tobacco ring spot virus

[təˈbæko rɪŋ spɑt ˈvaɪrəs][təˈbækəu riŋ spɔt ˈvaiərəs]


  • Purification of virus preparation of antiserum and refinement of antiserum by protein A-Sepharose CL-4 B column chromatography technique for soybean 's tobacco ring spot virus

    大豆的 烟草 病毒提纯、抗血清制备和蛋白质A&琼脂糖CL-4B柱层析纯化抗血清的研究

  • Identification of biological properties of tobacco ring spot virus in Soybean

    大豆的 烟草 病毒(TRSV)生物学性状的鉴定

  • On the bead ELISA technique for detecting tobacco ring spot virus from soybean plants

    大豆上 病毒的塑珠酶联免疫吸附测定

  • The tobacco ring spot virus of soybean is a very serious seed borne disease in American soybean field .

    大豆的 烟草 病毒(TRSV),系种子带 传病,它是引起产量严重损失的大豆 病毒病害之一。

  • Identification on Tobacco Ring spot Virus of Sugar Beet in Ningxia

    宁夏甜菜的 烟草 病毒的鉴定