


  • He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born .

    我出生的时候,他在埃杰顿大街我们 的园圃里挖了个坑,种了棵枫树。

  • The moon cast a bright light over the yard

    明亮的月光洒在 院子

  • I saw him standing in the yard .

    我看到他站在 院子

  • I got on the phone to Inspector Joplin at Scotland Yard .

    我与伦敦警察 乔普林巡官通过电话了。

  • The train backed out of Adelaide Yard on to the Dublin-Belfast line

    火车倒出了阿德莱德 调车场,开上了都柏林-贝尔法斯特线。

  • The yard held a few straggly bushes .

    庭院 有几处蔓生的灌木丛。

  • They found Trish sitting on the cobbles of the stable yard .

    他们发现翠茜坐在 场院的鹅卵石地上。

  • They were still doing wild acrobatics in the yard turning somersaults and cartwheels .

    他们还在 院子 一通杂耍,翻着跟头,玩着侧手翻。

  • He has a full order book for his boat-building yard on the Thames .

    他在泰晤士河边的造船 订单充足。

  • We got home and went sledding on the small hill in our back yard .

    我们回到家里,然后去 后院的小山上滑雪橇。

  • The investigation is being handled by Scotland Yard 's anti-terrorist branch .

    调查由伦敦 警察 反恐部门负责。

  • Can you help me into the yard ? my football has been kicked into it .

    你能帮助我进 院子吗?我的球被踢了进去。

  • At the very back of the yard several feet from Lenny was a wooden shack


  • I came upon an irresistible item at a yard sale .

    在一次 庭院拍卖会上,我偶然发现了一个忍不住想买的东西。

  • Her horse was a show jumper whom the family rescued from the knacker 's yard .

    她的马擅长跨越障碍,是家人从废马屠宰 挽救回来的。

  • She sat on a chair in the flagged yard .

    她坐在铺着石板的 庭院 的一把椅子上。

  • The grass in the yard was waist high

    院子 的草有齐腰高。

  • I stumbled through mud to a yard strewn with straw .

    我跌跌撞撞地趟过泥地来到一个堆满麦秆的 场院

  • He cleared all the stones from the yard .

    他把 院子 所有的石块都清除了。

  • In a coded telephone warning Scotland Yard were told four bombs had been planted in the area .

    伦敦 警察 从一个加密的电话警告中得知该地区被安放了4枚炸弹。

  • Yesterday they continued the search digging up the back yard of a police station .

    昨天他们继续搜寻,在一座警察局的 后院里挖掘寻找。

  • A few yards away Jos Vargas stands beside his small home .


  • Scotland Yard had assured him he was not under suspicion

    伦敦 警察 已经向他保证,他没有被视为可疑分子。

  • Don 't throw the slops in the yard .

    别把脏水泼到 院子

  • He was frog-marched through the kitchen and out into the yard

    他被扭住双臂强推着走过厨房,来到 院子

  • The incident took place about 500 yards from where he was standing

    事件发生在距他所站位置大约500 的地方。

  • If you 're sitting in the front yard you can 't hear yourself think because the traffic is getting very very bad .

    如果你坐在 前院,就会被吵 ,因为外面交通太混乱了。

  • He and Hannah had been scuffling in the yard outside his house .

    他和汉娜一直在他房外的 院子 扭打。

  • The wind drifted the leaves across our yard .

    树叶随风飘过我们的 院子

  • The carpet of leaves in my yard became more and more noticeable .

    我的 院子 的落叶越来越厚。