yellow metal

[ˈjɛlo ˈmɛtl][ˈjeləu ˈmetl]


  • As gold prices rise ever higher touching a nominal record of $ 1 424.10 a troy ounce last month the yellow metal is attracting ever more inventive fraudsters .

    随着金价节节攀升,于上月创下每盎司1424.10美元的名义新高,针对这种 黄色 金属的骗术,如今也是花招百出。

  • The yellow metal declined a phenomenal 29.3 per cent .

    黄金价格下跌了惊人的 29.3%

  • However today the shiny yellow metal has re-emerged as a popular hedge against inflation .

    但今天,这种闪闪发亮的 黄色 金属已再次火爆起来,成为一种热门的通胀对冲工具。

  • Shanghai : Trading in gold investment products reached a feverish pitch in Shanghai as the price of the yellow metal yesterday shot to an 18-year high .

    上海:随着昨天 黄金价格升至18年新高,上海黄金投资产品交易也达到白炽化的程度。

  • Has the bubble burst for the yellow metal ?

    关于这种 黄澄澄 金属的泡沫破灭了吗?

  • An inlaid furniture decoration ; tortoiseshell and yellow and white metal form scrolls in cabinetwork .

    镶嵌的家俱装饰;龟甲和 和白色的 金属在细木工作过程中形成卷轴。

  • The research about the resistance to abrasion of yellow metal and aluminum bronze

    关于 黄铜、铝青铜的耐磨性能的研究

  • But the real Romney risk for the yellow metal has nothing to do with fiscal policy .

    但对于 黄金而言,真正的“罗姆尼风险”与财政政策没有关系。

  • The yellow metal dropped to a low of $ 1 534.49 a troy ounce early on Monday down 15 per cent in four days before rebounding to stabilise somewhat above $ 1 .


  • The effect of hydroxy safflower yellow pigment heavy metal content of potted flowers .

    对盆栽红花花中羟基红花 黄色素、 重金属含量的影响。

  • Initially gold declined yesterday following a lower consumer price report which was indicative of deflation and pressured the yellow metal as an inflation hedge .

    继消费者价格报告下跌消息公报后,显示经济紧缩令 黄金受压(通货膨胀对冲对象)。

  • Buying gold in its last parabolic surge proved to be a disastrous decision as the yellow metal then entered a 20-year bear market in which its real price fell 80 per cent .

    在上一次抛物线式的金价飙升过程中,购买黄金被证明是一个灾难性的决定,因为接下来 黄金进入了一个长达20年的熊市,黄金实际价格下挫80%。

  • The yellow metal has become a new currency but that doesn 't prevent it from dropping when there is a disaster said Leibovit .

    黄色 金属已经成为了一种新的货币,但是在发生灾难发生时,并不能防止其价格下滑。

  • Global gold demand hit its lowest level in more than two years in the second quarter amid a weakening appetite for the yellow metal in India and China .

    随着印度和中国 黄金需求的下降,今年二季度全球黄金需求降至两年多以来的最低水平。

  • Perhaps the most obvious place for investors to put money now is in the yellow metal .

    目前,对投资者来说,最显而易见的避风 也许就是 黄金

  • That popular notion has long fueled the rise of the yellow metal .

    大多数人秉持的这个观点长期以来一直在推动 金价上涨。

  • India the top buyer of gold jewellery remains the largest overall consumer of the yellow metal although Chinese jewellery consumption is rising rapidly .

    作为金首饰的最大买家,印度仍是 黄金的最大总体消费国,尽管中国的首饰消费也在快速增长。

  • For the 11th year in a row gold prices have rallied making this one of the longest winning streaks for the yellow metal .

    金价连续第十一年上涨,成就了这一 黄色 金属跨时最长的一轮涨势。

  • The yellow metal remains down 30 % from its record settle high of $ 1 888.70 reached in August 2011 .

    目前 金价距离2011年8月触及的纪录高位每盎司1888.70美元仍低30%。

  • The surge in Chinese gold demand had helped the yellow metal power to a record high of $ 1 a troy ounce last September .

    去年9月,中国黄金需求的激增推动 金价创下每盎司1920美元的纪录高点。

  • The contrasting behaviour of mint and jewellery maker shows how the 450 per cent rally in gold prices since 2001 has reshaped supply and demand for the yellow metal .

    铸币局和首饰制造商相反的行为表明,2001年以来金价大涨 450%,已经改变了黄金的供求格局。

  • Gold on the spot market surged to a fresh nominal record of $ 1 594.16 a troy ounce on Thursday morning and traders said it was only a matter of time before the yellow metal challenged $ 1 for the first time .

    现货黄金周四早晨飙升至每盎司 1594.16美元这一新的名义纪录,交易员们表示,金价首次挑战1600美元关口只是一个时间问题。

  • At first there seems little in common between the yellow metal which has been a store of value through the ages and the currency of a country with feeble economic growth and Godzilla-sized government debt .

    乍看上去, 黄金和日元之间似乎没有多少共同点&前者自古以来就是价值储藏手段,后者则是一个经济增长乏力、政府债务庞大国家的货币。

  • Back in 1980 when the yellow metal hit $ 850 an ounce still the record in real terms western economies were being squeezed simultaneously by the second oil crisis and record postwar inflation .

    追溯到上世纪80年代,当 金价触及每盎司850美元以实际价格衡量,这仍是历史高点时,西方经济体正受到第二次石油危机和战后创纪录通胀的夹击。

  • The price of the yellow metal has risen every year since 2001 averaging a cool 18 per cent annual gain .

    自2001年以来, 金价每年都在上涨,年均涨幅达到可观的18%。

  • Adjusted for inflation however the yellow metal is a long way from its 1980 peak of more than $ 2300 .

    不过,根据通胀率进行调整后, 金价距离1980年每盎司逾2300美元的历史最高点还有很远。

  • Gold prices rose above $ 1250 an ounce to hit their highest level yesterday as investors piled money into the yellow metal amid falling markets elsewhere .

    黄金价格昨日升至每盎司1250美元上方的最高水平,在其它市场下跌之际,投资者纷纷将资金投向 黄金

  • Before the Depression most countries had been on the gold standard which had fixed exchange rates in terms of the yellow metal .

    在大萧条(theDepression)之前,多数国家都实行金本位,也就是货币与 黄金的兑换率固定。

  • After all the yellow metal cannot be eaten burnt or used to power a car .

    毕竟,这种 黄色 金属不能吃、不能烧,也不能用来发动汽车。

  • The yellow metal also benefits from fears that loose monetary policy and rising oil prices will unleash inflation .
