total state

[ˈtotl stet][ˈtəutəl steit]


  • In fact investment construction and accumulation of administrative assets has begun from the first day of the establishment of the government which has accounted for 35 % of total state assets making an important share of China 's large scale state assets .

    事实上,行政事业单位国有资产从政府设立那一天开始就在投入、建设和积累,迄今为止,占 国有资产 总量的比例已达到35%,是我国庞大国有资产的重要组成部分。

  • In addition we show that the information flow is closely related to entanglement and quantum discord and address the issue of how to utilize the total correlation of thermal state to detect the critical points at energy-level crossings .

    另外,我们还揭示了在单次测量情形下的信息流与纠缠和量子discord有密切联系以及如何利用基于迹距离的热 关联探测能级交叠点。

  • Wednesday 's decision by China Investment Corporation to inject $ 5bn of foreign exchange reserves into Morgan Stanley brings the total invested by state entities in cash-seeking western groups to more than $ 70bn .

    周三,中国投资公司(ChinaInvestmentCorporation)决定将50亿美元外汇储备注入摩根士丹利(MorganStanley),令各国 国有实体向那些寻求现金的西方集团投资的 金额达到了700亿美元以上。

  • The results indicate that total bacteria numbers exceeds state standard by 1 ~ 2 quantity level in every samples . The coliform bacteria numbers exceeds health standard in sample of seven and nine month .

    结果表明,每批泥螺样品的细菌 总数均超出卫生标准1~2个数量级,7月和9月样品的大肠菌群数超出了 规定的指标,应重视泥螺收捕后的消毒处理环节。

  • But right now it 's really impossible for external observers to verify or double-check what officials have said about reductions in numbers because the total is a state secret .

    但是当前外部观察人员要核实或复查官员所称的减少数字是不可能的,这 一切都是 国家机密。

  • The total amount of ion exchange state carbonate state and ferric-manganese oxidation state has very little effects on full selenium .

    二者的离子交换 、碳酸盐态和铁锰氧化态硒 含量加和对全硒的影响很小。

  • Researches on Total Contents and Effective State of Trace Elements of Soil in Duyun

    都匀市土壤微量元素 量及有效 研究

  • You can find the total claim numbers in each state with a background color .

    您可以通过背景色查找每个 索赔额。

  • Water Hinge set up center of collect monitoring controlling total engineering 's running state with computer monitor system and image monitor system .

    枢纽拟设立集中监控中心,利用计算机监控系统和图象监视系统控制 整个工程的运行 情况

  • The Relevance of Absorption of Wheat Seedlings and the Research on Extraction and Total State of Soil Heavy Metal Contents

    土壤重金属浸提 含量及 量与小麦幼苗吸收的相关性研究

  • For the continuous-time linear quadratic optimal control problem the differential equations in the total state space are given on the basis of the dynamic equation and the cost functional then a precise time integration algorithm is introduced into the above problem .

    对于连续时间线性二次最优控制问题,在动力学方程和价值泛函的基础上,给出其 状态下的微分方程,进而将精细时程积分法引入上述问题。

  • At first the society and economy of zhanjiang city is introduced also the natural condition as well as the state of economic development which includes the total state structure state and the area composition state of economic development .

    首先,介绍了湛江社会经济和自然条件以及经济发展状况,包括经济发展的 总体 状况、结构现状、区域布局状况;

  • Shunzhi years ( 1655 ) 1000 total Xigu Gosho and-order state the state set up the same .

    顺治十二年(1655),西固御所千 并阶 ,设州同。

  • Abstract Victoria is one of the important forestry regions in Australia . The total area of Victoria State is over 20 million hm2 in which public land is 9.1 million hm2 . The forest cover rate is as high as 80 % .

    维多利亚 是澳大利亚重要的林业省份之一,在其2000多万hm2 土地上,公有土地为910万hm2,森林覆盖率高达80%。

  • CONCLUSION : In teachers of primary school junior school and senior school the whole burnout state is not serious and depersonalization is relatively lower while personal accomplishment is high with the total state in a middle level .

    结论:中小学教师的情绪衰竭程度不高,非人性化程度较低,而个人成就感较高, 整体 状况处于中等水平。

  • Total Conceiving for State Capital Management in Investment on Fixed Assets Project

    固定资产投资项目 国家资本金管理的 总体构想

  • A total of 17 state attorneys-general have declared the proposals illegal .

    有17 的首席检察长宣布这些提议非法。

  • The total for that state principle can not be replaced by the principle of individual .

    的来说, 国家原则是不能以个人原则所替代的。

  • As the increase of circuit complexity traditional simulation method has been unable to cover the total state space and the correctness of microprocessor arithmetic circuit cannot be ensured .

    当电路复杂度达到一定规模后,传统的仿真验证方法已无法覆盖 整个 状态空间,从而无法保证像微处理器运算电路这类复杂设计的正确性。

  • You should know that the word means you are in a total state of perplexity .

    你应该知道这个词意味着你在一种 完全困惑的 状态

  • It starts at zero & total state control in a country where the government is entirely trusted .

    它从零开始,这个点代表政府获得充分信任,而 整个 国家都在政府的控制之下。

  • There are free adsorbed and dissolved states a total of three forms of existence in coal quality low-molecular-weight compounds by speculation and free state and adsorbed easily are extracted but total dissolved state can not easily be extracted .

    推测煤中低分子质化合物有游离态、吸附态和共溶态三种存在形式,游离态和吸附态易被萃取,而 不易被萃取。

  • A group statistical index system that can reflect total state and level of spare parts management are established .

    本文设置了一组 全面反映备件管理 现状与水平的统计指标体系;

  • The total volume of state purchase in the first quarter rose by5.2 percent compared with the same period of last year .

    和去年同期相比, 国家第一季度的 收购量增长了5.2个百分点。

  • The final products and value created by SME take about 60 % of GDP . And the tax revenue paid takes 50 % of total state tax .

    中小企业创造的最终产品和服务价值占国内生产总值的60%左右,上缴税收约为 国家税收 总额的50%,提供了75%以上的城镇就业机会。

  • Servi and Finn use classical methods to obtain the PGF ( z transform ) of the number of customers in the system and the LST of the total time in steady state and applied these results to performance analysis of gateway router in fiber communication networks .

    Servi和Finn使用经典方法得出了 稳态下系统中顾客数的PGF和逗留时间的LST,并将研究结果应用到了光纤通信网络的网关路由器的性能分析。

  • The postcure effect gave a great influence on the total curing state of radial tire particularly radial light truck tire .

    硫化后冷却时的后硫化效应对 硫化 程度影响很大,尤以轻载子午线轮胎为甚。

  • Burma 's current trade restrictions are a legacy of nearly total state control of the economy from 1962 to 1988 when Gen Ne Win was pursuing his quixotic Burmese way to Socialism .

    缅甸目前的贸易限制,是1962年至1988年 国家几乎 完全控制经济的遗留影响。当时,奈温将军(GenNeWin)正在追求他那堂吉诃德式的缅甸社会主义道路。