


  • A topology expressing an IT system may be as simple as describing a component of the system .

    一个 拓扑表达一个IT系统可能与描述这个系统的组成一样简单。

  • If you already have a virtual image you can plan the deployment of that image in a topology .

    如果您已经有一个虚拟镜像,那么您可规划一个 拓扑中镜像的部署问题了。

  • Indeed readers familiar with the fundamentals of algebriaic topology can easily prove the correctness of this presentation .

    事实上,熟悉代数 拓扑基本原理的读者容易证明这个表示的正确性。

  • All this information is stored in the topology model of the portal .

    所有这些信息都存储在门户的 拓扑模型中。

  • A network topology discovery algorithm based on breadth-first is introduced .

    介绍了一种基于广度优先的网络 拓扑发现算法。

  • This warning event can indicate a problem with the link state table or with the routing topology .

    此警告事件可能指示,存在与链接状态表或路由 拓扑有关的问题。

  • Virtual system patterns provide flexibility and control over the middleware topology to be deployed .

    虚拟系统模式提供了灵活性,以及针对要部署中间件 拓扑的控制。

  • How this service topology was discovered and designed is beyond the scope of this article .

    如何发现和设计这一服务的 拓扑 结构已经超出了本文的范围。

  • Research on Topology Aggregation and Routing Algorithm for Hierarchical Networks

    层次网络中 拓扑聚合和路由算法研究

  • In this paper we investigate the interval topology on a poset .

    本文主要研究了偏序集上的区间 拓扑的一些性质。

  • Topology includes information about both the servers and the applications .


  • It gathers link state information from available routers and constructs a topology map of the network .

    它收集来自于可用路由器的链接状态信息和构成一个网络的 拓扑图。

  • The topology can be distributed over several machines for scalability and availability .


  • Topology and database configuration and management have been improved .


  • Suppose that later the application topology changes placing a Web service between the application and the database .

    假设不久后应用程序 拓扑发生了改变,在应用程序和数据库之间放置了Web服务。

  • Create and configure a flexible management topology .

    创建和配置灵活的管理 拓扑

  • Then collect and view the network topology through Flex System Manager web interface .

    然后,通过FlexSystemManagerWeb界面收集和查看网络 拓扑

  • In this workspace we can see the full topology of the Buy Stock transaction .

    在此工作空间中,我们看到了BuyStock事务的完整 拓扑

  • You can use a topology model to describe an IT system or pieces of an IT system .

    您可以利用一个 拓扑模型来描述一个IT系统,或者一个IT系统的片段。

  • It defined the topology used and the requirements and capabilities of this automation asset .

    文中定义了所使用的 拓扑 结构,以及这个自动化资产的需求和功能。

  • This paper introduces the implement methods of a high-speed optical interconnection network adapter for double token-ring network topology cluster .

    介绍了一种面向机群系统双环形网络 拓扑 结构的高速光互联网络适配器的设计和实现方法。

  • This topology is support directly by the GlassFish Application Server .

    这种 拓扑直接得到了GlassFish应用服务器的支持。

  • K-connected cluster topology control algorithm is proposed in this paper .

    本文提出了一个K连通的分簇式无线传感器 网络 拓扑控制算法。

  • The topology communication protocol and control of the system are also discussed in detail ;

    对这一系统 拓扑形式、通讯协议、系统控制等进行了较为深入的探讨;

  • This paper presents the concept of power network frame topology its model and method .

    本文提出了电力网架 拓扑的概念、模型和方法。

  • Routing updates and topology information are passed only between adjacent routers .

    路由更新和 拓扑信息只在建立邻接关系的路由器之间传递。

  • This converter topology is a bit different from other topologies ;

    转换器的 拓扑 结构与其他拓扑的结构有一点不同。

  • This paper studies the simulated annealing algorithm for topology optimization of truss .

    研究了平面桁架结构 拓扑优化设计的模拟退火算法。