top-down strategy

[ˈtɑpˈdaʊn ˈstrætədʒi][ˈtɔpdaun ˈstrætidʒi]

[计] 自顶向下策略

  • Making use of the BSC it can be established a top-down performance appraisal system so that the corporate social responsibility strategy can truly run through the dynamic process of business management .

    它可以通过建立一个 自上而下的绩效评价体系,将企业社会责任 战略层层 细化,使之真正贯穿于企业经营管理的动态过程中。

  • The Effects of Bottom-up and Top-down Strategy Training on Senior Students Listening Comprehension-A Study of Listening Strategy Training in a Senior High School ; Four ability for physiological adjustment most importantly the ability to adjust to the natural world .

    自下而上, 自上而下 策略对学生听力能力的影响四,生理调节能力,主要指对自然环境的适应能力。

  • The text knowledge is an important factor in the schemata of top-down reading strategy . It can help readers to preview the structural framework of text information better .

    篇章知识是 自上而下阅读 策略中构思图式的一个重要组成因素,可以帮助读者较好地预设篇章信息的建构框架。

  • The data concerning reading strategies were collected from the questionnaire and the interview . The study shows that the two group students ' reading test performance correlates to their top-down and metacognitive strategy use positively .

    问卷调查以及访谈记录表明:这两组学生的阅读成绩都与 自上而下 策略的使用呈正相关。

  • The Role of the Interpersonal Function in the Top-Down Strategy in Comprehensive English Discourse Teaching

    人际功能在综合英语语篇 反向教学 策略中的作用

  • Modern silicon techniques adopting the so-called top-down strategy have made the size of device less than 30 nanometer . When the size of chips reaches its limitation the traditional technology of semiconductor is no longer valid .

    现代硅芯片工艺采用 自上而下 加工 模式,其尺寸已经进入30纳米以下。当器件尺寸小于临界尺寸时,传统半导体工艺将不再适用。

  • Specifically during the process of strategy formulation enterprise shall focus on the fusion of information flow of top-down and bottom-up introduce heterogeneous top management team and ensure that top management team has a comprehensive understanding of environment strategy and capability .

    具体而言,在决策制定过程中,注重 自上而下和自下而上信息流的融合;引入异质化的管理团队,保证企业家团队对环境、 战略和自身能力的全面认识。

  • It included : An efficient hierarchical top-down power nets routing and a strategy for its systematic implementation ;

    它包括:一种层次式的 自上而下的电源网布线和电源网的系统实现 策略

  • What drives their pessimism the skeptics say is that China like Japan a generation ago has too much confidence in a top-down economic strategy that defies conventional Western theory .

    怀疑者说,让他们持悲观态度的是,中国像以前的日本一样,对公然违背西方理论的 自上而下的经济 策略过分自信。

  • The article also summarizes that in the region development theory there are top-down development strategy from bottom to top development strategy growth pole strategy and rural urbanization strategy and carries on the simple introduction and the narration of these kinds of theories ' developing processes .

    本文还对区域发展理论中 自上而下的发展 战略、自下而上的发展战略、增长极战略和农村城镇化战略等区域发展理论的产生及发展过程进行了评介。

  • At the same time it inherited the inherent integration of top-down implementation strategy once again which meant a new ideological threat for human beings .

    同时,它又一次因袭了固有的 自上而下的一体化推行 策略,这意味着一种新的意识形态对人的威胁。

  • Taking a top-down approach to solving a business problem might require new tools or a consultancy engagement to focus the business on identifying or prioritizing the business strategy or tactics .

    采取 上到 的方法解决一个业务问题可能要求使用一些新工具或引入咨询公司,以将业务专注于确定或对业务 策略和战略进行优化级划分。

  • The first was to reject a top-down Jakarta-led reconstruction strategy in favour of one led firmly by the affected communities themselves .

    第一项决定是,否决了一项由雅加达领导的、 由上至下的重建 战略,支持由受灾社区主导的 战略

  • The corresponding relationships of variable parameter between different hierarchical parameter models and the top-down hierarchical diagnosis strategy were utilized to fault diagnosis .

    利用不同层次的参数模型参数值序列之间的变化关系并采用 由上至下的分层诊断 策略进行故障诊断。