topological matrix


  • By means of analysis on the topological structure of gun system based on a certain assumptions dynamics simulation model was set up by use of velocity matrix method .

    通过分析车载炮的 拓扑结构,在一定假设的基础上,利用速度 矩阵法建立了动力学仿真模型。

  • Study on the improved topological index of distance matrix and its application

    改进的距离 矩阵指数 W 1~及其应用研究

  • In the foundation of waterpower simulation software V3.0 we analyzed power network topological model . Based on a virtual power network bus matrix was given dynamically . The thesis proposes a virtual load flow method .

    本文以图形化的丰满水电仿真V3.0软件为背景,分析并实现了电力网络 元件模型,在虚拟电网的基础上动态形成导纳 矩阵,提出了一种实用的虚拟潮流计算方式。

  • Through analyzing the directed topological graph a mathematical model of distribution system i.e. the correlation matrix of nodes and line segments is built .

    通过分析配电网的有向 拓扑图,建立了配电网的数学模型&节点线段关联 矩阵,并在该数学模型的基础上,分析归纳出节点 阻抗 矩阵元素 计算方法。

  • Combined the topological relation of suspen-dome and the concept of overall feasible pre-stress by using the equilibrium matrix theory method and linear static method the problem of distribution of initial pre-stress of suspen-dome is simplified .

    结合整体可行预应力的概念,并考虑结构自身的 拓扑关系,采用平衡 矩阵理论方法和线性静力分析法,对弦支穹顶结构的初始预应力分布的确定进行简化。

  • The topological relationship of nodes and road sections in road network was expressed by adjacent node relation matrix and adjacent node weight matrix which saved the storage space .

    采用邻接结点关系 矩阵和邻接结点权矩阵表达路网中结点和路段的 拓扑关系,减少了路网的存储空间。

  • A topological index ( K ) of square root of harmonic average based on the distance matrix which can be used to characterize the size and branching for alkanes is derived in this paper .

    以距离 矩阵为基础,建构调和均根 拓扑指数(K),以表征链烷烃分子的大小和分支情况。

  • Special attention being paid to the topological method of matrix transformation .

    文中着重分析了一种利用 网络 几何原理进行的 矩阵变换法。

  • Two elementary topological changes for axial symmetric structures were presented and a set of explicit formulae of elementary topology changes of axial symmetric structures were given by using Moore-Penrose inverse theory and a factorization of stiffness matrix .

    提出了轴对称结构的两种基本 拓扑变化,并应用Moore-Penrose逆理论及单元刚度 矩阵的一种分解,给出了轴对称结构拓扑变化公式。

  • Based on the topological analysis of three-phase matrix AC to AC conversion circuit an AC to AC nine-switch matrix converter is equivalent to virtual rectification part and conversion part .

    通过对三相 矩阵式AC-AC 拓扑 结构变换电路的分析,把AC-AC九开关式矩阵式变换器等效为虚拟整流和逆变2部分;

  • The topological indexes of lube fraction n-alkanes based on distance matrix and adjacency matrix in molecular digrams were computed . The example cited was the calculation of Balaban Centric Index .

    在分子图的距离 矩阵和邻接矩阵基础上对润滑油馏分正构烷烃分子的 拓扑指数进行了计算,并以Balaban中心指数的计算为例进行说明。

  • The element of matrix in the distance matrix S_ ~ ij is defined and the topological index W based on the distance matrix is defined as well .

    定义了矩阵元Sij和基于距离 矩阵 拓扑指数W。对相邻原子,Sij相当于键参数。

  • For the topological relations of the line this thesis designs the Incidence Matrix to describe the topological relationship by the use of graph theory .

    对于线路的 拓扑关系论文以图论为分析工具,设计出以关联 矩阵的形式对线路拓扑关系的数字化描述方式。

  • Based on the combinational characteristics of basic units four combination modes are put forward . Micro-transformation is performed on topological graph and stratified adjacency matrix is established approaches of isomorphism criterion are given that provide theoretical basis for topological synthesis of EGTs .

    拓扑图作缩微变换,建立了 拓扑图的分层邻接 矩阵,给出了同构判定步骤,为轮系的拓扑综合提供了理论基础。

  • The topological method of formulating hybrid parameter matrix of linear N-port network

    建立线性N端口电阻网络混合参数 矩阵 拓朴法

  • Through analysing the logical relation of machining technological process the paper introduces the Expert knowledge Base process Topological Matrix ( Turning parts ) .

    本文通过机械加工工艺中的逻辑关系,建立了一个专家知识库-工序 拓扑 矩阵(回转类零件部分)。

  • Distance In this paper a novel topological index Zw based on the adjacency matrix D is derived .

    以分子图的邻接 矩阵,距离 矩阵为基础,构建了新的 拓扑指数Zw。

  • Based on the basic principle of multi-body system kinematics the topological structures and low-order body arrays of multi-body system are expatiated then the construction method of characteristic matrix is put forward .

    基于多体系统运动学的基本原理,阐述了系统的 拓扑结构,分析了多体系统有误差运动的基本规律,推导出特征 矩阵构建方法,研究了根据特征矩阵得到三轴转台的综合空间误差。

  • The connected matrix of topological relationships between vertices was renewed by occlusion matrix and the projection drawing defined by connected matrix had no hidden line .

    利用遮挡 矩阵更新表示顶点间 拓扑关系的连接矩阵,得到不含隐藏线的投影图。

  • In this paper the forward recursive formulation for flexible multibody system is used to give a universal solution to obtain the attitude control equation for clustered satellites with different topological configurations . Then the coefficient matrix of the equation is obtained .

    本文利用柔性多体系统动力学的单向递推组集方法,提出了一套通用的解决方案,以推导具有不同 拓扑构型的簇状卫星的姿态控制方程,得出了姿态控制方程的系数 矩阵

  • Topological expressions for general k-order cofactor of INDEFINITE-ADMITTANCE matrix of active networks

    有源网络不定导纳 矩阵的一般k阶余因式的 拓扑表达式

  • Enlarged topological matrix for research on Structure-Property Relationship of halogenated alkanes

    增广 矩阵研究卤代烷烃结构/性质的相关性

  • A Topological Method for Analysing RC-Nullor Networks and the Direct Generation for Indefinite Admittance Matrix

    RC-Nullor网络的一种 拓扑分析方法及不定导纳 矩阵的形成

  • For this reason the paper describes a N4I topological model of space based on spatial coordinates at the same time proposes an Algorithm to form the model Matrix .

    为此,本文设计了基于空间坐标的N4I空间 拓扑模型,并给出了模型 矩阵构建算法。

  • Topological extension and augmented matrix based method for solution of complicated distribution load flow

    基于 拓扑扩展和 矩阵增广的复杂配电网络三相不对称系统快速潮流算法

  • In this method the element-joint topological matrix including T-element is established and the equilibrium equations of both T-element joint and standard joint are unified . The overall form-finding formulas of force-density method are then deduced .

    本文建立了包含T单元的单元-节点 拓扑 关系 矩阵,统一包含T单元的节点与标准索网节点的平衡方程,导出完整的力密度法找形分析的计算公式。