to the question

[tu ði ˈkwɛstʃən][tu: ðə ˈkwestʃən]


  • This is an elegant answer to the question of how to present access to the device 's files .

    这种方式能够很好 提供对设备上文件的访问。

  • That is an indirect answer to the question .

    那只是 问题的间接答复。

  • From the question of the scaffold to the question of war their works embraced everything .

    他们的工程包括一切,从断头台问题 直到战争 问题都被包括在内。

  • Despite the existence of guidelines for method selection it has been proven on many projects that there is no single correct answer to the question of what method to use .

    尽管有很多方法选择的指导,但是很多项目的实践表明,采用什么样的方法 问题并没有唯一正确的答案。

  • Talking about this led to the question of whether it would be practical to add a simple and transparent language translator to the Second Life client .

    讨论这一点就会引起一个 问题:向SecondLife客户机中添加一个简单而透明的语言翻译器是否实用。

  • A UK poll of 2000 females has come up with the answer to the question that has plagued blokes for centuries : What do women look for in a man ?

    一项针对2000名女性的英国调查回答了一个困扰了小伙子们好几个世纪 问题:女人最看重男人的什么?

  • If the answer that one gives is not even related to the question then the answer becomes totally illogical .

    要是你的答案 问题毫不相干,答案就等于完全没有逻辑性。

  • Because I didn 't know the answer to the question .

    因为我一 也不会

  • The politician refused to give the straight answer to the question .

    这个政治家拒绝正面回答 记者 问题

  • We again come to the question of granularity when we consider operation parameters .

    在讨论操作参数时,同样 面对粒度 问题

  • You must give a definite answer to the question . There 's no getting round it .

    你必须明确回答 这个 问题,想绕是绕不过去的。

  • He came straight to the question of money ; which was a shock to me .


  • Can I come back to the question of policing once again ?

    我能再 回到维护治安的 问题上来吗?

  • Now coming back to the question with which I started the speech is China a power ?

    回到我演讲开始时 提出 那个 问题:中国是一个强国吗?

  • We absolutely also have an interest in trying to achieve that through a peaceful diplomatic means and also to have a total answer to the question that challenges the security of the United States the Middle East and the world .

    通过和平、外交手段努力实现这一目标, 挑战美国、中东和全世界安全 问题找到一个完整答案也绝对符合我们的利益。

  • In answer to the question at the top of this section PHP gives developers the flexibility of producing dynamic content in an easy-to-read and easy-to-develop manner .

    本节开始部分 问题可以这样回答,PHP为开发人员提供了以一种易读和易开发的形式生成动态内容的灵活性。

  • Over the years I have found at least one sure answer to the question .

    这些年来, 真爱 定义,我至少找到一个准确的 答案

  • This would consist of summaries of the contributions of previous researchers to the question under consideration with some assessment of the value of these contributions .

    这将由以前的研究者 对于 这个 问题贡献的概要所组成,并附有这些贡献的价值的一些评估。

  • 533 That brings us to the question of price . What do you have in mind ?

    那使我们想起价钱 问题,你心目中的价钱是多少?

  • Now we come to the question of how to authenticate the partner who you are exchanging information with .

    现在,我们 谈论 问题是,如何认证您正在与之交换信息的伙伴。

  • That is according to the sense you attach to the question sir .

    那得看您 这个 问题是指哪一方面了,先生。

  • This leads to the question of how much detailed data and scripting is required for acceptance testing .

    这样引导出 这样 问题:验收测试到底需要多少具体的数据和脚本。

  • Whats the best way to respond to the question of how much are you making in your current position ?

    怎么样才能最好 回答目前我挣多少钱 这个 问题

  • Ultimately for the best possible answers to the question you need to cross borders to learn how programmers use closures in other languages .

    要得到 这个 问题的最佳答案,您需要跨越边界,去了解程序员在其他语言中是如何使用闭包的。

  • This was said somewhat tongue-in-cheek but there is a serious point to the question .

    当然这种说法有些开玩笑的意味,但是确实存在这样 问题

  • In response to the question in the pop-up window that asks if you would like to move the selected objects into a new transaction click Yes .

    然后会出现一个弹出窗口,该窗口会询问是否想要将选择的对象移动到一个新的交易之中,点击Yes以 应该 询问

  • That is not material to the question .

    这个 问题 无关紧要

  • There is no'right'answer to the question .

    这个 问题上没有“正确”答案。

  • So the answer to the question is that a tomato is technically the fruit of the tomato plant but it 's used as a vegetable in cooking .

    所以说, 问题的答案就是,从技术上来说,西红柿是西红柿植株的果实,但是在烹饪上被用作蔬菜。