tobacco mosaic virus

[təˈbæko moˈzeɪk ˈvaɪrəs][təˈbækəu məʊˈzeɪɪk ˈvaiərəs]


  • On indicators of physiological and biochemical and vitro passivation and quality of tobacco seedlings pots and indoor and field experiments were conducted to study the effects of extracts from different plant and inhibitor on tobacco mosaic virus .

    本实验通过盆栽、室内和大田试验,从生理生化指标、超微结构变化、体外钝化和烟叶生长等几方面,研究了不同植物提取液对 烟草 普通 花叶病的疗效和对烟叶品质的影响。

  • Rapid Detection of Tobacco Mosaic Virus from Crude Samples on Oscillatory-flow Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Microfluidics

    微流控振荡流反转录聚合酶链式反应快速检测 烟草 花叶病

  • Research on spread ability of tobacco mosaic virus in the field

    烤烟 普通 花叶病 田间 自然传播能力研究

  • Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Tobacco Mosaic Virus Proliferation in Transgenic Chili Peppers and its Protoplast

    黄瓜花叶病毒和 烟草 花叶病 在双抗转基因线辣椒内的增殖

  • The influence of meteorological conditions on the occurrence and development of tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) in Northeast Fujian is analyzed .

    分析了气象条件对闽西北 烟草 普通 花叶病(TMV)发生发展的影响。

  • By inoculation tobacco mosaic virus in the tomato seedling the results showed that the seven inbred lines were all resistant to the diseases above the R level . 2 .

    对这7份抗病自交系进行 烟草 花叶病 室内苗期抗病接种鉴定,结果表明,上述7份自交系对番茄 烟草 花叶病 病抗性水平都在R级以上。

  • Construction of a dsRNA Prokaryotic Expression System Using Red Recombination for Resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus

    利用Red重组系统构建dsRNA原核表达体系抗 烟草 花叶病 研究

  • Among 520 tobacco samples collected in Yunnan Province 71.74 % 55.01 % and 6.35 % samples were infected by Tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) CMV and Potato virus Y ( PVY ) respectively .

    在云南采集的520个花叶病样品中,烟草花叶病毒( tobacco mosaic virusTMV 、CMV和马铃薯Y病毒(PotatovirusY,PVY)总检出率分别为71.74%、55.01%和6.35%;

  • Tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) one of the most serious virus which infect tobacco plants is widely distributed and have caused enormous economic losses .

    烟草花叶病毒( tobacco mosaic virusTMV)是侵染烟草植物的最严重的病毒之一,该病分布广泛,造成了巨大的经济损失。

  • The effect of oligosaccharins on tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) in Nicotiana glutinosa was studied and its effect on defensive enzymes was tested .

    研究了0.5%氨基寡糖素AS(净土灵)6.25mg/L对 烟草 花叶病 (TMV)枯斑寄主心叶烟(Nicotianaglutinosa)的预防、治疗和钝化作用及其在烟草上引起的寄主体内防御酶系变化。

  • Control effect on tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) was tested in pepper by leaf spray .

    利用喷叶法〔1〕在辣椒上测定了4种不同微肥对 烟草 花叶病 (TMV)的防治效果。

  • Research advances in tobacco mosaic virus replicase mediated resistance

    烟草 花叶病 复制酶介导抗性的研究进展

  • Virus templates in virus-enabled rechargeable battery mainly deal with M13 bacteriophage virus and tobacco mosaic virus .

    病毒基二次电池的病毒模板主要研究了M13噬菌体病毒以及 烟草 花叶病

  • Resistance Induced by β - aminobutyric Acid in Tobacco to Tobacco Mosaic Virus

    β-氨基丁酸诱导烟草抗 烟草 花叶病 系统 侵染 研究

  • Effects of virulent and mild strains of tobacco mosaic virus on tobacco plants

    烟草 花叶病 强、弱毒株对烟草植株的影响

  • Abstract : tobacco mosaic virus plays an very important role in the discovery of virus and several pioneers made contributions to the developmental process of virology through which the brief history of discovery of virus can be traced .

    文摘: 烟草 花叶病 病毒在病毒的发现中有着极其重要的地位,几位病毒学研究的先驱在这方面的研究有极大的贡献,以此为线索可以看到病毒被发现的简要历史。

  • Photosynthesis Characters and Peroxidase Activities of Tobacco Leaves Infected by Tobacco Mosaic Virus

    烟草 花叶病 对烟草叶片光合特征和POD表达的影响

  • The fluorescence labeling technique of phycoerythrin and application for the immunoassay of Tobacco mosaic Virus were studied in this research using it as a labeling probe .

    本文以藻红蛋白为荧光探针,探讨了藻红蛋白荧光标记技术及荧光探针在 烟草 花叶病 免疫检测中的应用效果。

  • Antiviral effect of extracts from Myrica rubra on Tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) was investigated .

    以烟草花叶病毒( tobacco mosaic virusTMV)为 病毒,对杨梅叶提取物抗病毒活性进行测定。

  • Study of Two Oligosaccharides Inducing Resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus

    两种寡糖类激发子诱导 烟草烟草 花叶病 研究

  • Tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) is identified from some samples too .

    从少数样本中也分离到 烟草 花叶病 (TMV)。

  • The conditions for detecting tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) RNA in tobacco leave extract by RNA dot hybridization using a radioactive probe containing the cDNA of 3 ' terminal RNA of TMV strain OM have been studied .

    用普通烟草花叶病毒OM株3′-端约2kb的cDNA为探针,探索了用RNA斑点杂交法对烟草组织中 烟草 花叶病毒RNA进行检测的条件。

  • Some compounds showed a very good inhibitory effect against tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) .

    初步的生物测试结果表明,所合成的部分化合物具有良好的抑制 烟草 花叶病 (TMV))活性。

  • The introduction of chimeric coat protein gene of tobacco mosaic virus and the regeneration of transgenic tobacco plant

    烟草 花叶病毒外壳蛋白的基因导入和转化烟株的再生

  • Detection of Tobacco Mosaic Virus on Cucumber by RT-PCR

    黄瓜上 烟草 花叶病 的RT-PCR检测

  • The inhibition of plant activator protein on RNA and coat protein of tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) was studied .

    研究了植物激活蛋白对 烟草 花叶病 RNA及外壳蛋白的抑制作用。

  • Tobacco Mosaic Virus ( TMV ) Coat Protein Induce Tobacco Against Plant Virus

    烟草 花叶病毒外壳蛋白诱导烟草抗病毒作用

  • TMV ( Tobacco mosaic virus TMV ) is a viral disease of tobacco which is very common disease it severely restricts the development of Tobacco quality and yield is one of the major problems to be solved in China s Tobacco industry .

    烟草花叶病毒( tobacco mosaic virus,TMV)是烟草病毒病中很常见的一种病害,它严重制约着烟草的质量和产量的的发展,是我国烟草行业亟待解决的主要问题之一。

  • Isolation and identification of tobacco mosaic virus from peach

    一种侵染桃树的 烟草 花叶病 TMV 的分离鉴定

  • Identification of tobacco mosaic virus infecting ginger

    侵染姜的 烟草 花叶病 的鉴定