yerba buena

[医] 印度薄荷

  • According to CNN Apple Vice President Philip Schiller introduced the iPhone 5 at the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco on Wednesday afternoon . It 's an absolute jewel he said .

    据CNN报道,苹果公司副总裁菲利普•席勒星期三下午在旧金山 Yerba Buena中心介绍iPhone5时,这是一个绝对的宝石,他说。

  • The bridge connects San Francisco to Oakland and the rest of the East Bay making a stopover on Yerba Buena Island which sits in the middle of the bay .

    这座桥连接旧金山和奥克兰东湾休息,作出有关 巴布 埃纳岛,在海湾中坐在停留。

  • Yerba Buena gardens and gradual urban redevelopment

    叶巴·贝那 中心与渐进式城市更新

  • Before major construction begins Thursday evening the entire Bay Bridge is closed to traffic including access to and from Yerba Buena Island .

    施工开始前,主要星期四晚上,整个海湾大桥封闭,包括进出 巴布 埃纳岛。

  • Called HBO Now the service does not require a traditional TV subscription and will be available exclusively on Apple devices when it makes its debut in early April the companies announced on Monday during an Apple product event at the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco .

    周一,两家公司在旧金山芳草地艺术中心( Yerba BuenaCenter)的苹果产品推广活动上宣布,这项名为HBONow的服务将于4月初推出,它不要求传统的电视订购,只能在苹果设备上播放。