topple down

[ˈtɑpəl daʊn][ˈtɔpl daun]


  • AOP does not topple down the thought of object-oriented but abstracting 00 technology in a more high-level which makes the process of crosscut concern becoming more efficient and natural and also brings a brand new thought for implementing the reflective middleware .

    AOP没有 颠覆面向对象的思想,而是对面向对象技术作了更高层次的抽象,使得处理横切关注时变得更加高效自然,为反射中间件的实现提供了一个崭新的思路。

  • Feminism writers since enlightened have been explicitly rebelling against the traditional women images shut in the shadow of masculine consciousness determined to create discourse of their own to topple down the hegemony of masculine discourse .

    女性主义作家从觉醒的那一刻起,就旗帜鲜明地反叛男权意识阴影笼罩下的女性形象传统,锐意于建立女性自己的话语, 颠覆男性话语霸权。

  • One good blow would topple him over and down and out .

    只要好好的一拳,就能 打倒,叫他完蛋。

  • Analyse mechanism for split open 、 damaged and topple down for ( rigid ) frame structure in integral cast-in-situ reinforced concrete

    整浇钢筋混凝土(刚)框架结构的开裂、破损和 倒塌机理分析

  • That Building is going to topple down .

    那幢建筑物 摇摇欲坠

  • Chinese contemporary avant-garde drama presents a completely new artistic style both in its contents and forms which makes it keep away from and even partly topple down the mainstream of Chinese modern drama .

    中国当代先锋戏剧在内容主题和舞台形式方面都呈现出崭新的艺术姿态,与此前的主流话剧拉开了距离并对其造成部分 颠覆

  • To further women 's development we must topple down patri-archy and reconstruct the international political and economic framework in the spirit of equality of the two sexes .

    要使妇女发展,必须 打破 男权制,在两性平等基础上重建国际政治经济结构。

  • A little Vajra can topple mount sumeru . a little spark can burn down a forest . a little germ can shatter your body . a little repentance can repair grave transgressions .

    小小金刚,能坏 须弥;小小星火,能够燎原;小小细菌,会伤身体;小小忏悔,能破大恶。