yearn towards

[jɚn 'təuədz][jə:n tə'wɔ:dz]


  • On certain degree it may be said that landscape poems were born out of poems of metaphysics which gave the former the air of purity and the thinking of Lao Tsu and Zhuang Tsu made people yearn towards the nature .

    在一定程度上可以说玄言诗孕育了山水诗。玄学使山水具有清越之气,老庄思想使人们 向往自然。

  • The urban residents increasingly yearn towards the relaxed life in the beautiful countryside .

    生活在大都市的城市居民越来越 向往环境优美、节奏 较慢的田园生活。

  • The intellectual of school of New Culture begins to yearn towards citizen with the animadversion on view of national people and subject goes deeply .

    在对国民观的反思和对臣民观的更深入批判中,新文化派知识分子萌生了对以个人 本位的公民 向往