
[tɑp nɑtʃ][tɔp nɔtʃ]


  • With high-quality products top-notch service and reasonable prices we win the trust of customers .

    以优质的产品、 一流的服务、合理的价格,赢得客户的信赖。

  • I always love visiting top-notch research institutions and universities because I 'll learn so much .

    我一直很喜欢参观 一流的研究机构,和大学,因为我会学到很多东西。

  • Wang study of top-notch the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing to study .

    王学习 拔尖对外经济贸易大学 录取,在北京念书。

  • How do you get top-notch consultants and trainers to deliver the training without the heavy fixed costs ?

    您如何找到 一流的咨询顾问和培训专家来培训,而又没有庞大的固定成本?

  • He is a top-notch student in the class .

    全班学生中他是个 尖子

  • Remember everyone was a beginner : Olympic athletes top-notch musicians even you .

    记住每个人都可能是开拓者:奥林匹克运动员、 一流的音乐家、还有你。

  • Top-notch technology that will be superior to the competition in terms of efficiency and drivability .

    能效和驾驶性方面优于竞争对手的 顶尖技术;

  • That young woman is not only a top-notch student but an excellent musician as well .

    那位年轻的女人不仅是&位 优秀的学生,也是一位卓越的音乐家。

  • As a top-notch innovative talent group it 's important to have a good ideological and political quality for China 's graduate students .

    研究生作为我国重点培养的 拔尖、创新型人才群体,具有良好的思想政治素质尤为重要。

  • The peanuts they grow are top-notch .

    他们种的花生是 拔尖的。

  • We need a top-notch writer !

    我们需要的是 顶尖的编辑!

  • The actor 's performance was top-notch .

    这位演员的表演是 一流的。

  • A top-notch English resume will set you apart from the competition .

    一份 一流的履历将使你远离竞争对手。

  • That restaurant 's really top-notch .

    那家餐馆真是 一流的。

  • The region also has few top-notch universities compared with other parts of the world .

    和世界其他地方相比,该地区几乎没有什么 顶尖大学。

  • Everything here is top-notch : the rooms the restaurants the service .

    这儿的一切 高级的,这儿的房间,餐馆,的服务都非常

  • Low crime top-notch suburban schools and reasonable housing costs make Madison a good choice for families .

    低犯罪率、 顶尖的郊区学校和合理的房价让麦迪逊成为全家生活的好地方。

  • Beautiful room in a terrific location with top-notch service-ice bucket was always filled before we knew we needed ice !

    美丽的房间,优越的地段再加上 一流的服务&事事都抢在你先考虑好了!

  • What if you had three more top-notch programmers to help you ?

    要是多了三名 顶尖的程序设计师帮你们呢?

  • How to select the top-notch innovative medical talents not sticking only to one pattern ?

    如何 做到不拘一格选拔医学创新 拔尖人才?

  • Provide all-round top-notch services and support to the hosting of the best ever Olympics in history .

    为承办一届历史上最出色的奥运会提供全方位的 优质服务和保障。

  • We will place much emphasis on strengthening basic research and high technology research by supporting a contingent of highly qualified top-notch researchers engaged in making pioneering advances in these fields .

    我们要重视和加强基础研究和高技术研究,支持一支精干的高 水平科研队伍,在这些领域进行开拓性的工作。

  • Hingis is a top-notch tennis player .


  • Anyway I haven 't been able to set up a top-notch go-between he 'll trust .

    总而言之,我还没有物色到一个他会信任的 牵线 高级人士。

  • David : I think you 'll find all of our staff is top-notch .

    我想你会发现我们所有的员工都是 一流的。

  • Other benefits of going to a prep school include top-notch facilities and extracurricular activities .

    在预科学校就读的其他好处还包括 一流的设备和丰富的课外活动。 位于 新罕布什尔 的St。

  • We strive to develop the headquarters economy and build a top-notch business environment .

    发展总部经济,建设 一流商务环境。

  • The victors had a top-notch run this summer winning the Queen 's Club Wimbledon and Toronto titles in succession .

    获胜者今年夏天经历了 顶尖之旅,一连赢得了女王草地赛、温布尔登和多伦多冠军。

  • To provide customers with satisfactory products top-notch service and low prices are the eternal pursuitperson and commitments .

    为顾客提供满意的产品、 一流的服务和低廉的价格是威尔达人永恒的追求和承诺。

  • With two incomes we could afford a top-notch nanny .

    有了两份收入,我们就可以请 保姆