top of stack

[tɑp ʌv stæk][tɔp ɔv stæk]


  • Items are added or deleted from the list only at the top of the stack .

    项目是添加或删除从名单上只在 顶部 堆栈

  • If a function is executing then the stack pointer is pointing to the top of the whole stack which is also the top of that function 's activation record .

    如果一个函数正在执行,那么堆栈指针就会指向整个 堆栈 顶部,这也是该函数活动记录的顶部。

  • The safety of production can be assured by installation of a balance safety valve at the top of the stack over the cupola furnace .

    在冲天炉上部 烟囱 顶端设安全平衡盖板,以保证生产的正常进行;

  • The list of directories acts like a stack & you push a directory onto the top of the stack and pop a directory off the top again to get it back .

    该目录列表的行为就像一个堆栈&您将一个目录压入 堆栈 顶部,并从顶部弹出一个目录以取回它。

  • To add an item to the top of a stack .


  • A new participant is added to the top of the stack if it is not already on the way & in this case the stack is cut off to that one .

    如果还没有开始一个新的参与者,则它将被放入 堆栈 顶部&在本例中,对新参与者关闭了堆栈。

  • The methods listed near the top of the stack trace are prime candidates .

    堆栈跟踪信息 顶部列出的方法就是主要的候选者。

  • Though we won 't be pulling data off the top of the stack as we go back in the history the model is close enough for our needs .

    虽然回退的时候并没有删除 堆栈 顶部的数据,但这个模型跟我们的需要非常接近。

  • At the top of the stack the underlying technology Web-services engine receives the call .

    堆栈 上端,底层技术Web服务引擎接收调用。

  • The top of the stack is stored in result and you use CAS to update the top location with top -

    堆栈 存储在result中,使用CAS把top位置更新为top->next并返回适当的数据。

  • A command which removes a word from the top of the stack .

    一种从 移走一个字〔项〕的命令。

  • If you get a crash and the top of the active stack contains a GC function start looking for PInvokes in your code and see if you might be passing buffers that are too small .

    若在一个含有垃圾回收器功能的活动 堆栈 发生崩溃,应查询代码中的 PInvokes函数,查是否因缓冲区太小而发生穿越行为。

  • Consumption : Additionally the whole purpose of previous work is to have some actors ( including machines ) to use it ; thus information consumption sits on the top of the stack .

    消费(Consumption):此外,前面工作的全部意图是需要有操作者(包括机器)来使用它;因此信息消费位于该 堆栈 顶部

  • The top of the stack is almost always hot in the cache whereas the top of the heap is almost always cold ( because it has likely been a long time since that memory was used ) .

    堆栈 顶部通常在高速缓存中是“热”的,而堆的顶部通常是“冷”的(因为从这部分内存使用之后可能过了很长时间)。

  • But what 's most important in this picture is at the top of each stack .

    但是,图1中最重要的部分是每个 堆栈 顶部

  • From the standpoint of a single thread a new node is created whose next pointer points to the top of the stack .

    从单一线程的角度来看,创建了一个新节点,它的next指针指向 堆栈 顶部

  • I can pile nine duck eggs on top of a stack of twelve chessmen .

    我能 十二个棋子 起来,再把九个鸡蛋一个个加上去而不会 下来。

  • The instruction PULL or PARSE PULL take a string off the top of the stack .

    指令PULL或者PARSEPULL从 取得一个字符串。

  • I fill the shark shape with a medium gray duplicate the drawing layer and move it to the top of the stack .

    我把鲨鱼整个填充为中灰度,复制开始的手绘图层把它移到 上方

  • As we click around in the application new events will be pushed onto the top of the stack and the pointer will identify the last element added .

    当我们在应用程序中单击的时候,新的事件将被压入 堆栈 顶部,指针指向最后添加的元素。

  • ESP or the top of the stack stores the number of command line arguments supplied to a program which is1 by default ( for no command line arguments ) .

    ESP( 堆栈 顶部)存储传递给程序的命令行参数数量,默认值是1(表示没有命令行参数)。

  • After a function call ESP represents the top of the stack .

    在调用函数之后,ESP代表 堆栈 顶部

  • Scope also supports nesting meaning that internally it maintains a stack of instances of type T and exposes the instance at the top of the stack through the Current property .

    Scope也支持嵌套,即在内部,它保留类型T的实例堆栈,并通过Current属性将实例暴露在 堆栈 顶部

  • Take a string off the top of the stack .


  • Now when the top of the stack is referred to that is a conceptual designation .

    现在,在使用“ ”这个术语时,这通常都指的是概念上的说法。

  • The address at the top of the stack represents the function that was last called ( that is the active function ) .


  • Trace buffer doesn 't save top of stack or contents of memory referenced by registers .

    跟踪缓冲区并不保存 或由寄存器所指向的内存的内容。

  • In order to detect the profile of holographic photoresist grating mask made on top of chrome stack rigorous coupled wave theory ( RCWT ) was applied to analyze the relationship between zero order reflected spectrum and the profile of grating mask .

    为了检测全息光栅掩模槽形,运用严格耦合波理论( RCWT)分析镀铬基片光栅光刻胶掩模反射0级衍射效率光谱曲线与槽形参量的关系。

  • Notice that if we click back a few times then click Add the stack is truncated and the new event is pushed onto the top of the shortened stack .

    还要注意的是,如果单击几次后退然后再单击Add,那么堆栈会被截掉一部分,新的事件被压入缩短的 堆栈 顶部