top-down analysis

[ˈtɑpˈdaʊn əˈnælɪsɪs][ˈtɔpdaun əˈnæləsis]


  • Traditional translation theories have generally advocated a bottom-up analysis of the translation process which is from diction to syntax and then to discourse analysis while the functionalist translation theory presents a top-down analysis of the translation process .

    功能翻译理论同传统翻译理论是有差别的。传统的翻译理论通常是进行 自下而上的翻译流程 分析,即从研究字词句开始,再到段落与语篇。

  • China Unicom is the objective company in this thesis analyzed with top-down approach and discount cash flow model to estimate its intrinsic value . Consequently I propose investment decision based on analysis report .

    本文选取了中国联通作为 分析对象, 采用 自上而下的分析方法,用公司自由现金流量模型对中国联通的内在价值进行了评估,并在此基础上得出投资结论。

  • Mr Yip said top-down analysis should take precedence in Greater China .

    叶义信表示,在大中华地区,首先应进行 自上而下 分析

  • Top-down approach : In a top-down approach such as IBM Service Oriented Modeling Approach ( SOMA ) services are identified and prioritized using business analysis .

    自顶向下方法:在IBM面向服务的建模方法(ServiceOrientedModelingApproach,SOMA)等 自顶向下方法中,将通过使用业务 分析对服务进行标识和优先排序。

  • A top-down syntax analysis method based on recursion

    一种基于递归算法的 自顶向下语法 分析方法

  • And then to proceed with the system design database design tools the e-r model tool design follow top-down and bottom up from the combination of mixed mode namely the top-down requirement analysis and then from the bottom up design concept structure .

    然后着手进行系统数据库设计,设计工具采用E-R模型工具,设计时遵循自顶向下和自底向上相结合的混合模式,即 自顶向下进行需求 分析,然后再自底向上设计概念结构。

  • Goal-oriented top-down analyzer Target-Oriented Wave Field Continuation Method for Illumination Analysis

    面向目标的 自上而下的分析程序照明 分析中面向目标的波场延拓算法

  • The top-down multiple mass spectrometer analysis of protein molecules could also be applied which could identify some protein sequence from high homogeneity family .

    还可用于蛋白质分子的 上而 的多级质谱 分析,对高度同源的蛋白质序列进行鉴定。

  • The analysis shows that shear stress under wheel load is the major reason that causes Top-Down cracking .

    分析结果表明,轮载下强大的剪应力是造成 Top-Down开裂的主要原因。

  • It uses recursive manner of a top-down version of the lexical analysis .

    它采用了递归的方式 的对一个文本的词法进行 分析

  • Top-down foundation pit bracing system is always designed according to the traditional method . As to the design of preformed hole is only considered from the perspective of actual construction while the perspective of structural design by quantitative and the qualitative analysis is not considered .

    长期以来,都是借鉴传统基坑支护体系的设计方法来设计 作法基坑支护体系,对于预留洞口的设计也只是从实际施工的角度,而没有从结构设计的角度进行定量和定性的 分析

  • The algorithm first makes a top-down coarse location using the projection analysis of the edge density graph and then makes a bottom-up precise location based on the vertical edge linkage intensity .

    该算法首先通过对边缘密度图进行投影 分析进行 自顶向下的粗定位,然后在此基础上利用垂直边缘的连接强度进行自底向上的精确定位。

  • In practice we find that unless a project is entirely green field in addition to a top-down analysis there is a simultaneous bottom-up analysis of pre-existing code and business logic .

    我们在实践中发现,除非一个项目是完全空白的,否则,除了进行 自上而下 分析外,还需对预先存在的代码和业务逻辑进行自下而上的分析。

  • Such reusable process components must then necessarily also become subject to the top-down or bottom-up SOA analysis process .

    然后,这类可重用流程组件必须经过 自顶向下或自底向上的SOA 分析流程 分析

  • The third possible approach is called top-down since it begins by a detailed analysis of a dedicated application domain in order to define the best-adapted architecture .

    第三种可行的方法称之为 自上而下 方法,因为它是从某一应用领域的详细 分析开始来定义最适用的结构。

  • The bottom-up and top-down analysis methods for web services composition .

    自底向上与 自顶向下的合成 分析方法。

  • This system adopts product rule for knowledge expression and the inference strategies is carried out from several respects including top-down left-right depth-first trace control and so on and tentatively explores the semantic analysis .

    本系统的知识表达采用的是产生式规则,推理策略从 自顶向下、从左到右、深度优先和回溯控制几方面进行分析,并且对语义 分析进行了初步的探讨。

  • A more judicious approach would be to first do top-down then goal-service modeling and finally bottom-up legacy analysis of existing assets .

    一个比较明智的手段应该是首先按照自 向下来做,接下来进行目标服务建模,最后是自底向上的现有资产的遗留 分析

  • The meet-in-the-middle approach is about reconciling needs ( the services identified by the top-down analysis ) and what 's already provided by existing IT assets .

    中间相遇方法在需求(由 自顶向下 分析标识出来的服务)和现有的IT资产提供的功能之间进行协调。

  • Top-down analysis ( through process modeling )

    自顶向下 分析(通过流程建模)

  • In the design phase a whole Top-Down analysis and module design was done and finally the circuit of The Baseband Module was realized and tested .

    接着对系统进行了 顶层 设计并逐步 细化,最终完成了基带电路板的制作与调试。

  • Top-down goal-oriented analysis procedure

    自上而下面向目标 分析步骤

  • I noted that for service identification it is important to combine the three approaches of top-down bottom-up and cross-sectional goal-model analysis .

    我提到了,对于服务鉴别, 自顶向下、自底向上和跨部分、目标模型 分析三种手段的结合非常重要。

  • This process consists of a combination of top-down bottom-up and middle-out techniques of domain decomposition existing asset analysis and goal-service modeling .

    这个过程由域分解、现有资产 分析和目标服务建模的 自顶向下、自底向上、中间向外技术的联合组成。

  • This analysis is then reconciled with the results of top-down analysis to give more complete picture .

    然后,将这种分析与 自上而下 分析的结果相结合,形成更完整的描述。