态 电压稳定的计算结果表明,该方法计算精度较高,同时与蒙特卡罗方法相比具有较小的计算量。

  • The minimum cost of the reactive power flow model is proposed in which the total amount of voltage drops is taken as the objective function .

    提出了无功最小费用流的数学模型,其中以 电压损耗最小为目标。

  • At last the paper analyzed the influence of wind and PV power with different distribution forms increase gradually in installed capacity connect to different node on total transfer capability and static voltage stability of power system based on the point estimate method .

    最后本文应用点估计法分析了电力系统逐渐增加接入不同形式和不同分布的 光伏发电和风电时对电力系统静态 电压稳定临界点的影响。

  • After achieving the total energy input volume the voltage and electric current input during each melting stage can be calculated based on the electric energy requirements of the different stage according to the model .

    得到 电能输入量后,根据不同冶炼阶段对电能的需求情况,定出各冶炼阶段的 电压、电流值输入值。

  • According to the characteristic of output power in induction hearting power supply the fundamental voltage content in output waveform of inverter should be increased as high as possible which decreases total harmonic distortion ratio of output voltage for improving the utilization ratio of inverter power supply .

    通过对感应加热电源输出功率特性的分析,为提高逆变电源容量的利用率,应尽可能提高感应加热电源逆变器输出电压中的基波含量,减小输出 电压 谐波畸变率。

  • After boron doping in semiconducting ( 8 0 ) the total transmission coefficients as functions of energy and bias voltage change from banded structure to separated island .

    半导体(8)在硼掺杂后,随 偏压和能量变化的体系 透射值由原来的带状结构变成离散的岛状。

  • For a certain harmonic frequency the harmonic impact of a single harmonic source can be expressed as the projection of the harmonic voltage generated by the harmonic source on the total harmonic voltage of the observation bus .

    在某次谐波频率下,单个谐波源对关注节点的谐波影响,可通过该谐波源在关注节点产生的谐波电压在该节点 谐波 电压上的投影表示。

  • The net loss of each branch caused by individual power source was computed by the product of total voltage drop and individual current .

    用电源共同作用时的 线路 压降和单独作用时的线路电流的 乘积计算各个电源在各条支路上引起的网损,计算系统网损在各个电源中的分摊。

  • Then multiply by the square root of the BW in Hz gives the total noise voltage .

    再乘以以赫兹为单位的带宽的平方根,可以得到 噪声 电压

  • Second this paper determines the evaluation function which the target is the total harmonic distortion rate of the output voltage and current and builts the three-level and five-level inverter models in Matlab / Simulink based on the PSO algorithm .

    其次,本文建立了以输出 电压和电流 谐波畸变率为目标的评价函数,并在Matlab/Simulink中搭建了基于PSO算法的三电平和五电平逆变器谐波抑制模型。

  • The results indicate that the total breakdown voltage does not directly reflect the space charge effect on impulse breakdown under combined dc and impulse conditions whereas the relation between impulse breakdown voltage and dc bias voltage is avaiable for this study under alternative dc / impulse voltage .

    分析表明;直流叠加冲击电压法不适用于观察空间电荷的作用,而切换直流/冲击 电压法能有效地反映空间电荷对冲击 击穿的作用。

  • A typical pack might have a stack of96 batteries developing a total voltage in excess of400V for Li-ion batteries charged to4.2V .

    一个典型的电池组含有的电池可能有96个之多,就充电至4.2V的锂离子电池而言, 总共能产生超过400V的 电压

  • The parameters of corona characteristics of HVDC Lines comprise the ion current density total electric field induced voltage on persons or objects ion currents intercepted by persons corona loss and so on .

    高压直流输电线路电晕特性参数包括地面离子流密度、 合成电场强度、人或物体的 充电 电压、人体截获电流及线路电晕损失等。

  • In short the inverter AC output voltage and frequency stability precision are higher and total harmonic content THD of voltage waveform is lower and sinusoidal characteristics are better .

    总之,逆变器交流输出电压和频率稳定精度均较高, 电压波形的 谐波含量THD较低且正弦特性较好。

  • The paper briefly explained the problems of type selecting of voltage transformer and its protection element selection in distribution system such as the requirements for specified voltage factor and the total excitation property the requirements for high voltage fuse .

    简要说明了配电系统电压互感器选型及其保护元件选择应注意的问题(如对额定电压因数的要求和 互感器励磁特性的要求),对 电压互感器的 保护元件(如 高压熔断器)的选择。

  • By simplified analyses it is revealed that supplying traction substation by 220 kV feed lines can decrease total harmonic distortion degree of unbalance and fluctuation of voltage .

    通过简化分析计算表明,牵引变电所采用220kV进线将使 电压 谐波畸变率、 三相 电压不平衡度和 电压波动降低。

  • Normal value of total 12-lead QRS voltage and its significance in diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy in children with CHD

    小儿12导联 QRS 振幅正常值及对先心病左室肥大的诊断价值

  • It is important to ensure that the total cell voltage across the string does not exceed the common mode voltage rating and the maximum voltage level of the switch module .

    确保 电池串两端的 电压不超过开关模块的共模电压额定值和最大电压是非常重要的。

  • Two different modulation methods are used to modulate the inverter and their advantages and disadvantages are compared including total harmonic distortion ( THD ) of voltage and current .

    然后使用不同的调制方法对逆变器进行调制,并比较两种方法的优缺点,包括 输出 电压以及电流的 的谐波失真比率。

  • A horizontal torsion micro mirror with folded springs for MEMS optical switch driven by an electrostatic actuator is designed in this paper . The total length of torsion beams grows longer and driving voltage can be effectively decreased because the straight torsion beams are replaced by the folded springs .

    设计了带有折叠弹簧的静电驱动光开关水平扭转微镜,利用折叠弹簧代替直扭梁,增加扭梁的 长度,有效降低微镜驱动 电压

  • The module can detect the total current and voltage of the battery pack the total voltage of the motor terminals and vehicle insulation resistance in real time . And achieve real-time power calculation of the battery pack .

    该模块可以实时检测动力电池组的总电流、总电压、电机端 电压、整车绝缘电阻,并实现电池组实时功率计算。

  • Consider putting batteries in both parallel and in series to vary / control total voltage and mAh .

    可通考虑通过对电池的并联和串联来控制 电压和电流。

  • In order to reduce total harmonic distortion factor of the inverter 's output voltage adding LC filter to inverter 's output is a simple and practical method adopted extensively currently .

    为了降低逆变器输出 电压 谐波,简单且实用的方法是在逆变器的交流输出侧加装LC滤波器。

  • In addition harmonic components and total harmonic distortion ( THD ) of the output voltage are analyzed .

    分析了应用该算法以后逆变器输出 电压 谐波畸变(THD)的情况,以及主要谐波成分百分含量的变化情况。