torque rod

[tɔrk rɑd][tɔ:k rɔd]


  • The torque control valve of hydraulic tong is developed to protect the scrws of tube and suck rod from being damaged or deformed caused by over tightness .

    液压油管钳 扭矩控制阀用于油管和抽 上螺纹时控制其扭矩值,以免扭矩过大而损坏螺纹或造成本体变形。

  • Formula for internal resistance ratio under a quick section - load expressions on sectional flexural torque and shear force when rod bent are given .

    给出了截面快速加载下的内阻比计算公式,以及 弯曲时截面 弯矩、剪力的表达式。

  • Determinating the tightening torque for connecting rod bearing bolts of diesel engine series 105

    105系列柴油机 连杆螺栓扭紧 力矩的选定

  • Motor Vehicle Suspension Torque Rod Strengthening Technique

    汽车悬架 强化技术

  • With the aid of torque measurement on a pilot rod mill it is studied the effects of mill feed size and batch grinding time on the particle size distribution and energy consumption in dry rod grinding .

    使用 装有 扭矩测试系统的半工业规模 磨机,研究了磨机给矿粒度和分批作业磨矿机时间对棒磨产品粒度分布及能量消耗的影响;

  • Therefore a new algorithm of geometrical Pareto evolution algorithm with complex ( GPEC ) based on geometrical characters is used to make a multi-objective optimal design for maximum torque factor and polished rod acceleration on the upstroke of a conventional pumping unit .

    为此,采用一种新的集复合形方法和几何选择为一体的多目标Pareto进化算法(GPEC),对常规型抽油机的上冲程最大 扭矩因数和上冲程悬 加速度进行多目标优化设计。

  • The new device uses a rotary mechanism similar to ball joint to eliminate the unscrewing torque caused by the reciprocating motion of the rod string .

    这种装置采用类似球形关节的旋转机构,消除了 柱上下往复运动产生的倒扣 扭矩

  • ENGINE TORQUE When the piston is moving down on the power stroke it is applying torque to the engine crankshaft ( through the connecting rod ) .

    发动机扭矩:当活塞处于做功行程而向下运动时,所产生的 扭矩通过 连杆 传递给发动机曲轴

  • The influence of the main parameters in the kinematic model to the average effective torque is analyzed which provides a theoretical basis for further analysis of the structure of power cylinder . Fifth ANSYS workbench is used to optimize the connecting rod .

    分析了运动学模型中主要参数对平均有效 转矩的影响。

  • A simulation study on the slow speed characteristics of the low speed high torque hydraulic motor with crankshaft and connecting rod

    曲轴 连杆低速大 扭矩液压马达低速特性的仿真研究

  • Prolonging the startup time can reduce the peak value of startup torque . Then the rod breaking problem due to oversize rod torque can be effectively solved while progressive cavity pump instantaneously started up .

    延长启动时间可降低启动 扭矩峰值,有效地解决螺杆泵井瞬时启动抽油杆扭矩过大造成的断 问题。

  • The corresponding relations between the torque of bucket rod torque and oil production system behavior can be applied to fault diagnosis .

    根据 扭矩与采油系统工况之间的对应关系,进行故障诊断。

  • The induction quenching realizes imitated stress strengthening raises fatigue limit and service performance of the torque rod .

    感应淬火实现了仿应力强化,提高了 的疲劳极限和使用性能。

  • Based upon the more accurate dynamic mode established in this thesis the torque of crank and efficiency of rod pumping system are calculated . The model used in this paper is more close to reality by compared with the measured results .

    基于本文所建立的比较精确的动力学模型,对有 抽油系统的曲柄轴 扭矩和系统效率进行了计算,通过与实测结果比较,说明本文的模型更接近实际。

  • The suspension of the tractor is simplified by the model of spring-damp system and the artillery torque rod is also simplified by torsion spring .

    牵引车悬架简化为弹簧阻尼系统;火炮 扭转 简化为扭簧。

  • The torque curve of the pumping rod string with time at any position and the lateral displacement of the pumping rod string at any moment are obtained by solving the dynamic model with Newmark direct integration method .

    利用Newmark直接积分方法对动力学模型进行求解,可获得任意位置处抽油 扭矩 载荷随时间变化曲线、任意时刻沿井筒侧向位移等。

  • By comparison and analysis of some kinds of beam pumping units the authors discuss the relationship of the stroke length to torque factor polished rod load and linkage dimensions and work out relevant diagrams and tables .

    通过对国内外部分游梁式抽油机的对比分析,讨论了冲程长度与 扭矩因数、 载荷、杆 尺寸等参数的关系,作出了抽油机参数随冲程长度变化的图和表。

  • Measuring the Torque and Axial Drag on Rod in Rod Pump Production Wells

    螺杆泵采油井 转矩和轴向拉力双参数测试技术

  • At present the die has been successfully used in the production of plug-in torque rod and achieved good social and economic benefits .

    目前,由该工艺设计的模具已经成功的应用于插接式 扭矩 镦锻成形的生产制造中,取得了良好效益。

  • Floating-ring is an important sealing part through which to provide the high-speed rotary chuck with high pressure oil making the chunk with the ability of transferring torque and axial force to drilling rod .

    配油套是钻机中最重要的密封元件,通过它可以向高速旋转的胶囊式卡盘供应高压油,从而使卡盘具有向 钻杆传递 扭矩和轴向力的能力。

  • In order to diagnose the working conditions of progressive cavity pumps a system for testing polished rod toad is established by which real-time test is conducted on vertical laod and torque on a polished rod .

    为了诊断螺杆泵采油系统工况,建立了光杆受力测试系统,可以实时测试 所承受的垂向载荷、 扭矩

  • Analysis on Fracture of the Torque Rod

    扭力 断裂的分析

  • By analyzing the forging process of the plug-in torque rod two forming process schemes are drafted and their process parameters are adjusted .

    通过对插接式 扭矩 镦锻工艺的分析,拟定了两种工艺方案。

  • The paper presents technological procedure of torque rod and relevant technical problems of several kind strengthening techniques for it-medium frequency induction quenching treatment shot blasting rolling and pre-twisting treatment .

    介绍了 的生产工艺流程及 的几种强化技术&中频感应淬火处理、喷丸、滚压和预扭处理的有关技术问题。

  • Calculation or load torque on sucker rod string for oil recovery by screw pumps

    螺杆泵抽油 柱负载 扭矩计算