xylose isomerase

[ˈzaɪˌlos aɪˈsɑməˌres][ˈzailəus aiˈsɔməreis]

[机] 木糖异构

  • The Selection of new Yeast Species Fermenting Directly Xylose to Ethanol by Cloning of Isomerase Gene

    直接发酵 木糖为酒精的新酵母基因工程菌的选育

  • The results can lay a foundation for application in industry of xylose isomerase .

    研究结果为 木糖 异构酶 进一步工业应用奠定了基础。

  • Study of Xylose Isomerase ── the Effect of Substituted Amino Acid on Flexible Surface Loops of Protein Molecule

    木糖 异构酶 突变体的研究&替代氨基酸对分子表面环柔性的影响

  • Expression xylose isomerase on Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell surface and its influence on xylose metabolism

    木糖 异构酶在酿酒酵母表面表达及对木糖代谢影响的初步研究

  • A third approach that bypasses the redox imbalance issue is to replace the reductase and dehydrogenase with one enzyme xylose isomerase that can be expressed in yeast .

    第三种绕过氧化还原反应辅助因子的不平衡的方法是利用一种能够在酵母中表达的 木糖 异构酶来替换还原酶和脱氢酶。

  • Expression Purification and Enzymatic Characterization of Thermophilic Xylose Isomerase in Escherichia coli

    嗜热 木糖 异构酶在大肠杆菌中的表达、纯化及性质研究

  • Correlation Analysis of ( G + C ) % of Coding Sequence and Thermostability of Xylose Isomerase of Thermophiles

    编码序列的( G+C)%与蛋白质的耐热性相关性分析

  • Molecular Docking of Xylitol and Xylose Isomerase from Thermus thermophilus and Model Analysis

    Thermusthermophilus 木糖 异构酶与木糖醇的分子对接及模型分析

  • Cloning and expression of the E.coli D - xylose isomerase gene

    E · coli 木糖 异构酶基因的克隆及表达 条件 优化

  • Displaying xylose isomerase on yeast cell surface

    木糖 异构酶在酿酒酵母细胞表面的展示