yellow precipitate

[ˈjɛlo prɪˈsɪpɪˌtet][ˈjeləu priˈsipiteit]


  • Icy apple fruit wine was produced by fresh apple juice and Angel fruit wine yeast . The wine had stable quality and was golden yellow in color and transparent and clean with no precipitate .

    采用鲜苹果汁、安琪果酒酵母发酵生产冰爽苹果酒,成品质量稳定,酒色 金黄、澄清透明、无 沉淀

  • The Causes and Preventing Measures of Yellow Rice Wine Turbid and Precipitate

    黄酒混浊 沉淀的原因及防止措施

  • Dilution of the filtrate with water gave a yellow precipitate ( B ) this is the main-product ( ⅰ ) .

    滤出(Ⅱ)后以水稀释残液时又析出另一种 沉淀,这才是(Ⅰ)。

  • Liquor turbidity and precipitate include white haze flocculent precipitate white needle-shaped crystal brown precipitate faint yellow precipitate blue precipitate and smoky haze etc.

    白酒浑浊沉淀现象有白色浑浊、絮状物沉淀、白色针状结晶、棕色沉淀、淡 黄色 沉淀、蓝色沉淀、烟雾状浑浊等;

  • Cerous iodate is soluble in acidic aqueous solution but a yellow precipitate is formed homogeneously and gradually after irradiation by laser .

    三价铈的碘酸盐能溶于酸性永溶液,而在激光辐照后,却均匀地、逐渐地生成 黄色 沉淀

  • Yellow rice wine contained multiple amino acids amylum dextrin caramel color and colloid particle . Temperature change would make wine in unstable state such as color turbidity and precipitate caking .

    黄酒中含有多种氨基酸、淀粉、糊精、焦糖色、胶体颗粒等,温度变化会使酒出现不稳定状态,如色泽浑浊、 沉淀结块。

  • white floc ( induced by the change of dissolution conditions of ethyl oleate ethyl palmitate ethyl linoleate and fusel oil ) brown yellow precipitate ( induced by iron ion ) and greasy substances ( produced by aroma-producing substances in liquor ) .

    白色絮状 沉淀主要由3种高级脂肪酸乙酯,即油酸乙酯、棕榈酸乙酯、亚油酸乙酯和杂醇油的溶解条件变化而引起;棕 黄色 沉淀主要是由铁离子形成的棕色 沉淀物质;

  • Determination of Proteins in Yellow Rice Wine and Investigation on the Causations of the Precipitate

    黄酒蛋白质的测定及其 沉淀原因探讨

  • Non-biological turbidity and precipitate easily occurred in yellow rice wine on shelf . The mechanism of precipitate formation mainly covered protein precipitate iron precipitate and oxidation precipitate .

    黄酒产品在货架期容易发生非生物浑浊和沉淀, 浑浊 沉淀形成的机理主要有蛋白质沉淀、铁沉淀和氧化沉淀。