

[计] 拓扑地

  • This paper deals with topologically ergodic maps .

    本文研究 拓扑遍历映射。

  • Topologically finite intersection property with application


  • We also present a stroke extraction algorithm based on stroke segment topologically .

    同时, 本文还提出了一种基于 笔划段的笔划抽取算法, 图论 角度 实现集合 变换

  • If the continuous semi - flow is topologically weak mixing then it is pointwise scattering ;


  • A more general topologically finite intersection property is obtained .

    本文 研究了更一般的 拓扑有限交的性质。

  • A necessary and sufficient condition is given for topologically mixed finite subshifts that are described by directed graphs .

    用有向图描述有限于移位,给出了有限子移位为 拓扑混合的充要条件。

  • Supports OSPF agreement to the network equipment and can measure and report the topological some change of network dynamically can select the network based on OSPF agreement for use to search for topologically .

    对网络设备均支持OSPF协议且能动态地检测和报告网络拓扑的局部变化,可选用基于OSPF协议的网络 拓扑搜索。

  • For the topologically ergodic self-maps on compact metric space this paper studies its properties judging and relationship with chaos .

    本文研究紧致度量空间上 拓扑遍历自映射的性质、判定及与混沌的关系。

  • In this paper we proved that on one-sided symbolic space model shift map is topologically conjugate with the traditional shift map .

    本文证明了单边符号空间上拟移位映射和移位映射 拓扑共轭, 进而 得到 帐篷 映射的拓扑

  • The paper presents a necessary and sufficient condition for topological dynamical system to be topologically conjugate with a generalized symbolic dynamical system .

    本文证明了,拓扑动力系统与广义符号动力系统 拓扑共轭的一个充分必要条件。

  • Generalized Lorenz system ( GLS ) contains the classical Lorenz system and infinite chaotic systems which are similar in structure but not topologically equivalent with Lorenz system .

    广义Lorenz系统包括经典Lorenz系统和无穷多个结构相似但不 拓扑等价的混沌系统。

  • Relations among the average-shadowing property totally transitive topologically weakly mixing and chaos were discussed .

    讨论平均跟踪性与完全传递、 拓扑弱混合及混沌的关系。

  • Chaos and Topologically Weakly Mixing of Shift Maps on the Inverse Limit Spaces

    逆极限空间上移位映射的混沌与 拓扑弱混合性

  • However it does not guarantee the surface to be topologically consistent with the data called topological ambiguity .

    然而,该 算法并不能保证 取出 等值 面的 拓扑三维数据场的数据保持一致,即 等值 面的拓扑存在二义性。

  • They were topologically designed with optimization criteria ( OC ) method sequence linear programming ( SLP ) and the method of moving asymptotes ( MMA ) respectively .

    分别用优化准则法(OC)、序列线性规划法(SLP)和移动渐近线法(MMA)对悬臂结构和力反相机构进行了 拓扑设计。

  • In this paper we discuss the relation between the integer homology group of F_b on topological manifold and the invariants of topologically critical point of F.

    本文讨论了拓扑流形上Fb的整系数同调群和F的 拓扑临界点的不变量间的关系。

  • The theory of graph rotation system topologically represents the graph embedding .

    图形旋转系统理论是 拓扑 意义 对图形体的 数据表达。

  • Indicates whether this geometry is known ( or assumed ) to be topologically correct .

    表示几何对象是否被认为或假设是 拓扑正确的。

  • At last the standard prosthetic models are formulated through topologically connecting all the constructed features by Nurbs surfaces .

    最后将建构特征通过Nurbs曲面进行 拓扑连接, 从而 获得 完整的标准牙模型。

  • Considering the quilting path includes invalid journey between contours the segment of contour is sorted topologically using greedy algorithm for invalid journey is shortened .

    然后考虑到多轮廓图案绗缝时,针头的加工路径包含其在轮廓间 移动的空行程,为缩短空行程,用贪心法对轮廓进行 拓扑排序。

  • Also a totally topological transitive system is topologically double ergodic if the regular minimal points are dense in it . Therefore for the finite type sub-shift topologically strong mixing and totally topological transition are equivalent .

    还证明了正规极小点稠密的完全拓扑传递系统是双重 拓扑遍历的,从而对有限型子转移而言,拓扑强混合与完全拓扑传递等价。

  • But the product of topologically transitive maps may not be topologically transitive .

    然后, 证明拓扑传递的映射的乘积映射不一定是拓扑传递。

  • In this dissertation we mainly consider transitive linear semigroups and topologically transitive linear semigroups of M_n ( C ) .

    本文主要研究右迁移单迁移线性半群、迁移单迁移线性半群和 拓扑迁移半群。

  • The quantum chemistry model and its relative molecular graph suggested here are topologically equivalent to actual reaction molecule .

    本文提出的量子化学模型及相应的分子图与反应物实体是 拓朴等价的。

  • Network containing operational amplifiers is topologically analysed by computer . The method of defining common trees between current graph and voltage graph is used for obtaining the all symbolic network function .

    借助计算机对含运算放大器的网络进行 拓扑分析,通过确定网络的电流图和电压图的共有树的方法,求出全符号的网络函数。

  • We characterize almost periodicity with equicontinuity and prove that if the group is uniform equicontinuous then it is topologically equivalent to an isometric one .

    本文对一致空间上的群作用,用等度连续性刻画了几乎周期的性质,并且论证了一致等度连续的群作用 拓扑等价于一等距的群作用。

  • That result means that topologically the manifold in question is a3 - sphere .

    这个结果意味 拓扑 而言,所 研究的流形就是三维球。

  • A method for local topological consistency test is proposed to ensure topologically correct reconstruction the reconstructed surface thus has only small topological difference from the original surface .

    提出了相应的局部拓扑一致性检测方法,确保了 算法 稳健性,解决了传统算法的 重叠面片和表面空洞等问题,并且重构的 三角 网格表面与被采样的物体表面拓扑差别最小。

  • Moreover the scattered point cloud thus acquired does not meet the requirements of a topologically rectangular permutation .

    另外,基于四边域 曲面 重建 算法 通常要求 数据拓扑矩形排列,而采样得到的散乱点云通常不满足这一 拓扑要求。

  • In this paper first We give a topologically structural cluster analysis method by using algebraic topology .

    本文首先利用代数拓扑学的 思想,给出了 拓扑结构聚类分析方法;