toe the line


  • Don 't toe the line just as it is grotesque left to the mercy of it .

    不要因它怪诞就 俯首听命,听任它的摆布。

  • He 's one of the politicians that wouldn 't toe the party line .

    他是不肯 从政路线 几个政客之一。

  • No. Hollande has said that he would shake things up once he gets in power and would not toe the line with Germany or anyone else .

    奥朗德曾经说过,一旦掌权,他将彻底改革,而且不会 追随德国或者其他国家的脚步。

  • Business schools emphasise how to make you toe the line .

    而商学院强调的则是 循规蹈矩

  • At least half of Hong Kong movies today areco-produced with mainland organizations and screenwriters here are also having to toe the Beijing line .

    今天至少一半的香港电影都是与大陆的 合拍片,而剧本自然也就不得不向广电总局 标准靠拢。

  • The results show that the four failure modes were ranked from highest to lowest effect : slip along the foundation non-uniform distributions of stress tension crack of the floodgate heel in the upper stream and compression failure of the floodgate toe in the downstream line .

    由计算结果看出,水闸闸室沿闸基面滑动为水闸的最主要失效模式,上下游应力不均匀、上游闸踵拉裂、下游闸 压坏为次要失效模式。

  • Still if you work for Microsoft Russia I guess you have to toe the Party line she added .

    “并且,如果你为微软俄罗斯工作,我猜你一定得 公司 路线’,”她补充道。

  • Smiling racers are covered from head to toe in mud when they finally cross the finish line .

    当他们最后越过终点 线时,满面笑容的参赛选手从头到 布满泥浆。

  • To avoid huge fines networks and stations won 't just toe the line that the Without a Trace fine suggests ; they may steer well clear of it .

    为避免巨额的罚金,广播电视公司和广播电视台不会 吸取《寻人密探组》一案的教训,反而会很好地打 擦边球。

  • What does a guy get who can 't toe the line ?

    不听 命令 家伙会怎么处理?

  • Some politicians are to be applauded for their insight but they are too few to be able to sway the masses that toe the party line regardless of the situation .

    一些政客将会因为他们洞察力得到赞赏,但是他们的人数太少而不能够影响到大部分的政客,那些用 指头 贯彻政党的 路线而不看情势的政客们。

  • One or two of them refused to toe the line .

    他们中有一两个人拒不 服从 组织

  • Cracks Would initiate successively from the bottom turning and toe of the fusion line ( that is the gap top ) .

    裂纹依次从焊缝熔合 线(即缺口顶端)乳头内,两侧拐角和 接近 起裂。

  • Labour 's insistence that members toe the party line .

    工党坚持 党员要遵循党的 路线

  • The simulation result shows that the effect by the feeding angle and toe angle on the distribution of cross-rolling characteristic values along the rolling centre line in cross-rolling operation is following a certain law .

    模拟结果表明,斜轧送进角和 角对 沿轧制中心 线斜轧特征值分布形态的影响有一定的规律。

  • The floodgate may be regarded as a series system with four main failures modes including slip along the foundation compression failure of the floodgate toe in the downstream line tension crack of the floodgate heel in the upper stream and non-uniform stress distributions .

    软基上的水闸可看成由4种主要失效模式(沿闸基面的滑动、下游闸 压坏、上游闸踵拉裂和上下游应力不均匀)所组成的串联体系。

  • So I toe the line and put the clocks back only once a year and - sigh - put them forward again in the spring .

    因此,我 听从 命令,每年只把时钟回拨一次,然后唉再在春季往前拨。

  • The chairman warned the senators to toe the party line while running for the governor .

    议长告诫议员们在竞选州长时要 严守党的 路线

  • He was always careful to toe the party line .

    他一直很 服从党的 命令

  • The first time the new teacher met his class he told the pupils that he expected all of them to toe the line in his lessons .

    这位新教师个他的班级第一次见面是便对他的学生说,在他上课 时候,他要求他们 循规蹈矩

  • The deal with a job is that you opt to do it and can resign whenever you like but while you are doing it you must toe the line .

    工作的定义是,你选择做这份工作,不想干了还可以随时辞职,但只要你在做这份工作,你就必须 履行 职责

  • He might not like the rules but he 'll toe the line just to avoid trouble .

    他不太支持这些规定,但为了避免 惹是生非还是 严格 遵守

  • If you put another toe out of the line we 'll bring you straight home .

    如果你再不规矩,再 作出 出格的事情,我们就把你直接领回家。

  • The sociology of big banks'boards also had something to do with it says Ingo Walter of New York 's Stern School of Business : as the members bonded dissidents felt pressure to toe the line .

    大银行董事会的社会关系学与此也有些关联,纽约斯特恩商学院的IngoWalter认为:因为利益联盟,持不同政见者在那些 循规蹈矩者中总要承受更大的压力。

  • Ministers who wouldn 't toe the party line were swiftly got rid of .

    一些不愿 党的 路线 办事的部长很快就被清出了党。