topple over

[ˈtɑpəl ˈovɚ][ˈtɔpl ˈəuvə]


  • Without balance things eventually topple over . If one of your areas is dominating the other it will create problems in the other .

    任何事情一旦失去平衡就会 崩塌,如果某一区域 主导和控制着另外一个,那就会产生矛盾。

  • She looked at the young tree nervously as if expecting it to topple over .

    她紧张地望着那棵小树,彷佛眼看它要 下来 的。

  • It will topple over .

    它将 倒塌

  • A car with a lower center of mass is less likely to topple over .

    具有较低重心的汽车不太容易 翻车

  • One good blow would topple him over and down and out .

    只要好好的一拳,就能 打倒,叫他完蛋。

  • Boston Dynamics ' robots are renowned for their incredible balance . In the video of Spot company employees can be seen kicking the robotic dog trying to topple it over .

    波士顿动力公司生产的机器人以极佳的平衡能力而闻名。在那段Spot的视频中,工作人员踢了它一脚,试图 它踹

  • Small wheeled bikes like the Strida can take some getting used to & some riders find it easy to topple over on them .

    小轮自行车,如斯特日达能采取一些习惯-一些乘客也很容易对他们 倒下

  • Best to hope these imbalances do not topple over any time soon .

    我们最好还是希望这些失衡不要很快 失控

  • Handcuffs will get soft and billy clubs will topple over let 's go on being free anyhow .

    手镣(压制)将得到 消解而且警棍( 严酷 政权)将会被 推翻,让我们 任意 自由的本质。