yellow tongue

[ˈjɛlo tʌŋ][ˈjeləu tʌŋ]


  • In WM erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR ) weak waist white fur in tongue joint pain joint stiffness and swollen joint were positively related to the efficacy and yellow fur in tongue red tongue white blood negatively related to the efficacy .

    西药治疗组中,血沉、腰膝酸软、苔白、关节疼痛、屈伸不利和关节肿胀等与疗效呈正相关, 苔黄、舌红、白细胞检测与疗效呈负相关。

  • Morphometric analysis of exfoliated epithelial cells in yellow and greasy fur of human tongue

    腻苔 脱落上皮细胞的形态计量分析

  • The simplified diagnostic criteria were characterized the co-existence of yellow and greasy tongue fur and fullness or distension or pain in the stomach .

    简化诊断标准为:同时具备 舌苔 腻和胃脘痞满或胀或痛,即可诊断。

  • Detection of Cytochemistry Indexes In White and yellow Tongue Coatings


  • Tongue fat moss yellow tongue light tongue edge tooth marks moss thick greasy eight kinds of tongue like frequency of25 % or more .

    舌胖、 苔黄淡、舌边有齿痕、苔厚腻等8种舌象出现频率在25%以上。

  • However the red tongue with yellow sticky coating was not the only tongue picture in the syndrome which might relate to the constitution of the patient the function of stomach the nature of pathogen and the partiality of dampness or heat .

    但舌红 苔黄腻并非本证的唯一 象,认为与患者体质的强弱、胃气的盛衰、邪气的性质以及湿热的偏颇有关。

  • Red tongue proper and yellow thick tongue coating were more in the other group .

    临终患者以红 、厚 腻苔多

  • Altria : The Name Just Rolls Off Your Yellow Tongue .

    高特利:从你的 舌苔上滚下来的名字。

  • Method : 7 tongue epithelial cytochemistry indexes in 33 cases of white tongue coatings 35 cases of yellow tongue coatings were detected with microspectrophotometry and compared according to the syndrome differentiations .

    方法:运用显微分光光度技术,检测了33例病理白苔和35例 舌上皮细胞化学7项指标的含量,并按辨证分型进行了比较。

  • In the group of hepatitis B with white thick ( greasy ) and yellow greasy tongue fur expression of h-EGFR was increased and the volume of h-EGF was higher which was different significantly ( P < 0.01 ) compared with other groups .

    乙肝组白厚(腻)苔、 黄腻苔 h-EGFR表达增强,唾液、血清h-EGF含量明显升高,与其它对照组相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

  • A yellow tongue of flame shot upwards .

    一条 黄色 火舌直冲上天。

  • The rising of sea-surface temperature in the northern Yellow Sea made Polly move towards the warm tongue field of sea-surface temperature and resulted obvious enhance in low-level convergence and moisture transportation and precipitation .

    黄海北部海面表层温度升高使热带气旋移动路径向海温暖 区域偏折,低层辐合和水汽输送明显加强,降水量显著增加。

  • If quick pulse and yellow tongue fur appeared in patients with DBIL / IBIL ≥ 1 it indicates that the presence of heat conversion of the dampness stagnancy .

    DBIL/IBIL≥1患者如出现脉数、 苔黄提示湿郁化热。

  • Syndrome of dampness-heat blocking collaterals ( 17.2 % ) yellow greasy furred tongue is the important factor ;

    湿热阻络证(17.2%), 苔黄腻为本型最重要的影响因素;

  • Its yellow tongue was long and moved very quickly .

    黄色 舌头很长并且很灵活地移动。

  • Study on Apoptosis Gene and its Related Protein in Gastric Mucosa in Gastric Disease Patients with Yellow Tongue Coating


  • Tongue with white thin or thin white thin and yellow yellow greasy tongue coating or no coating were most common .

    舌苔以白、薄或薄白,薄黄, 腻,少 或无苔多见。

  • Anxiety and depression in patients with tongue to fat major scalloPed-based thin yellow and greasy tongue to the main pulse to slippery thin string-based . Conclusion : 1 .

    焦虑抑郁患者舌体以胖大、齿痕为主, 质以薄 腻为主,脉象以弦滑、弦细为主。

  • Tongue manifestation in patients with early gastric carcinoma often performance normal and it often performance purple color ecchymosis tongue sublingual venae varicose yellow greasy tongue fur in the patients with advanced gastric carcinoma . 2 .


  • Methods : In gastric disease patients with yellow tongue coating apoptotic genes and their related proteins including PCNA p53 bcl 2 and fas were measured and compared with those in gastric disease patients with white tongue coating .

    方法:选取 胃病患者62例,采用免疫组化法与63例白苔胃病患者进行对照,采用免疫组化法检测胃粘膜增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)、p53、bcl2、fas凋亡基因相关蛋白。

  • It indicated that white tongue coating and yellow tongue coating have different features in cytochemical changes which were in accordance with the syndrome differentiations .

    提示白苔、 有各自不同的细胞化学变化特点,并与辨证结果基本一致。

  • There is no difference between the teams of yellow greasy fur and white greasy fur at infection of HP but correlation existing in the team of pale tongue .

    白腻苔和 黄腻苔在Hp感染中无差异,淡 和Hp的感染有相关性,脾虚寒湿证和湿热蕴脾 在Hp感染中无显著差异。

  • 【 Results 】 The preliminary diagnostic criteria of SDS in CSG were as follows : ( 1 ) the major symptoms were characterized as yellow and greasy tongue fur fullness or distension or pain in the stomach loose stool and poor appetite ;

    【结果】慢性浅表性胃炎脾胃湿热证的初步诊断标准为:以 舌苔 腻、胃脘痞满或胀或痛、大便溏、纳呆为主要症状;

  • Pale dark tongue white coating and yellow coating can always be observed in tongue manifestation .

    舌象以淡黯 、黯红舌,白腻苔、 苔多见。

  • The tongue in red and pink with a thin yellow tongue coating and Bo Bai pulse to fine fine mainly string and string .

    舌质以红及淡红为主, 舌苔以薄 及薄白为主,脉象以细、弦及弦细为主。

  • Result : Brain infarction was relationship with dull red tongue yellow and greasy fur smooth pulse . Cerebral hemorrhage was relationship with red tongue yellow fur tongue wiry and smooth pulse .

    结果:脑梗死与黯红舌质、黄腻舌苔、滑脉关系密切,而脑出血与红色舌质、 舌苔、弦滑脉关系密切。