to zero in...


  • The key of the proposed modulation strategy is to reduce the complex voltage to zero in the generalized zero sequence sub-space of inverter side .

    该策略目的是使变换器逆变侧的广义零序子空间合成电压 ,从而使五相矩阵变换器逆变侧的输出电流谐波尽可能的减小。

  • This article looked at the basic methods to get baseline information and then the different tools that can be used to zero in on the issue .

    本文讨论了获得基线信息的基本方法,然后介绍了 用来 识别问题的一些工具。

  • After a cut to zero in the deposit rate the ECB pays the banks on July 5 the central bank expected the banks to increase loans . Instead they appear to be sitting on the funds .

    7月5日欧洲央行将支付给银行的存款利率下调 ,旨在鼓励银行增加贷款,但银行似乎按兵不动。

  • With rates close to zero in the rich world and likely to stay there for a while this would lure in foreign capital adding to domestic liquidity .

    发达国家的利率几近 ,并且可能在一段时间之内保持不变,这将吸引国外资本流入,这些国家的流动资金将因此增加。

  • The present paper described the control process of the gas pressure of He in cylinder from 4 MPa to zero in Laser burring . By application of this process not only the energy consumption is reduced but the work efficiency is also improved .

    介绍了激光打毛过程 ,连续使用气瓶压力小于4MPaHe气 直至 的控制过程,不仅减少能源消耗,而且提高了工作效率。

  • With global sourcing networks bringing tariffs to zero in a sector can give diverse manufacturers and consumers mutual benefits as we have seen in information technology .

    凭借全球采购网络,一个行业关税削减 ,能够为广大的制造商和消费者带来互惠互利的结果,正如我们在信息技术行业看到的那样。

  • Going from two to three that 's an adiabatic expansion so q is equal to zero in that step .

    从第二点到第三点,是绝热膨胀,因此q 等于

  • It 's a good idea to zero in on what the two of you have in common and make conversation based on those similarities .

    确认你们两个的共同之处,并且以其 基础进行 交谈是个好主意。

  • But from a system-wide perspective when the return on money becomes close to zero in nominal terms and substantially negative in real terms then normal functionality may break down .

    但从整个体系的视角来看,当资金名义回报率接近 、实际回报率为高额负值时,信贷市场的正常功能可能会失灵。

  • The Federal Reserve cut short-term interest rates in effect to zero in December then embarked on quantitative easing in March by buying bonds with newly printed money .

    去年十二月美联储已将短期利率削减 ,随后于今年三月份实施“定量宽松”政策,用新印制的纸币购买债券。

  • India has gone from hero to zero in six months .

    嘿嘿,这句不错,六个月 ,印度从英雄变成了 狗熊。哈哈。

  • If the stipulated time the value to zero in love the game failed .

    若在规定的时间内,爱心值 ,则游戏失败。

  • It is pointed out that in many textbooks the derivation of the theorem that the ratio of heat to temperature amounts to zero in any reversible cycle is insufficiently exact and too excessively brief .

    关于任一可逆循环热温比之 的推导,许多教材上的阐述存在着不够准确和过于简单的问题,本文提出一种比较严格的推导方法。

  • Even though graphology is definitely valuable in detecting forgeries careful test of accuracy in psychological studies have shown that graphologists score close to zero in rating personality .

    即使笔体学在鉴定赝品时非常有用,心理学的研究中对它进行的准确性测试显示, 评估性格这方面,笔体学的准确性几乎低 0

  • Because this facility can provide a large amount of data you can control the level of trace in order to zero in on the information that you want .

    因为这个工具可以提供大量数据,所以可以控制跟踪的级别,只获取 需要的信息。

  • Incredibly yields on index-linked bonds were close to zero in the US 0.12 per cent in Germany and 0.27 per cent in the UK .

    令人难以置信的是, 美国,指数挂钩债券的收益率接近 ;德国为0.12%,英国为0.27%。

  • Growth slowed to close to zero in the fourth quarter of last year and in February exports tumbled 26 per cent .

    去年第四季度中国经济环比增长接近 ,而今年2月份出口下降了26%。

  • The morning amounted to zero in the afternoon they had sold sixteen dollars and eighty-five cents worth of merchandise eight dollars of it being on credit .

    上午 等于 ,下午卖了十六元八角五分,八块钱是赊账。

  • Once you have identified suspicious traffic you can then start to add specifications on the command line to zero in on the detail of the traffic .

    一旦您识别出了可疑流量,您就可以开始在命令行上添加参数 以便 关注 流量细节。

  • Italys GDP fell in the second quarter and although growth has held up better in France and Spain the growth in the euro area as a whole was close to zero in the quarter .

    意大利第二季度GDP负增长,法国及西班牙虽然稍强,但是欧元区大部分国家第二季度经济都 接近 增长。

  • Although the average temperature is-25C it can plummet to-40 or soar to zero in the summer .

    尽管这里的平均气温是零下25摄氏度,最冷时会降到零下40度, 夏季时升 左右。

  • The markets have failed to zero in on this problem he writes because of all the other squeaky wheels in the global economy & but sooner or later latch on they will .

    吴写到,由于全球经济中其他吱吱作响的齿轮,市场 未能 集中关注这个问题&但迟早,他们会意识到这一点。

  • Sitting among the optimistic yellows of the Oval Office the president is quick to zero in on what has caused so many in his party to reject his efforts .

    坐在椭圆办公室里,周围都是乐观的 黄种人,总统迅速就为何党内广泛反对他的改革成绩进行辩解。

  • Closing sets the balances of the revenue and expense accounts back to zero in order to measure the net income of the next period .

    通过结账,各收入和费用账户的余额都 变成 ,以便计量下一个会计期间的净损益。

  • If you wish to zero in on a particularly weak station however you must resort to a little math to alter the length of the crossbar .

    如果您希望 捕捉 一个特别微弱的电台,那么您必须进行一些简单的计算修改横担的长度。

  • To zero in on the content I first applied the MySQL filter to the output .

    为了 专注 内容,我首先对输出应用了MySQL过滤。

  • Central banks have held interest rates at ultra-low levels trimming the yields available from safe sovereign bonds close to zero in many cases .

    各国央行将利率保持在超低水平,让许多国家的安全主权债券的收益率 降至

  • But this study furthers our understanding of how the human brain is able to zero in on the specific sounds it wants and process them .

    总之,这个研究表明了人类 如何可以 确定专门的(也就是自己想要听到的)声音,并且处理这些声音信号。

  • That should help you to zero in on statements that are likely to provide a good return on your investment of performance-tuning time .

    这些信息应该有助 寻找可能产生良好的性能调优效果的语句。