to the tune of

[tu ði tun ʌv][tu: ðə tju:n ɔv]


  • The CPM market was astonishingly effective and large to the tune of trillions of dollars .

    CPM市场不仅效率惊人,而且非常庞大,市值 数万亿美元之巨。

  • She seemed somehow to have consumed four glasses of pernod to the tune of several hundred frances .

    不知怎的,她好像喝下了四杯波诺 ,价值 几百法朗。

  • But I do have a problem with the unwarranted taxpayer subsidies we 've been handing out to oil and gas companies – to the tune of $ 4 billion a year .

    但对于用纳税人的钱给这些石油气公司提供不适当的补贴,我很有意见& 数字达到了每年40亿美元。

  • What is more higher net revenue marks to the tune of over a billion dollars plus lower credit costs and expenses helped the bottom line .

    此外,净收入增长逾10 亿美元,加之信贷成本和支出有所降低,帮助提升了业绩。

  • The effect of a few months of consulting advice was that profits rose by almost a fifth to the tune of several hundred thousand dollars a year .

    几个月的咨询建议产生的效应是:工厂利润增长了近五分之一,一年 多达数十万美元。

  • She worked and dreamed daily to the tune of the bubbling stream .

    她每天 随着潺潺的 泉韵工作幻想。

  • We were robbed to the tune of fifty pounds .

    我们被 抢去的钱计有五十镑。

  • In one case a hospital in Atlanta sacked four people when it discovered that its scheme had been scammed to the tune of $ 35 .

    以亚特兰大的一家医院为例,当发现员工利用其推荐计划 诈骗了3.5万美元之后, 医院解雇了4名员工。

  • For example because we were somewhat negligent in our work last year bonuses were issued indiscriminately to the tune of over five billion yuan .

    比如去年我们疏忽了一点,出了一股滥发奖金风,奖金一项发了约 五十亿

  • They 've been sponsoring the World Cup to the tune of a million and a half pounds .

    他们已经对世界杯 提供 150万英镑 赞助费。

  • Dance to the tune of love you fool .

    随着爱 音调 起舞吧,你这个傻瓜。

  • Rather than dancing to the tune of the world 's leaders forex markets suffered a new wave of aversion to risk .

    但外汇市场并没有随着世界领导人 曲调 起舞,而是出现了新一波避险浪潮。

  • Things fell apart only after American banksters were allowed to ripoff the nation and the world to the tune of TRILLIONS-and the looting continues today .

    事情只是在美国的强盗银行家们剥削美国和全世界世界 搜刮了多达万亿的钱财后才发生了改变&而这种抢劫在今天还在持续着。

  • We sing these line to the tune of yankee doodle .

    我们用扬基歌 曲调唱这几句歌词。

  • The oars were silver Which to the tune of flutes kept stroke and made The water which they beat to follow faster As amorous of their strokes .

    浆是白银的,随着 笛声 节奏在水面上下,使那被它们击动的痴心的水波加快了速度简直无法形容。

  • Wall Street sang the blues yesterday – to the tune of $ 28 billion in paper losses for one of its leaders .

    华尔街昨天大唱 悲歌&一个占主导地位的股票纸上损失280亿元。

  • The town is building a new hall to the tune of twenty thousand dollars .

    这个小镇正在修建一座新礼堂, 造价 两万美元。

  • We can 't dance to the tune of corrupt politicians and capitalists !

    我们不能再 那些腐化堕落的政客和财阀们 唯命是从了!

  • In fact the blue-and the white-collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management .

    事实上,蓝领和白领工人已经成了伴随自动化机器和官僚主义管理方式 节奏翩翩起舞的经济玩偶。

  • A hopeless attachment is as pretty an accompaniment to the tune of life as a gentleman might wish to have .

    对于一个只能希望的绅士来说,毫无希望的眷恋仍是生活 旋律 一个可爱的伴奏。

  • THE naughty ditty that generations of Spanish schoolchildren have sung to one another to the tune of the national anthem is hardly respectful .

    西班牙的孩子们在左邻右舍里和着国歌的 旋律 上自己编的歌词,变成了 一曲 曲调小调,丝毫没有歌唱国歌时的神圣之感。

  • The cost of the repairs came to the tune of a hundred pounds .

    修理费 100英镑 多。

  • Lee is now in debt to the tune of $ 20 as he is still paying off the wedding .

    为了 彩礼,李现在欠了2万 澳元,因为他仍然需要还清了婚礼。

  • A building of massive proportions appears before our eyes as if overnight followed by jubilant fireworks illuminating the darkness to the tune of Silent Night sung in a syrupy Mandarin .

    一座气势宏伟的建筑物仿佛一夜之间出现在我们眼前,紧接着是喜庆的焰火,伴随着用甜美的普通话演唱的《平安夜》 旋律,照亮了黑暗。

  • The product differentiates itself by simplifying the experience ( fewer remote controls a unified interface ) while offering more channels to the tune of 1 or so .

    这款产品将简化用户体验(更少的遥控器、统一的界面),同时将提供更多频道( 1200个频道),从而 家公司带来差异化优势。

  • Vying withNigeriato be Africa 's largest producer of crude oil Angolais awash with Chinese credit to the tune of $ 14.5 billion .

    安哥拉与尼日利亚竞争非洲最大的原油生产国,它接收 了来自中国高达 145亿 借款。

  • She would write her memoirs and include in them faithful records of her association with every noble Lord who failed to pay hush money to the tune of two hundred pounds .

    她准备写回忆录,并且把她同每位贵族老爷的关系如实地写在里面,假如 贵族老爷不肯付给她200英镑的 封嘴话。

  • The studio at Boston University which was recently refitted with new software and circuitry to the tune of $ 1m is typically booked from morning until night six days a week .

    波士顿大学的这间工作室最近装配了价值高 100万美元 新软件和线路,通常每周6天、从早到晚都被预定满当。