


  • Objective To design a multiplex PCR for simultaneous identification and toxigenic type characterization of Clostridium difficile isolates .

    目的建立可同时进行艰难梭菌分离株菌种鉴定和 毒素检测的多重PCR方法。

  • Toxigenic capacity and antigenicity of toxin from Clostridium septicum were studied .

    本文对败毒梭菌的 毒素能力、毒素的抗原性以及抗毒免疫进行了研究。

  • Detection of toxicity genes of shiga toxigenic escherichia coli

    产志贺 毒素大肠杆菌毒力基因检测

  • Cloning and Expression of the toxA Gene of Toxigenic Pasteurella multocida Serotype D from Swine

    猪源D型 毒素多杀性巴氏杆菌 toxA基因的克隆与表达

  • Progress of Research on the Toxigenic Pasteurella Multocida of Porcine Atrophic Rhinitis

    猪萎缩性鼻炎 多杀性巴氏杆菌的研究进展

  • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli ( EHEC ) such as E. coli O157 : H7and E. coli O104 : H4 is one type of toxigenic intestinal pathogens that can cause life-threatening hemorrhagic colitis ( HC ) and renal hemolytic uremic syndrome ( HUS ) .

    其中肠出血性大肠杆菌EHEC(O157:H7, O104:H4等)为产毒性肠道病原菌的一种,可以导致出血性肠炎和肾溶血性尿毒综合症,严重危害人类的身体健康。

  • The Efficacy of Recombinant Strain Expressing the Major Protective Antigens of Shiga-like Toxigenic Escherichia Coli Causing PWD / ED on Trial and Genotyping of PWD / ED Suspected Pigs Bearing F18 Fimbria Receptors

    表达致 PWD和ED大肠杆菌保护性抗原基因的重组菌的中间试验、环境释放试验及我国部分养殖猪种F18受体基因型的检测

  • An experimental study on the pathogenicity of toxigenic spine of Eucleid Caterpillar

    刺毛虫 毒刺毛致病性的实验研究

  • However the regulation of mtlR is not the immediate cause of the ferment difference of the toxigenic and non-toxigenic strains .

    但是 mtlR还不是引起快慢发酵菌株对甘露醇发酵差异的直接原因。

  • DON toxigenic matrix is mainly wheat and corn grain this toxin pollution situation is very common feedstuff and feed raw materials in the detection rate and the detection amount is quite high .

    DON的 基质主要是小麦和玉米,这种毒素污染粮谷类的情况非常普遍,饲料和饲料原料中其检出率和检出量都相当高。

  • Cholera toxin gene ( ctxAB ) is encoded by the lysogenic bacteriophage CTX Φ of Vibrio cholerae and can be transfered horizontally from toxigenic strains to non-toxigenic strains .

    霍乱弧菌的霍乱毒素基因ctxAB由其溶原性噬菌体CTXΦ编码,由此携带毒素基因在 毒株与非产毒株间水平转移。

  • Antitoxic immunity can protect animals from infection of toxigenic E. coli and it already became one of the focal point of ED study . The extraction of toxin or toxoid is the key of the mechanism and effect of antitoxic immunity study .

    抗毒素免疫可以保护动物免受 毒素大肠杆菌的侵袭,并已经成为水肿病研究的重点之一,毒素或类毒素的获取是研究抗毒素免疫机制及效果的关键。

  • Objective To study the ecological characteristics of toxigenic fungi in soil of the suburban villages of Zhangzhou Fujian .

    目的研究漳州市郊农村土壤的 霉菌生态。

  • Epidemiological studies on toxigenic Pasteurella multocida ( Pm ) and Bordetella bronchiseptica ( Bb ) in infectious atrophic rhinitis ( AR ) in swine


  • The fermentation rates of mannitol in toxigenic and non-toxigenic El Tor strains of Vibrio cholerae are obviously different which is a valuable indicator in the rapid identification of toxigenic strain .


  • Detection of tl and tdh Genes in Toxigenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus Strains Using Double Polymerase Chain Reactions

    双重PCR检测携带有tl和tdh基因的副溶血弧菌 毒力菌株

  • Pathogenic action of toxigenic Pasteurella multocida ( Pm ) in infectious atrophic rhinitis in swine : effects of Bordetella bronchiseptica ( Bb ) and toxigenic Pm polyinfections on occurence of infectious atrophic rhinitis in swine


  • Difficile ( C. difficile ) is an anaerobic Gram-positive spore-forming toxigenic or non-toxigenic bacillus .

    研究背景艰难梭菌是一种革兰阳性、产 毒素或非 毒素的厌氧芽胞杆菌。

  • The Basic Research in Growth and Toxigenic Gene of Alexandrium

    亚历山大藻生长和 相关基因的基础研究

  • A Study of Toxigenic Strain of Clostridium Cadaveris in the Can of Deteriorated Rabbit Meat

    变质兔肉罐头检出尸体梭菌 毒株的研究

  • Mutagenic Study on Aspergillus versicolor Toxigenic Cultures

    杂色曲霉 培养物的诱变性研究

  • Strains of Clostridium perfrigens type A were tested for their toxigenic capacity at different cultivation temperatures and time using different media .

    本试验对7株A型产气荚膜梭菌菌株在不同培养基、不同培养温度和不同培养时间的 毒力进行了试验。

  • The study of preventive and treatment of C.butyricum to toxigenic C. difficile infection

    酪酸 梭菌对艰难梭菌感染的防治研究

  • The other strains were not toxigenic which were isolated from normal food samples and distributed only within a few ribotypes .

    毒力 阴性菌株只占 26.2%,它们集中于少数核糖型中,而且都来源于正常食物样品。

  • As to the effects of incubation conditions on the toxigenicity the toxigenic strains M-10 etc. showed the highest toxigenicity on rice or corn media after two weeks incubation at 20 & 30 ℃ .

    条件试验结果表明,菌株 M-10等在大米或玉米培养基上,于20&30℃下培养两周以上,其产毒性较强。

  • One strain of toxigenic type D Pm was isolated from pigs on three AR negative farms which frequency was 1 / 13.Bb were isolated from pigs of different age ranges which positive detectable rate was 47.8 % ( 196 / 412 ) .

    从此10个猪场的不同年龄猪的鼻腔均分离到支气管 败血波氏杆菌,此菌阳性检出率为47.8%(196/412),其感染率与萎缩性鼻炎的发生率无关。

  • The studies on the Moniliformin ⅰ . Screening of toxigenic strain

    串珠镰刀菌素的研究&Ⅰ. 菌株的筛选