yellow layer

[ˈjɛlo ˈleɚ][ˈjeləu ˈleiə]

[医] 血块黄层,血沉棕黄层

  • By ion plating an about 2.5 μ m thick golden yellow TiN layer on the surface of taps was obtained . After steam treating and ion plating the service life of the tap is 1.15 times and 1.66 times longer respectively than that without surface treatment .

    丝锥表面离子镀后,获得约2.5μm厚的金 黄色TiN 涂层,与基体结合牢固,均匀致密,离子镀TiN丝锥的使用寿命比未表面处理的提高了1.66倍。

  • The soil moisture of apple ~ yellow ginger field contrast to the apple field the soil moisture above 500 centimeter has recovered dried layer has disappeared .

    果地~ 姜地500cm以上土壤水分得到了恢复,干 消失;

  • The velocity gradient in flame surface mainly influenced the thickness of yellow layer while the blue layer and NOx formation decreased with the increase of velocity gradient .

    火焰面上的速度梯度主要影响 黄色火焰 厚度,蓝色火焰随着速度梯度的增加而减小,NOx生成也随之较少。

  • The floc growth process of yellow river sediment is expounded with DLVO theory compression mechanism of electric double layer adsorption and charge neutralization mechanism adsorption bridging mechanism capture mechanism .

    结合DLVO理论,双电子 压缩机理,吸附电中和机理,吸附架桥机理和胶体的网捕机理解释了 黄河细颗粒泥沙的絮凝生长过程。

  • Design and Construction of Pipeline Crossing Yellow River with Directional Drilling in Ultra-thick Pebble Layer

    超厚卵石 地质条件下定向钻穿越 黄河的设计与施工

  • Using the observational data over transition zone between urban and rural areas in the basin of the Yellow River ( Lanzhou ) valley the characteristics of boundary layer and the heat advection were analyzed .

    利用 兰州河谷盆地城乡过渡区边界层观测资料,分析了该地区的温度平流和 边界 特征。

  • At the same time this paper discussed the relation between water and soil conservation and break-off discharge in the Yellow River dried soil layer .

    同时对 黄河断流以及土壤干 与水土保持建设的关系进行了探讨。

  • The thickness of wet natural yellow soil layer is reach to 20 m the distance between building and newly builted under infiltrates shall not less than 60m .

    湿陷性 黄土 厚达20m左右,各类建筑与新建下渗水池之间的距离不得小于 60m。

  • Laws of mining subsidence in thick yellow soil and thin bedrock layer areas


  • One of the most intuitive field phenomenons of Quaternary Loess Deposits is yellow loess and red ancient soil layers alternated along the ancient soil layer in the Loess Plateau in China completing with dozens of loess deposition layers of soil .

    第四纪黄土沉积的一个最直观的野外现象是 黄色层与红色的古土壤层相间排列,在我国黄土高原,完整的黄土沉积具数十 古土壤。

  • Before the numerical simulation we carried on the hydrologic geological prospecting work to the Yellow River delta wetland then established the shallow layer groundwater movement conceptual model in order to make a mathematical model which could represent this local groundwater movement .

    进行数值模拟前首先对 黄河三角洲湿地地区进行了水文地质调查工作,建立 黄河三角洲湿地系统的浅 地下水运动概念模型,进而构建代表该地区地下水运动的数学模型。

  • The emission spectrum is composed of red yellow green spectral components from each doped layer and blue spectral component from the hole-transporting layer ( NPB ) .

    3个掺杂 分别提供白光发射的红、 和绿光成分,而蓝光成分则来自于空穴传输层NPB本身的发射。

  • Application of the surface characterisitics of the sediment in the Yellow River by diffuse layer model

    扩散 模式对 黄河水体沉积物表面特征的应用

  • Yellow filtering layer is an important component of color negative film for ensuring a real color reproduction and improving the image sharpness .

    滤色 是确保彩色底片彩色还原真实和提高影像清晰度的一项重要组分。

  • In the surface layer and Kuroshio Subsurface Water Mass ( V ) Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass ( VI ) Taiwan Warm Water Mass ( Ill ) in the bottom layer .

    底层水团配置为黑潮次表层水团(V), 黄海冷水团(Ⅵ),台湾暖流水(Ⅲ)等水团。

  • However the upper brown yellow sandy silt layer in the profile of the area was formed by alluvial flat facies deposits during the warm humid environment of Subatlantic Phase ( 2450-1980 a BP ) .

    本区剖面顶部的褐 黄色砂质粉 砂层则是在亚大西洋期(2450~1980aB.P.期间)于暖湿环境下形成的河漫滩相沉积。

  • Dye-type Yellow Filtering Layer for Color Negative Films

    彩色负片染料型 色层

  • Plant some beets alternating with yellow and red potatoes in the next layer out .

    在下一圈 更替种上甜菜、 /红马铃薯。

  • Homogeneous and golden yellow layer without defects .
