top up

[tɑp ʌp][tɔp ʌp]


  • If you are using a concentrate top up with filtered water to23 liters .

    如果你用的是浓缩果汁,将 稀释 23

  • Top up oil for final drive and perform all assembly work described .


  • Do not top up the brake fluid level above the marking after bleeding the system .

    给系统放气后,切勿将制动液液位 加满 标记以上。

  • Adventurous spirit : If you want to top up at shopping malls you must have it .

    冒险精神:如果你想在商场 出类拔萃,你就必须拥有它。

  • If it fails to inflate or you need top up the air blow into this tube .

    如果充气失败,或者你需要 补充 充气,向管子直接吹气即可。

  • Top up has come to mean putting more credit into a mobile phone account or a public travel card .

    比如给手机充值,或者给公共交通卡 充值。经常我们会去移动大厅或者买充值卡( top-upcard)给手机充钱。

  • Check the coolant level and top up if necessary .

    检查冷却液位,必要时 加满

  • Students are able to take out loans to top up their grants .

    学生们可以申请贷款来 补充他们的助学金。

  • We topped up the water tanks

    我们重新把水箱 加满

  • A dollar 's worth of super and top up the oil please .

    请加一美元的特级汽油,并 加满机油。

  • Make sure to top up the water level so that is always remains the same .

    一定要 注满使水平高度总保持不变。

  • If you need to top up use boiling water .

    应避免蒸干-如需 水要用开水。

  • If the level is below the maximum mark top up with the right grade of Shell Helix .

    如果油量低于最小刻度,则应选择正确级别的壳牌 喜力发动机润滑油给予添加补充。

  • Would you top up this eggnog for me ?

    就请再给我 一杯蛋酒?

  • He topped her glass up after complaining she was a slow drinker .


  • Let me top up your glass .


  • Now it is using all its influence to try to prevent new entrants such as BT vision and top up TV from getting a foothold in the market .

    而今,该公司正利用其全部影响力,试图阻挠btvision和 top uptv等新进入者在市场上立足。

  • If this is not the case top up atf .

    如果没有出现这种情况,则 加满atf。

  • My mobile phone is out of credit I have to top up it .

    我手机没钱了,得去给手机 充值

  • He brimmed all the cups with wine . Let me top up your glass .

    他斟满了所有的酒杯。我来 你的杯子

  • Check the oil level and top up with the required amount of oil ( see above ) .

    检查油位和 补足所需的石油量(见上文)。

  • Let me top up your drink it 's half gone .

    我给你 ,已经去了一半了。

  • If it is absorbed quickly then top up by half .

    如果吸收的比较快,可以 一半的水。

  • Keeping a straight face I replied Yes but we put the top up .

    我板着脸回答道:“是的,但是我们登 云顶 。”

  • Check transmission oil and if necessary top up .

    检查变速器油,如果需要,请将其 加满

  • Check transmission oil and top up if necessary .

    检查变速箱油,必要时 加满

  • Check again after a test drive and top up as required .

    路试之后,再次检查液位并按照要求 加满

  • He was afraid of a fire in the circus tent ; they had the big top up in less than an hour .

    他害怕大帐篷失火;他们在不到一小时之内就把大 帐篷 起来

  • Top up during the procedure if necessary !

    如有必要,请在操作期间将其 加满