total loss

[ˈtotl lɔs][ˈtəutəl lɔs]


  • Such missing shall be deemed to be an actual total loss .

    船舶失视为实际 全损

  • He wants us to feel a total loss of control .

    他希望我们感觉 完全 失去控制。

  • We are to have the goods Insure against total loss only for rmb 5000 .

    我们打算按人民币5000元的金额对货物投保 全损险。

  • What is more Mr Obama has diluted and blurred the threshold for victory in Afghanistan giving him a great deal of leeway to pull out without a total loss of face .

    更有甚者,奥巴马已对阿富汗战争胜利的门槛进行了淡化和模糊化处理,这为他留出了很大余地,能够抽身而退但不至于颜面 尽失

  • Compromised andor arranged andor constructive total loss of vessel only

    仅保船舶协定和或协商和或推定 全损

  • According to the commonly used method decomposing the total loss into the three components we have carefully examined the non linear behavior of the excess loss per cycle .


  • You are requested to compensate us for the total loss of sugar at value of $ 105 Per MT.

    我方要求贵方赔偿我方每吨105美元的糖的所的 损失

  • Shares fell 0.6 % bringing the total loss in its stock price to about 5.5 % since the probe became publicly known .

    麦当劳周一股价下跌了0.6%,自对福喜的调查公开以来,其股价 累计 下跌了约5.5%。

  • We agree to compensate to total loss and enclose one draft for USD 780 to pay therefor .

    本公司同意赔偿 所有 损失,兹附上款额780000美圆汇票一张,以资偿付。

  • The deviations of no-load loss and load loss shall not exceed + 15 % and that of total loss shall not exceed + 10 % .

    空载损耗、负载损耗的偏差不超过+15%, 损耗的偏差不超过+10%。

  • The utility model has the advantages of small magnetic-leakage loss low total loss high operational reliability etc.

    本实用新型具有漏磁损耗小、 损耗低、运行可靠性高等优点。

  • Unconformity with your instructions we have have the goods insure against total loss only .

    遵照贵方指示,我们已将货物投保 全损险。

  • A total loss may be either a actual total loss or constructive total loss .


  • Therefore the total loss claim was denied due to the seizure of the goods by Somali pirates .

    因此,由于寨马里海盗捆押货物而主张货物 全损不能成立。

  • Partial or total loss of skin pigmentation often occurring in patches .

    白斑病皮肤色素的局部或 全部 缺乏,经常是斑状。

  • We can exclude the possibility of total loss from our calculations .

    我们可以在预测中把 彻底 失败的可能性排除在外。

  • The plane was blown up with total loss of life .

    飞机被炸,乘客 全部 罹难

  • Relative total loss An error in this area could cause considerable problem within the manufacturing plant .

    在这方面如果出了毛病,对生产车间会造成相当 损失

  • Root : is the base form of a word that cannot further be analyzed without total loss of identity .

    词的基本形式,不能再作进一步分析而 完全损失同一性。

  • Well roughly speaking F.P.A. covers total loss resulting from both natural calamities and accidents and partial loss caused by accidents .

    大体上说,平安险包括自然灾害和意外事故造成的 全部 损失和意外事故造成的部分损失。

  • The only part of UML that is on a high level of abstraction is the Use Case diagram and that 's only at the total loss of precision .

    UML中能算是高层次抽象的部分只有用例图,而这是在 完全 失却精确性的情况下。

  • A 2013 survey from Javelin Strategy and Research estimates that the annual total loss to Americans due to identity theft was roughly $ 20 billion .

    研究公司JavelinStrategyandResearch在2013年的调查中估计,身份盗用 每年给美国人造成的 损失大约为200亿美元。

  • In circumstances where a low water level or total loss of water returns results in excessive vibration and torque AUS-PLUG can be allowed to swell in water or mud for15-20 minutes .

    在低水位或者水返回的 损失导致过度震动和扭矩情况下,允许将AUS-PLUG膨胀在水中或泥浆中15-20分钟。

  • Permanent Total Loss of Sight of both Eyes His eyes were cold and green .

    永久 完全 丧失双眼视力那是一双冷漠的绿眼睛。

  • The car was so badly damaged that it had to be abandoned as a total loss .

    汽车损坏严重,只好 彻底 报废

  • The ship was wrecked and became a total loss .

    船只失事, 一切损失了。

  • In case of an actual total loss no notice of abandonment need be given .

    在实际 全损的情况下,不比发送委付通知。

  • The total loss of light is a combination of the amounts due to absorption and to scattering .

    光的 损失是被吸收和散射的光量的和。

  • Ask its recoup the total loss that cause ( in the car advocate below the circumstance of nonexistent fault ) .

    要求其赔偿造成的 全部 损失(在车主不存在过错的情况下)。

  • PetroChina LOC is aiming to increase its market share of value-added lubricant products sold directly to the consumer while reducing the sales of low-margin base oils and total loss system oil .

    中国石油以提高直接销售给用户的高附加值的润滑油产品的市场份额为目标,而减少低利润的原油和 损耗性的系统油的销量。