yard up

[jɑrd ʌp][jɑ:d ʌp]


  • Avoid yard work ! Mowing stirs up grass pollen .

    避免 庭院工作(如割草, 栽花)。

  • Lives in the area regarding the yard not to be suitable the total repudiation but is should take it long to make up short modern community .

    对于 大院型住区不宜全盘否定,而是应该取其长 现代社区之短。

  • After precast on precasting yard the caisson is jacked up by jacks pushed by hydraulic pushing system moved by transition carriages and launched with inclined frame bogie into water for transport .

    沉箱在预制 台座上预制完成后,通过千斤顶组顶 ,步行式液压顶推系统顶推,纵横移车运移,斜架车溜放,将沉箱从预制 出运下水。

  • In order to make full use of the marshalling yard tracks the usage of the marshalling yard tracks in a marshalling station was fixed to ensure making up trains for the train plan and running trains for the train timetable .

    为了合理使用 编组场分类线,保证按编组计划 车、按运行图行车,每个编组站对其编组 分类线的使用都进行了相对固定的分工。

  • The residents who yard up living in the community of city are more vulnerable to face serious risk of disasters .

    由于大量人口 聚居在城市社区 ,使得居民在严重灾害风险面前更加脆弱。

  • For Ms. Wise who says she was concerned about keeping the kids busy this summer the results have been surprising : ' They make their bed pick up their rooms and my daughter goes out in the yard and picks up the dog poop !

    之前,怀斯很头疼如何才能让孩子们在这个夏天过得充实些,现在的结果让她非常吃惊:他们自己整理床铺,整理房间,我的女儿还跑去 院子 清理狗粪!

  • In recent years the rapid development of Ningbo port container logistics and supply chain related to container units rapid development . Container yard as an important link in the supply chain the depth and breadth of its operations have been stepped up .

    近年来宁波口岸集装箱物流飞速发展,带动集装箱供应链中的相关单位的高速发展,集装箱 场站作为供应链中的重要环节,其业务的深度和广度不断 加大

  • Engine Yard 's second cluster filled up fast and a third is under construction with new customers currently being placed on a multi-week waiting list .

    Engine Yard的第二集群很快就被 塞满 ,第三集群正在建设中。新客户需要在等待列表中等上几周才行。

  • At present utilizing rate of the carrying capacity has been up to 90 % in No.1 receiving-departure yard so the full use of carrying capacity in sections linking up the station has been affected .

    目前,到发 通过能力利用率高达90%,一定程度影响了所 衔接区段的通过能力的充分利用。

  • You been at the yard haven 't you ? What were you doing up there ?

    你去过 坟场,对么?你 那里干什么?

  • Was out in my back yard in Lexington when I happened to look up towards the south east and a white flash caught my eye .

    肯塔基州莱克星顿,当我走出 后院时,我向东南方看见了一个白色闪光点。

  • We tramped and clattered along the corridor down the stairs and across the yard ; but at the wicker gate she caught up with us and called out to us panting .

    我们使过道起着沉重的骚音,我们下着楼梯,经过了 宇,在栏栅门口, 王亚明也赶到了,并且呼喘,并且张着嘴。

  • Then it just became a matter of how we got the timber from the yard over the fence to the park and up the tree .

    现在的问题是怎么把木头从木材 拿出来,翻过栅栏,运到“公园”, 放到树上。

  • Transient Construction Plan of Departure Yard on Up Line of Xinfeng Station in Xi ' an Railway Terminal

    西安铁路枢纽新丰站 上行出发 过渡施工方案

  • So we agreed to meet back there in the evening at eight when the timber yard was locked up for the night and all would be quiet .

    所以我们一致同意晚上8点回头再在木材 会合,那时木材 也已 锁门 ,而且四周静悄悄的。

  • She waddled behind whoever was walking in the yard going as fast as she had to in order to keep up .

    只要有谁在 院子 走动,它就在后面一摇一摆拼命 跟上

  • Hassan never missed any of the five daily prayers . Even when we were out playing he 'd excuse himself draw water from the well in the yard wash up and disappear into the hut .

    每日五次的祈祷哈桑从不错过,就算我们在玩,他也会告退,从 院子 的深井汲起一桶水,清洗 完毕,消失在那间破屋子里面。

  • Its members do not camp in your front yard or line up to brush their teeth over your bathroom sink .

    社区成员不会在您 前院扎营,也不会 排队等待以到您的洗刷间去刷牙。

  • I was smelling flowers in the yard and when I stood up I took a deep breath and the blood all rushed to my brain and I woke up dead on my back in the grass .

    我在 院子里闻花朵,当我站 起来做了个深呼吸血全冲进头脑于是我在草丛里从背后灵魂出窍。

  • His daughter was married in the back yard under a canopy set up next to the flower bed the one that he had replanted five years earlier just after the divorce .

    他女儿是在 后院 靠近花圃的雨棚下结的婚,就是早在五年前他刚离婚时重新栽培过的那个花圃。

  • The result of welding test show that we can acquire all wool and a yard wide welding joint between the pickax boot wearable materials ( 2C ) and pickax body materials through selecting fit welding material and drawing up the reasonable welding craft .

    焊接试验结果表明,通过选择合适的焊接材料以及 制定合理的焊接工艺,能够获得所选镐靴耐磨性能最好的2C试样与 体材料优质的焊接接头。

  • We 'd go out in the yard and feed up to five hundred feet of string through a mixture of ground glass and glue . We 'd then hang the line between the trees leave it to dry .

    我们得走到 院子 五百英尺线 进一桶混有玻璃屑的胶水 里面,接着把线挂在树上,让它风干。

  • He s up reading aloud in the yard before the sun s up .

    太阳还未升起,他就已起床到 院子里朗读

  • The city man saw a farmer in his yard holding a pig up in his hands and lifting it so that the pig could eat apples from an apple tree .

    这位城里人看见一位农夫在 后的 草地上, 手中抱着一头猪,并把它举 的, 让它能够吃到树上的苹果。

  • I never dreamed it would be this bad . I thought you know well there 'd be a mudflow and know the yard might get dirty and we 'd have little cleaning up to do .

    我做梦也没想到会这么糟糕,我以为不过是一次泥石流, 院子会被弄脏,我们要打扫 打扫